I quite like some images on
this update
That falcon looks seriously disturbed

Great shots though - I like the last one with the semi span. 👍
Yeah he did look a bit disturbed, guess he didn't like all the loud noises going on around him. And thanks for your comments!
Sorry I haven't updated the gallery recently I haven't really been to anything worth posting up here, although I have been participating in some photography stuff recently.
The first thing is that some of my work is being included in a Photography Exhibition at my local National Trust's Tattershall Castle. I'll show you what you what photographs I used when the exhibition is actually up and running. It was part of a photography lesson/tutorial I went to for free, as a kind of aim of the lesson was to create something which could be presented in a exhibition, and they are! So more information on that soon!
As I said previously, I haven't been to anything that will particularly interest you guys recently. However, I've got some interesting events coming up in the next few months. First up I'm off to Santa Pod at the end of this month to see Flame and Thunder. I've been before and managed to get some adequate shots such as the one below:
I'm hoping that with now over a year under the belt with photography experience (and motorsport too!) that I can get some fairly decent shots. I'm planning on experimenting a little that day too, seeming the event covers what most could consider as being a "bit" of everything. They've got drifting, BMX stunts, Freestyle Moto Cross, Monster Trucks, Jet cars, dragsters, fire works, bonfires and plenty of other stuff. So I'm looking forward to it.
Following that, I've got MPH09 coming up too. Last year I felt ill on the day (as Tommi2000 will tell you!) and didn't really feel as though I wanted to be there, let alone take pictures of some of the most exotic and rare cars in the world. That said, I did take pictures of them, just not as many as I would have liked. So I've got that coming up too! All very exciting!
Moving onwards, today I came home to find (to my surprise!) that one of my pieces of artwork on RedBubble has been put on their featured artwork page.
I'm personally dead chuffed, really pleased that a piece of work has been featured and hope this is a sign of things to come, hopefully someone will buy a copy of the photo now to

But I some what doubt that.
Link To The Photo
Oh, and if you haven't already add me on RedBubble