Sports Hard tires have really unnatural exponential falloff in grip. All other tires feel great to me.

  • Thread starter andrewhake
United States
United States
So far after 2 days I absolutely love GT7. I have played every GT to completion and I honestly think this is my favorite of them all. I have legitimately been playing Gran Turismo for 25 years since the day the first game was released. And I love every single one. The only feedback I have from a driving perspective for GT7 is Sports Hard tires. Long story short I think their falloff from grip to no grip is way too exponential. They make driving many sports cars feel really inaccurate and just not fun. I really think they should be adjusted to behavior more similarly to Sports Medium and other tires. It is VERY fun to slide a car around, but with SH tires the grip just never comes back and FR cars just never settle.

I tested this on my Podium DD1 PS base as well as the PS5 controller just to make sure I wasn't crazy. Some examples to explain what I mean:

370Z (Fairlady Z34) Tsukuba license test -
This is the first time I felt like something was off with these tires. The car has a decent amount of power but it felt like I was driving on PVC plastic the moment grip was lost. And nce grip is lost it takes so long to regain. It's like an on/off switch with a big delay to switching back on. No sports car tires behaves like this. If they did these cars would never be allowed on the road.

Corvette Willow Springs license test - Same thing. I'm POSITIVE people at PD have driven the modern Corvettes. They are wonderful cars with tons of power and just as much grip to back it up. Trying to exit a corner with this car felt absolutely ridiculous. It just doesn't feel like the car at all. Even with the crappiest of all season tires the grip wouldn't just disappear like this and never come back.

I also noticed this on the Alpine 110 '71 that I was using for the French championship with a light tune and Sports Hard tires. It just felt like it was absolutely on ice with Sports Hard tires, worse to drive than with Comfort Soft. The moment I put on Sports Medium the car felt perfect again. I could get on the power on exit and get the car to slide, but grip actually recovers under full throttle as the car settles like it should. With Sports Hard the car just never recovers grip unless you drastically lift off throttle and doesn't feel like I am driving a car anymore. This isn't a car with a lot of power.

I think the problem becomes quite clear if you just watch anyone trying to get gold on these tests with TCS off. Or even with it on. The way the Corvette just washes out under breaking and just has zero grip through the corner.

This is most noticeable on FR cars for obvious reason, but I really think the SH tire model should be adjusted, and in reality I think pretty much any modern sports car will have tires that behave much more like Sports Medium, which feel great to me. Even on the cheap cute compact boxes the different Comfort tires feel fine to me and don't have this crazy falloff. I don't think I am the only one that feels this way. Watching a few different popular streamers they were struggling in the same way on cars with SH in the license tests.
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