Spider & Roadster Pro...reccomend a car

  • Thread starter TurboSmoke
unless i am missing something obvious i have no idea what car to use here....

there are little gold cups in the spaces so i have done it at some point but have little recollection of the experience...

the VX220 seems a likely chioce....what do you think?

and also....why the hell is there an AI controlled MS Elise racing against you in this race when its not eligible for the race????

I think I did it in the Griffith. The Ruf 3400S is a good choice too.
Originally posted by Der Alta
OK...Quick lesson - The Search button.
wel thats half my post answered....but what about the rest??

the search yielded no results as to why the AI chooses cars that are not elidgible for the race smarty pants...
Originally posted by TurboSmoke
wel thats half my post answered....but what about the rest??

the search yielded no results as to why the AI chooses cars that are not elidgible for the race smarty pants...

Because PD missed that particular car (Motor Sport Elise) when they programmed the Players list of acceptable cars to enter.

Smarty pants, indeed. I figured a GT God would have known that much.

Originally posted by Der Alta

Smarty pants, indeed. I figured a GT God would have known that much.


Oww, I think I got sarcasm in my eye again!

Look, Run the stupid race in the Ruf 3400. It is the best choice of the easily winnable cars.:irked:
And use the "search" button.

Just put the Exige/MS Elise down as being part of the same anomaly that allows the GT-40 to run in the 295 HP Historic car race in GT2.

Besides, part of this game is about driving the cars.
If you have completed GT-3, and you have a 100% win ratio, you completely missed the point of the whole game. Go back to your Nintendo 64 and Beetle Adventure Racing.
I just finished that race too.

I used the RUF 3400 in the first two races, but, had a hard time using it at the final race in Cote de Azur. The car understeered quite a bit, and the Elise was smokin me in/out of the tight turns.

I ended up switching to my Opel Speedster for the final race, to win it.
Originally posted by Quisp
I just finished that race too.

I used the RUF 3400 in the first two races, but, had a hard time using it at the final race in Cote de Azur. The car understeered quite a bit, and the Elise was smokin me in/out of the tight turns.

I ended up switching to my Opel Speedster for the final race, to win it.

Try it again with the Ruf, only this time change the oil, and shorten the gear ratios.
You should find with the gear spacing closer together, you'll have the acceleration you need to spank the Lotus.
If you're using the stock settings, decrease the 'slider' by at least 4. Cote d' Azur doesn't have long enough straights to use the longer gearing the Ruf comes with "stock".
Put harder tyres on the rear than the fron, also make sure the rear suspension is softer than the front and keep making it softer until that understeer is done away with.
Originally posted by Gil
Try it again with the Ruf, only this time change the oil, and shorten the gear ratios.
You should find with the gear spacing closer together, you'll have the acceleration you need to spank the Lotus.
If you're using the stock settings, decrease the 'slider' by at least 4. Cote d' Azur doesn't have long enough straights to use the longer gearing the Ruf comes with "stock".

what tha!!!

tell me you arent piling upgrades on the 3400s!!

i did this series with very little upgrades in this car. just go for harder tires, semi-race suspension, chip and new pipes! :D

Originally posted by ving
what tha!!!

tell me you arent piling upgrades on the 3400s!!

i did this series with very little upgrades in this car. just go for harder tires, semi-race suspension, chip and new pipes! :D


No, you don't have to go crazy with the mods on the 3400 for this race. I might go as far as to add Stage I turbo or NA. I try to keep them modded to the least usable level.
I'm in the habit of doing up the suspension, brakes, and drivetrain on my cars, as soon as the bank will allow.
As far as power, I don't do that until I HAVE to.
I prefer the cobra personally, but on some courses i think the Ruf will get a faster lap time.
Originally posted by Gil
Go back to your Nintendo 64 and Beetle Adventure Racing.

man, the wit in here could cut you like a blade.....

a gt god would know that?...shhesh...

i have a secret for you der alta.....now promise you wont tell any one...i'll whisper it to you...

i am not actually a GT God....

oh the lies...the lies...!!

well i did this race in the vx220...for the second time...is not difficult, i just wanted peoples views on the subject...

excuse me for starting a conversation....
:lol: So...TO continue the conversation, what upgrades did you add? When people ask this question the straight up answer is 3400s. Mainly because it's too tough to tell people something that might win, instead of what will win.

Share your expereince with the VX so that others may learn.

My apoligies for the sarcasm/scorn. I have been battling severe pain for about 2 weeks, and I've been cranky!
Take the sarcasm out, and I believe that I gave you some good advice.
The Ruf 3400 is one of the better choices. Like DerAlta said, if you did it in the Opel/Vauxhall, please tell us all the mods you made and perhaps set up info.
The Speedster isn't one of the cars I choose regularly because it must be bought :eek:
I'm a bit of a cheap-skate in the early stages of the game. I try to win the cars I need, and to not use too much car for most races.
It gets a bit tricky that way.
It sounds like you could have used a little less car, and T3, and had a closer race, but a win nonetheless.
It also sounds as if the TommyKaira would have been another good choice for this.
It weighs almost nothing, so it would have been pretty gentle on tires.
Yea Gil....your right....

maybe i shouldnt have tuned the little Vaux so much either....

i think any of the cars in the field could win it with the right driver...

maybe its just me but i couldnt get this car to go round a single bend when using T2s..:)