Spoiled rich kids?

  • Thread starter s0nny80y
(Stupid firefox went back a page after I typed a long post..)

Anyway, that could work, but she's pretty much ignorant. She's one of those people who don't seem like they get it.

I do do chores and stuff for an allowance. You know, the usual, like vacuuming, doing my own laundry, making the bed, walking the dog, cleaning my bathroom and the bathtub upstairs(My bathroom has a shower, my mom's bathroom has a shower, the hall bathroom has a tub) I cook dinner for everyone every once in a while, I get pretty good grades (A's and B's with a C in Pre-Calculus) , get the mail, etc.

Being that it belongs to a 17 year old male, my room is a miracle of organization. It's not spotless, but it's a lot cleaner than my friends' rooms.

The sad part is that her piss poor attitude is really her Dad's fault. When Becky (her mom) and Steve (her dad) were fighting over her custody, Steve became a total d!c#head. Jess developed a **** you attitude towards her dad, and spiralled out of control. Becky thankfully won custody over Jess, and she's gotten a bit better, but her attitude still sucks. Apparently she realized that some people view telling your parents to shut the hell up over dinner as cool. It's not only the money thing that's bad, it's just her attitude in general. She's got this "I'm a ***** and you gotta deal with it" thing going on.

(again, I hope that made sense.. my mind is kinda wandering off to precalchomeworkland)
Same as Hightest, but my room IS spotless, since we're moving and need to keep it clean for open houses.
I know a kid whos a spoiled rich [BLEEP]. But unlike most spoiled rich [...]s, I dont hate him for it. He has xb360, $10 for lunch, psp, ipod video, everything I want but dont have.
But he deserves it. Hes like HT, and to top it off he has a great attitude, very cool, funny, hyper and amiable. Just like me but less of an idiot, more popular and good looking. I love that kid... Ill miss him next year.
A lot of good memories, we... ah, forget it.
Rogue Ssv
But he deserves it. Hes like HT, and to top it off he has a great attitude, very cool, funny, hyper and amiable. Just like me but less of an idiot, more popular and good looking. I love that kid... Ill miss him next year.
A lot of good memories, we... ah, forget it.

And you're wondering why everyone thinks you're gay! :lol:

High-Test, if it's an attitude problem, reality will sort that out, she really can't go around saying that to people. She can't treat her mom (or your dad) like that, and if she did, your dad (or her mom) should let her know it's not to be tolerated. She'll realise that she has to change her attitude since she'll be making life pretty hard for herself. Or it could be just a phase she's going through.
It'sd probably just a phase. Things'll change If dad gets married though... :dopey: :scared: She claims that she's going to make my life hell, and she can stoop so low as a person that she'd probably put cat hair in my bed to set my eczema off. But, my dad's views on petty childish wars is this; "It's ok as long as you didn't start it." She's on a pretty high pedestal right now, and I wouldn't be surprised if She gets knocked off of it very soon. Plus, my dad is kinda tolerant of her for now because she doesn't want Jessica to hate him. Hopefully Dad will crack down if they get married. Thankfully Becky understands why I can be mean at times to her Daughter. Her daughter's a total pretentious ***** to me, so I reciprocate the negative feelings. I think I'm doing more to her by saying, yeah, so? than she is to me by saying "I'm a ***** and I'm gonna **** you up you little pr***." I don't curse or use slang when I insult her or make a comeback, and she's usually rendered speechless. It's quite beautiful.

I hope I didn't come across as a total asshole...

She is a 14 year old.. hopefully it's just a phase. (But I want the phase over now!)

One of my friends once called me a spoiled rotten little b**** after I told him that I was getting my mom's old SC300.(that was a year ago) Yeah, I live in a prosperous area. I own 1.8 cars, and I have a computer in my room. I also do chores, and Don't complain when asked to do them. I'll also give time and money to various school charity drives, and I make it a point to buy canned goods whenever I see a harvesters drive going on. Am I a spoiled little b**** for having 2 cars?

Does the line between well off and spoiled rotten lie in attitude or material possessions? Attitude wise, my friend is the one that's spoiled.

If you're a freaking rich kid who gives lots of time and money to charity,(like a kid at my school, he drives an IS300 with chrome 18" wheels, but did 150 hours of communtity service this year) are you spoiled rotten?
Does the line between well off and spoiled rotten lie in attitude or material possessions? Attitude wise, my friend is the one that's spoiled.

Thats a very good way to think about it, and the correct answer IMO is attitude.

But I can see how you're friend is annoyed by the fact that you have that stuff, unfortunatly you can't help it though.
What I love most is the "spoiled rich kid" who can dig the rip-rap-rippy-roo music because they can "relate" to it. I'd say about 60-70% of the rich kids at my high-school thought they were "Gangstas," with their bumping systems in their 2004 GMC Denalis with 7 LCD screens, an XBOX, and 26" chrome wheels... Yeah white kid, youre whiter than me (I'm an 1/8th Chippewa Naitive American) and you seem to be blacker than me as well.

Sometimes I freaking hate rich white kids... I'd rather hang out with the stuck-up, tight-ass, "Lets go down to the country club for a chicken dinner" type folks...
Well its not all bad if
a they dont say their gangstaz
b they dont start frontin
theres this rich white idiot in my school who always disturbs class and is really an idiot retard, once someone told me to hit him so I did, he was like 'oh mother---- you hit me! oh you dont know who you ----ing with!'
So i pinned him against the wall and told him to shut up or I would actually hit him, then dropped him. He got up and said 'lemme give you some advice--if you wanna fight me youl have to learn to hit hard'. So he started to walk away and I pushed him really hard into a bench, he fell over and everyone laughed at him.
This may sound harsh but you dont know him, everyone hates him, even the teachers who normally dont admit that they hate students.
Sometimes I freaking hate rich white kids... I'd rather hang out with the stuck-up, tight-ass, "Lets go down to the country club for a chicken dinner" type folks...

Yea it's all the worse when they're white. God white people suck. I'm glad you're 1/8th native american, at least 1/8th of you has some redeeming qualities.

theres this rich white idiot in my school who always disturbs class and is really an idiot retard

Man that sucks. If he was black it would be different, but man I hate those white kids.

Can you think of a more hated combination than rich and white?
Black and poor? :lol:

Not a chance. That has to be the most protected group in society today. Nobody on the planet gets the kind of victimhood status that a poor black person gets. Nobody hates black poor people, they feel sorry for them. They're angry at the ones they incorrectly think forced them to be poor because they're black.

Almost nobody hates poor black people. Even when they shoot at rescue workers following a national dissaster they're considered victims. A poor black person can walk up to an innocent person on the street, shoot them in the head, and people will apologize for them, say it wasn't their fault, look right past the dead body and say that the murderer is the real victim.

That's a kind of social protection that simply can't be purchased.

Put that gun in the hand of a rich white person and make the victim a poor black person and you'll make headlines. People will be calling for his execution.
I completely agree with you. I used to get my ass kicked by both of my parents when I did anything wrong, and you learn quickly. These laws guarding kids even from spanking are simply insane, and I would not be surprised to see these laws and standards roll back to more of an older way of disipline when my generation takes over.

I look forward to kicking my kid's ass. It isnt a beating, its teaching them a lesson.

hell yeah:tup:
Not a chance. That has to be the most protected group in society today. Nobody on the planet gets the kind of victimhood status that a poor black person gets. Nobody hates black poor people, they feel sorry for them. They're angry at the ones they incorrectly think forced them to be poor because they're black.

Almost nobody hates poor black people. Even when they shoot at rescue workers following a national dissaster they're considered victims. A poor black person can walk up to an innocent person on the street, shoot them in the head, and people will apologize for them, say it wasn't their fault, look right past the dead body and say that the murderer is the real victim.

That's a kind of social protection that simply can't be purchased.

Put that gun in the hand of a rich white person and make the victim a poor black person and you'll make headlines. People will be calling for his execution.

Dont let the media fool you into thinking thats what the masses feel. Theyre just selling papers.

Works both ways though, but most rich white kids I know are snobs, most rich asian kids I know are snobs and most rich black kids I know are drug dealers.

Just making a point.
What I love most is the "spoiled rich kid" who can dig the rip-rap-rippy-roo music because they can "relate" to it. I'd say about 60-70% of the rich kids at my high-school thought they were "Gangstas," with their bumping systems in their 2004 GMC Denalis with 7 LCD screens, an XBOX, and 26" chrome wheels... Yeah white kid, youre whiter than me (I'm an 1/8th Chippewa Naitive American) and you seem to be blacker than me as well.

Sometimes I freaking hate rich white kids... I'd rather hang out with the stuck-up, tight-ass, "Lets go down to the country club for a chicken dinner" type folks...

Those type of kids would fit well here. Only a couple of the kids at my ol' school probably desevered their cars. I know 1 senior worked his ass off to buy a new Corvette C6, and he did it. He's still around town, working at a Target, so I'm guessing college isn't his greatest want.

"Gangstas" never hit here until my late Junior year, and my Senior year was full of "gangsta" sophmores. Many of them could drive, so it was never hard to see "pimped" GMCs, Hummers, etc.
...?! Eh?:odd:
Ok, I'll explain more ;)

Well, I meant that there always 'spoiled rich kids' (especially in my class).
They buy clothes for more then what you can imagine, they are snobs,
and they bragging about it. Sometimes I feel like that they doesn't get enough attention, so that's why they keep bragging about their 'richness'.

There are also these 'spoiled wannabe rich kids' (immigrants). They also keep bragging about how rich they are yet they live on 'grants' (<-- can I say that?). They usually buy fake clothes that are similiar to the real ones. They listen to hippity hoppity music, they go around and playing ''GANSTAHZ'', it juts annoyes me.

Anyone else had any kind of experience with wannabe rich kids? :dunce:
Ever watch the show on MTV my super sweet 16"?
those kinds are complete brats...

very true ... i personally am middle class and im 15, ever since i was young my parents (mostly dad) has been pushing me to do the best i can in school and reward me with a video game if im in the honor role at the end of the year. and they are always reminding me that i must pay for car, insurance (for car) and all the things i need to have in life which i feel is personally fine and i am looking for a job because i am looking for monaey for a car and insurance so i can drive:sly: ... and not all rich kids are lazy and spoiled alot of my aunts and uncles are rich and on the other side alot are poor. my family is one of the few middle class's in the family and all of us are being taught to be self suffisent from a ypung age... the only thing my parents will pay for is college because they feel it is a must and i am acctually going to join the army and they wil pay for college so i am not even accepting that
In my opinion, if a kid is rich, that does not necessarily mean he's spoiled, and vise versa. I live in what you would call an "upper-middle class" neighborhood. The kids at my school usually have parents who are college professors, doctors, lawyers, or business entrepreneurs. They live in million dollar homes, have their parents drop them off at school in their Mercedes, BMWs, Lexuses, or Acuras, and have Video iPods, the latest cellphones, their own computers, and expensive musical instruments. However, do I think they're spoiled? No. Most of them enroll in Honors classes, get A's or B's, and study hard for class. Most of the stuff, they either get from Christmas or birthdays or save up their allowence and buy it themselves. Because everyone around them is at around the same level of wealth and welfare, they aren't victim to the mental superiority that most rich and spoiled kids suffer. As a result, they live just like other kids, only in greater comfort. If they do not get delusional and lose their focus in life, I don't see any problem in giving them a bit more than their parents had when they were kids.