Spinning Arrows Club. Thursday night casual racing.Open 

  • Thread starter tarkus1
:gtpflag::gtpflag:Alright gentlemen:gtpflag::gtpflag:

The Top Three winners have chosen.

You can see the results on page 109

At 6:00 PM EST watch for the link.

I also added the option so each of you can pick your first choice and a second.​
You guys think I should.

I'm giving everyone the opportunity to grab first.

I'll give 5 minutes... Unless you guys can change my mind.
There are 9 people viewing the document, no one has finalized their choice with the exception of mazda, me and Ole
Has anyone else gotten gold on the Senna Stage 4 event?
Yeah, I spent literally hours trying one day as it was the final barrier to 100% completion in the stats page. Didn't get it. The next day, came in fresh, did it on my 3rd lap. It's a practice thing if you're not an alien. I suppose that's how the aliens got to the level they're at though. Practice, practice, practice.

I've seen a guy's signature in the seasonal threads that holds some truth, it says something like "most people practice till they get it right, I practice till I can't get it wrong"
I occasionally wish I had the same dedication.
Alright, its looks like there are a few still undecided drivers out there.
For those who have chosen, Congrates.

Tonight at 9:00 PM EST we'll knock out the trailer for this event. Bring your chosen car. It won't take long'
Roughly five laps around the track with two runs into the pits.
We'll try to do others on another night.
Did someone say ".... full on Merc...."
Grand Valley Speedway_2.jpg
:gtpflag::gtpflag:Ok, gentlemen:gtpflag::gtpflag:

Read and follow this post closely

At 6:00PM EST Sunday October26
I'll post a link to the Application form


When you click on the link you will see the Announcement Sheet just like it appears on page 83.
Just under the Vehicle list you will see NEW REGISTRANTS CLICK HERE

You will be presented with a form to make your choice

Fill in the required info

:bowdown: You will see a list of the cars :bowdown:

:cool: You will click next to the two choices

Click Submit then exit out of the form

Click back on the original link provided

Your chose is finalized

If you botch your application it will be edited, but.....
you will lose your choice if it is taken by those below you.

So enter everything correctly except the vehicle description

The letters will start from A to E(left to right) for the Vehicles along the top row
Letters F to J (left to right)for the vehicles along the bottom row

Note: Yes I have the shortest PSN ID. I will wait for the first ten applicants to be entered. ;)

:cool: Space reserved for the link :cool:



Can't edit it.
You're fine.
Under the pictures. Look for the red square with new entrants.
A smaller link will appear.

Are you using a mobile phone?

If so and you can't get in give me your two choices.
You're fine.
Under the pictures. Look for the red square with new entrants.
A smaller link will appear.

Are you using a mobile phone?

If so and you can't get in give me your two choices.
Yeah, it's not cooperating. Here:

First choice: Alfa 155
Second choice: AMG E90 or 60 or whatever it's called lol

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