OMG that's awesome. An actual real agenda for the night.
On another note and not such a happy one (for me anyway), I will not be able to make it to the races tonight.
This was a last minute decision and a tough one but I'm running out of time.
My second band is working hard for this coming festival in a few weeks and the new cd and I simply have too much to accomplish in a little amount of time. Hopefully you'll understand but this needs to be done.
I will return next week although I am giving fair warning that I'll be on vacation again starting the day AFTER this festival so I'll be missing more time later this month. At least after October, my schedule should be somewhat normal again with no more vacations or concerts planned.
Sorry guys. Not an easy call but this damn working for a living crap takes up too much of my free time and something has to give I guess (at least until November)!!!