Speculation Time: No GT5:P on TGS, will we see the first glympse of GT5?

  • Thread starter amar212


OK, speculation time - the life of this post is scheduled for few next days tops :D.

Below is the list of SCE games prepared and certified for Tokyo Game Show next week. You'll see there is no Gran Turismo 5: Prologue there, but you will also see that SCE is unveiling 9 new games.

Playable demo PS3:
- Guitar Hero 3 Legends of Rock (Activision)
- FIFA 09 (EA)
- Street Fighter IV (Capcom)
- Biohazard 5 (Capcom)
- Lumines Supernova (Q Entertainment)
- Metal Gear Online (Konami)
- Way of the Samurai 3 (Spike)
- Sonic World Adventure (Sega)
- Socom: Confrontation (Zipper)
- PlayStation Home (Sony)
- Doko Demo Issyo (Sony)
- Motor Storm 2 (Sony)
- LittleBigPlanet (Sony)
- Resistance 2 (Sony)
- WWE 2009 SmackDown vs RAW (THQ)
- Gundam Musou 2 (Bandai Namco)
- Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm (Bandai Namco)

New games for PS3
1 game from Irem
1 game from Konami
9 games from Sony Computer Entertainment

Since technically, Gran Turismo 5 would be a NEW game - and presuming that GT5:Prologue in any form should be among "playable", but it's not on the list above - speculation time says: Will wee maybe see Gran Turismo 5 for the first time?
Is that the reason why PD has gone undercover for past six months?

Oh, and if you bother to continue this speculation, please just sustain from "Wishlisting"TM - there are so many wishlists threads already outhere. It would be pity to let them loose their respectful focus in favour of this purelly speculative subject.
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I most certainly hope TGS is where they plan to show off GT5. Skipping E3 was fine & reasonable, but missing a game show where they have a home advantage would be a big mistake.
Amar212, you're a bad man ;) I wouldn't even dare to hope! I suppose technically we're only just over a year off 2010 (the same year that we'll all be driving around in hover cars apparently..)
I most certainly hope TGS is where they plan to show off GT5. Skipping E3 was fine & reasonable, but missing a game show where they have a home advantage would be a big mistake.
Yeah I think PD will probably make an appearance there however details on GT5 will be kept 'under-wrap's' I believe. I consider PD to be Sony's 'secret weapon'.:sly:
Would be nice to see some info on GT5 but personally i don't think it will happen.
Me thinks PD will slowly start releasing GT5 info later next year as the release date starts to get closer.
I hope I am wrong though..
I don't really care if they show GT5 to us, because its release date lies way behind my expectations...(2010?) plus: if they show GT5, it's maybe a hint that they don't worked much on GT5p. ;P

This doesnt mean these are the only games at the Gameshow, Prologue's been recongised alot and shown everywhere when they have had opportunity except E3, There will be a GT5P Booth as usual at TGS but it's just probably not shown on that huge list off new games dont worry they'll be there!
With us already having GT5:Prologue and GT5:Proper not out realistically for another 18 months - what would PD have to show us?

With the exception of a glimpse of the damage modelling, i can't see that they'd have anything that could really be of interest at this stage.
I think we have a chance of something being shown if you recall 2003 Polyphony showed Gran turismo 4 then even though the release wouldnt come for another 1 1/2 to 2 years.
This is pure speculation, and I might miss the point.

My guess is that should anything major come from PD/Sony at TGS it should be things people can get rather fast. Its in both companies first interest to sell more now, not in the years to come. They may consider adding so much of a feature to consider Prologue a new game... And this leads me to the “Big Fall Update”(Spec 3?). It would be difficult to find a better timing to announce it.
Looking at the menu of the Tokyo show I can see the long awaited and missing “Playstation Home”... The online (lack off) features being one of the most discussed flaws so far, and knowing YK willing to set milestones in the industry... We have seen that Home icon in previous GTP5 screens, and Kasunori himself confirmed his will to add team building and lobbies in Prologue. With the update scheme of the game now, showing too much of the “Next Full One” could bring a taste of old news/not enough to whatever is coming to the actually selling episode, so my guess is they will keep as much of a secret anything exclusively related to the full GT5.

Again, pure speculation.:nervous:
What would there be to show of GT5? I don't view it as any different to Prologue, except for a larger selection of tracks and cars, with regular GT features such as license and world map along with a different GUI. Isn't it expected that some of the big (code-based) features such as online improvements, damage and day / night weather cycles to be implemented in Prologue anyhow (please correct me if I'm wrong - don't want to give out false hopes) ?

I am hoping and to be honest expect to see some of these features at TGS. With a bit of luck, some of them will be deployed in an update to GT5:P soon!
I hope so! :dopey:

Put it this way. PD has to show something right!? And if not any news about GT5P, then what?
I hear/read rumors about a Playstation 4 arriving 2010/2011. If so, wouldnt PS4 sell like hotcakes if it included GT5 (with 2 times better graphics then prologue - almost photorealistic) ? I would buy. Anyways, I don't beleive that would be the case. GT5 is coming for the PS3, hopefully soon. Can't wait to see Gt6 whenever that one is coming.

And I don't think PD feelik they must show someting, but if they do - i'm sure it's going to be amazing.
Already Models of GT5P are soo good and so many polygons. For GT6 All they need to do is more AA and spit and shine with some graphics and more realism. GT6 will be faster in production just like GT3 some cars made into GT4..

But I think for GT6 PD will laser scan everything, from cars to tracks.
I hear/read rumors about a Playstation 4 arriving 2010/2011. If so, wouldnt PS4 sell like hotcakes if it included GT5 (with 2 times better graphics then prologue - almost photorealistic) ? I would buy. Anyways, I don't beleive that would be the case. GT5 is coming for the PS3, hopefully soon. Can't wait to see Gt6 whenever that one is coming.

And I don't think PD feelik they must show someting, but if they do - i'm sure it's going to be amazing.
PS1 was released in 1994, PS2 in 2000 and PS3 in 2006 so if they stick to the trend PS4 will come out in 2012. But I think It'll come out even later actualy, since there are still games being released on PS2..
That really depends... Do they perceive GT5:P as a demo themselves? I don't think they do. I don't think they would call it that.

Either way, I'm pretty sure we'll see something from Polyphony.
I hear/read rumors about a Playstation 4 arriving 2010/2011. If so, wouldnt PS4 sell like hotcakes if it included GT5 (with 2 times better graphics then prologue - almost photorealistic) ? I would buy. Anyways, I don't beleive that would be the case. GT5 is coming for the PS3, hopefully soon. Can't wait to see Gt6 whenever that one is coming.

And I don't think PD feelik they must show someting, but if they do - i'm sure it's going to be amazing.

If they release GT5 for PS4, it would mean that the PS3 is the only console without a full GT release (actually, the PS1 and PS2 both got 2 fulll GT versions!).
I would personally feel ripped off. I paid good money for my PS3 and I want at least one full GT version on it!

But I would be very surprised if sony released a PS4 without even half of the potential ("you're not buying a console, you're buying raw potential":yuck:) of the PS3 used.

my 2 cents :-)
I don't think PD need to show anything on the GT games at this stage,being at least a year away from it releasing.
I'd be surprised if they had anything of value to show anyway.
Sorry guys but I think for at least the next 8-10 months is the time we just sit tight,sit tight,sit tight.......nothing to see...move along.