to #3, no no no no.
0-60 is not a measurement like power, torque, lengh, weight or displacement, its a number given in a test my a magazine or whatnot. It varies dependant on weather, elevation, etc. If you want to know your 0-60, take your car to the machine test at test course and pause when your car hits 60mph and voila, youve got a number.
That being said, i would like to see some more data analysers. Like after a 0-400m run, the gam,e would give you some graphs, a 0-60 time etc. Also, some braking tests, slaloms and skidpads would be a nice addition to the machine test section. You run it yourself (or bob if your lazy) and the game picks up data and you can see it, or even sends it to your garage to comapre your modded cars there.