My wife and I are the youngest people who show up to vote, that's for sure. No wonder the old folks give us dirty looks, we're younger and far better off than they were at our age.
While that's true for very young kids, it's not what I was getting at. I was able at that age to realize that my parents were ticked at me because of the note....I think it makes more sense to tell a kid - stop doing what this note says you're doing. Then if it happens again the child has disobeyed you directly and you need to re-establish respect.
As learned behavoir, I just destroyed the notes before the aprents would get them. I was pretty much a C-student in most stuff, B's in the classes I did better in or actually liked. I was very selective about which homework I felt like completing. I was mostly an angel during school hours, but a lazy son-of-a-gun once the bell rang.
Anyhow, we received allowance for doing chores; except for clothing (mostly K-mart and the thrift stores when we were younger) and food (only if we had a coupon), we had to earn things like candy and sodas, toys and games. Sure, we'd get nice gifts for appropriate occasions, but getting good grades meant going out to dinner as a family, for example. We weren't rewarded for failure to perform certain chores (unless you were really sick), and when $2.50 a week wasn't enough when I was 14, my parents told me to get a job, and work to make more to buy the things I wanted. Heck, I saved up enough to loan my parents money (they paid it back when I was 18 to buy their old car).
My parents pinched every cent to afford a more-than decent house in a quiet, mostly crime-free neighborhood, but I never thought of myself as spoiled compared to some of my classmates whom had it pretty good. And there were others that were even less well-off as I was.
This whole nonscence of the Sweet 16 is at the pinnacle of absurdity, considering it dates back to some sort of coming-of-age ceremony; young girls became women naturally already, and so the noble and aristocracy would have a ball to marry off their daughter. This changed to the "debutantte" party as the rich could select other rich kids to marry one another, keeping the Old Money with younger Old Money. Now that most of these white upper-and-middle-class Sweet Sixteen girls don't get married until they're in thier middle-20s or even 30s, it's just become an excuse to throw around some money and show off.
In any case, spoiled is quite relative; every kid should earn their keep, commensurate with their age and ability of work. Obviously, a 3-year-old is going to get spoiled either way; but I see some little kids that just seem to have way too many toys, few of which have much create or insire much in the way of imagination, never mind they don't seem to value more than half of them after a few moments.
I think of spankings as a last resort; there are punishments that hit harder to a kid such as taking away their priviledges. Hitting a 12-year-old just isn't going to work, they just wind up hating the one that hits them, and then they won't listen to anything, since the the ultimate punshiment has already been doled out. The trouble with hitting your kid is when a parent extends that form of pushiment for all behavioral issues. Hitting a kid when they ask an innocent question rather than when they display truly hateful behavoir displays nothing but the ignorance of the parent.