Just as an aside, I probably take sport mode more serious than most. First race I entered was n100 Alpine at Tsukuba race c. I was s sr after one race. I’m not tooting my own horn (maybe a little) but I started maybe 8th? Can’t remember. Not knowing how etiquette was two cars ahead were sloppy...Contact, I braked to stay away and received sr up.
Anyways, I strongly recommend turning on the line and using it at first. As you get better you might wanna widen it out at certain points or modify it, but first turn on lines cones and markers and also brake indicator in driving options menu.
For learning tracks start with a car you enjoy.
If switching to wheel, this game with almost all cars likes some trail braking. Not all cars are the same, and not all corners, but if you have the cones on start braking at the two cones with wheels straight, the importance of making a habit of braking sraight cannot be overemphasized imo. Braking in a straight line at every hard braking zone is a great idea imo.
So you brake and before you are off brake begin turning the wheels.
The weight as you brake will shift to the front of the car, you begin turning and it will shift sideways, from there you blend in throttle after the apex cone. It’s basic stuff, but if you are learning a wheel I think first be in the right line, brake straight, begin turning the wheel towards apex progressively as you come off brake. Most turns you want to add throttle as early as you can but at apex or just after.
The cars are all different, but a proper turn in to a corner gets things started.
If using a ffb wheel, you get a sense of the cars suspension squatting or loading up, that’s what you are after, it will give you more grip, many cars also need a tiny bit of throttle on many corners as soon as you come off brake.
So for me it’s brake straight, begin turning wheel and coming off brake and add throttle at after apex. It’s not always that way in all situations, but it’s a good baseline for starting out. If you are running gr3 I recommend running tcs default if you are just starting out. They won’t let you run asm in sport mode so I never reccomend asm or countersteer assist.
Practice in racing cars on racing hands and in on n class cars on sports hard, you might feel really bad at first, but once you start to get the hang of it you will love racing sport mode when they bless you with trippier rubber.
If you follow what I said at some point you may notice tcs acting. Once you see that, you may be ready to turn it down IF you feel it’s holding your speed back.
Be on the yellow line wheels straight at the two cones, begin turning towards apex before releasing brake, after that play around.
You should be able to follow the yellow line pretty easy doing this.
Good luck and I hope more folks will chime in as well, remember we are talking to people that are not turning super fast laps at this point.
My advice on etiquette is don’t battle unless you know what you are doing, if in doubt, letoff a bit. Espescially in race on braking zones.
Often running somewhat close to an opponent consistently will make them nervous, and they will mess up a corner exit onto a straight, that’s when you pass.
Patience and some consideration for others goes a long ways. Run your race, run your yellow line, and drive the car, don’t let it drive you!
Good luck