I've owned the Fiesta ST now for a pretty good length of time and I have to say that, although it's a great car, it's lacking a connection or passion like I had with my STI. The STI was cool, it was fast, it looked wild, it was loud and obnoxious. It looked and felt like a car that didn't belong on the road. The ST, on the other hand, is cute, adorable (these are things people have said to me about the car) and... normal. It's quiet, it looks average, and it belongs on the road and blends in with the others. Don't get me wrong, the car is actually pretty fast and oh man is it fun. But I don't feel the desire to make it mine or to mod it beyond what it is now. The STI I would drive for fun, the ST I drive to get places.
I think the car will grow on me, maybe I will buy more parts for it and make it feel like my own unique car. But 6 months in, I am not finding the connection. I'll keep the car for a long time, but hopefully one day I can get back in a car I am passionate about.