Space In The Pits

  • Thread starter Freddy


I was just driving a few courses on GT4 today when I realised something. If GT HD can put you up against 19 other cars making a total of 20 on track, how will this effect the space in the pits?

I know that on some of the smaller courses there's only enough room for 6-8 cars and even on some of the bigger ones you could probably only fit a max of 15. So how do you think KY and PD will resolve this? Will they:

1. Rework the pits so that 20 cars fit on some/all of the courses.

2. Make a car limit on some courses. Eg. Beginner course can only have a max of 8 cars.

3. Get rid of some tracks entirely.

In my opinion they'll limit the amount of cars and get rid of some courses. I can't see them going back and reworking the pits for a whole bunch of courses.

What are yout views on this?
the pits are VERY large, and unless cars become twice the size they are now, there isn't going to be a problem.
Yeah, but those courses will need somewhatlarger pits, and the beginner course? Who gives a foobar!
I think this was discussed earlier.

Anyway, Trial Mountain was my initial concern after seeing the E3 video last year. The track has an extremely small pit lane that can barely hold 6 cars, nevertheless more. I doubt GTHD will have 20 cars on track at once in the beginning (Im thinking 12 like at this years E3 movie), but any increase will make me worry about them changing the original circuits. Other than maybe HSR, GV, complex string and SSR11, I dont think any of the original circuits can hold 20 cars in their pits. Deep forest, Trial Mountain, Autumn Ring and Motorland dont have even enough space for 12 pits, not even close.

Im curious to see how PD will handle this, I dearly hope they dont change the circuits but allow us to race full grids on TM and Deep Forest.
-> I think some tracks have enclosed pit garages and some open types. I think the pit area on Tsukuba Circuit are open and the one in Sarthe/Le Mans are enclosed type. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but most of older racetracks (like Nurb-North) are smaller compared to those of newer tracks (like the newer Nurb-Circuit).
:rolleyes: Not all of them are VERY large.

The pits at the Nürburgring are quite small, as are the ones at the beginner course.
I think the Nurburgring has a second set of pits back along the straight. Don't quote me on it, though.
I think the Nurburgring has a second set of pits back along the straight. Don't quote me on it, though.

That's where the public laps start. I don't think they're actual pits.

For the 24 hour races at the Nurburgring, the pits on the new GP track are used.
I think they will re-model some and start from scratch on others, that's why we will have to download the other tracks and cars later, and that’s why we will have to pay for the tracks and cars.
I think they will re-model some and start from scratch on others, that's why we will have to download the other tracks and cars later, and that’s why we will have to pay for the tracks and cars.

I hope this is an opinion, not an explanation.

You see, that is no need to remodel the entire track just for the pits. They could add, for example, Nurburgring GP course so the pits could be transferred to that location. Or, in some cases, they could size down the spaces between pits.

There are some tracks (i dont remember now) that the space between cars on the pits is too large. They could fit 18 cars where today only 6 are using.

No need, also, to make a too much long pit entry.

That is the minor or problems, IMO.
That's where the public laps start. I don't think they're actual pits.

For the 24 hour races at the Nurburgring, the pits on the new GP track are used.
Problem solved, then. Someone else may have the licenc eto the GP track, but no-one has the licence to the Nordschliefe with GP track extension, right?
Problem solved, then. Someone else may have the licenc eto the GP track, but no-one has the licence to the Nordschliefe with GP track extension, right?

PGR3 has the combined GP+Nordschleife course under the name "The Behemoth." Whether or not they have exclusive rights to that layout is hard to say...
PGR3 has the combined GP+Nordschleife course under the name "The Behemoth." Whether or not they have exclusive rights to that layout is hard to say...

So they licenced "The Behemoth", not Nurb+GP :P

They could make double-side pit-lanes for the original tracks - some cars turn right for a pit, some left... Or squeeze the cars more tightly, and make the entry-exit shorter (and replace with pits). Trial Mountain is an example - there's a very wide, but short, space for the pits - a double-sided pit would double the number of available places.
I recently "toured" the Hong Kong pits (entered in reverse, pitted a couple of times, and then photomode-toured them), and there's just so much unused space there. Wide open places with no pits.
Some tracks, like Grand Valley Speedway, Clubman Stage (and SS) Route 5, Twin Ring Motegi, High Speed Ring, Deep Forest, and Apricot Hill have sufficient space as it is - most of it is wasted on entry/exit, though.

And on that occasion - get rid of the stupid P-spec Pit guy. I want to drive my car into the pitlane on my own. A speed-limiter could be made an option for novices, but I don't want him to take contol in the pits.
I think this was discussed earlier.

Anyway, Trial Mountain was my initial concern after seeing the E3 video last year. The track has an extremely small pit lane that can barely hold 6 cars, nevertheless more. I doubt GTHD will have 20 cars on track at once in the beginning (Im thinking 12 like at this years E3 movie), but any increase will make me worry about them changing the original circuits. Other than maybe HSR, GV, complex string and SSR11, I dont think any of the original circuits can hold 20 cars in their pits. Deep forest, Trial Mountain, Autumn Ring and Motorland dont have even enough space for 12 pits, not even close.

Im curious to see how PD will handle this, I dearly hope they dont change the circuits but allow us to race full grids on TM and Deep Forest.

I think the pits on most of the circuits you named could be lengthened without dramatically altering the track layout. For example, the pits at DF could probably be extended over the second hill on the front stretch a little bit closer to the hairpin. Autumn Ring could have pits added closer to pit-in through that right-left-right section before the front stretch, or they could use the AR Mini pits out on the back section of the circuit as a second pit lane a la "Gilligan's Island" at Sears Point before the remodel. As for Trial Mountain, well, that's a toughie. They could add a couple on the kink after pit-in, and maybe move pit-in back toward the downhill lefthander, narrow the straight before the kink a little bit and squeeze another six or eight in there. The easiest thing to do would be to either lengthen the frontstretch considerably and, consequently, add a new set of corners leading up the hill to the first tunnel or, if PD was feeling particularly ballsy, smooth out the backstretch and move the pits and main grandstands back there. That way the track could keep the same shape, but it would drastically alter the feel of the place.

For what it's worth, it wouldn't be unprecedented for them to alter either the layout (SSR11) or the scenery (High Speed Ring) of an original course. I'm curious to see what they'll do, if anything. :)
What about u have to pick a team mate to pit with so 2 cars can share 1 pit space. If it can be done in real racing I don't see a problem with it in GT as long as they fix up the fast tyre wear.
Having two different pit lanes sounds kinda goofy. Maybe its just unusual to me.

Im thinking PD could have tracks with only 6 pits by making the paces/stint lengths in a way that no more than 5 computers pit at once (especially easy on Sarthe & the Ring. Any online racing w/ more than 6 drivers might have issues however.
Double-teams per pit is a nice idea. The should, however, for the longer repair-stops, make those in some indoor garage, so no space will be taken up.
That's where the public laps start. I don't think they're actual pits.

For the 24 hour races at the Nurburgring, the pits on the new GP track are used.

How did they manage before the GP circuit was built?
PGR3 has the combined GP+Nordschleife course under the name "The Behemoth." Whether or not they have exclusive rights to that layout is hard to say...
Even if it is licenced, there's been several changes to the Nurburgring GP layout ...
Most of the real teams drive 2 or more cars and use only one pit. They just time it right.

I have worked for a dutch racing garage that only builts american race cars(RC) Including:
Chevrolet z06 05' (C6) RC 600 BHP + (We got it real early)
Viper SRT 10 RC 700 BHP +
Porsche GT3R (cupcar) 300 BHP+

And some regular cupcars like ,
2 renault clio's (letucia's) sport 2.0 Cupcar
2 BRL , wich are silhoutte racers , a tubeframe with a polyester body and a V8
I'm sure that those circuits with short pits could be easily re-modeled to fit more cars.

How did they manage before the GP circuit was built?

They used to have a 'loop' on the opposite side of the track to the GT4 start/finish line 'pits', approximately where the GP track is now, which was litterally just a long downhill straight with pits on the righthand side, leading to a hairpin that lead back uphill and rejoined the main track at almost the same point. Nothing remains of this section of the track since the modern GP circuit sits on top of where it was.

You can see it here, in grey, under the new '84 GP circuit.
Maybe they'll make the cars queue up to be serviced.
This happens sometimes in Aussie V8 Supercars (teams are allowed one garage each) because it is a better alternative to being slowed down by the safety car.
Only problem with the queing of the cars idea, is that PD would have to implement a saftey car, now I don't know all of the facts, I havn't been here for a while, but I'm pretty sure there is no saftey car.
How did they manage before the GP circuit was built?

For the 24 they use the pits on the large straight near the end of the lap where the public enter and exit from as well as the gp circuit pits. In the modern 24 the big weorks teams get their own garage due to the amount of equipment they have while the smaller less technical teams share a garage with three other cars and wheel the cars out into the paddock for repairs
Only problem with the queing of the cars idea, is that PD would have to implement a saftey car, now I don't know all of the facts, I havn't been here for a while, but I'm pretty sure there is no saftey car.

Sorry - The safety car isn't neccessary to having cars queue in the pits, its just the reason why they do sometimes