GT6 Free Runners Club (1002802)Open 

  • Thread starter lbpomg95
A field in England
GT6 Free Runners

Matterhorn Dristelen .jpg

Welcome to the GT6 Free Runners Club Thread. While that may sound like a cheesy parkour group, we are a group of people who enjoy the free run aspect of Gran Turismo 6, escaping from the pressure of the racing scene.

These days, many Track Day lobbies are of low quality, mainly lacking any restrictions which results in a large number of people driving Red Bulls, and fully tuned GT-Rs, Vipers, ZZIIs and more. While I have no problem with these cars, the people who drive them are often on the inconsiderate side, preferring to use fellow drivers as a brake.

On the flip-side, many of the lobbies with restrictions of sports tyres or less are often race lobbies. While you get less of the inconsiderate type, it's nice to drive at your own pace in a free run situation.

In this club, we will do what the title suggests; Free Run Lobbies with a limit of Sports: Soft tyres. Lower grip tyres, of course, are permitted.

As a result, we don't do any racing (except typical competitive driving in Free Run Mode).

Depending on the level of interest, we may perform photo-shoots on various tracks.


Everyone is expected to follow the rules at all times, to make every fellow members' time in the club as incident-free as possible. These may change at any given time, should I or a member have a brain-wave and suggest an awesome new rule.

1. Treat other members with respect at all times. However, a joke is a joke and we aren't strict on language as long as fellow members are not offended.

2. In general, racing cars are prohibited. Tuned production models that aren't road legal are not prohibited (Ferrari FXX, Zonda R and Diablo GT2 for example).

3. Use of modified game data (hacked cars) is prohibited.

4. Contact between cars is prohibited, unless it is unavoidable.

5. If it is obvious that the driver behind you can log faster lap times, move aside and allow him or her an easy opportunity to overtake.

6. Attempting to out-brake others will almost certainly result in either; a crash, or both drivers having to slow down to avoid contact. If you are faster, wait for a safer opportunity or wait for the slower driver/car to move aside. The driver in front has priority in choosing a line through a corner.

7. If you are not timing yourself and are following a slower driver with no intention of overtaking, allow a large distance between yourself and the driver you're following to avoid a collision, as they may have to brake earlier than you.

8.Typical foul-play, such as brake-checking (slamming the brakes when a driver is behind you), or blocking overtaking attempts is strictly prohibited.

9. Should you spin or crash, it is up to you to make sure that you do not obstruct any other drivers upon returning to the track. The same goes for when you leave the pits.

Breaking any one of these rules will result in a warning. Receiving three will result in being removed from the group.


A lobby will be hosted on most evenings (from around 6:00PM UK Time), and should photo-shoots be held, club will have a vote (once more members have joined) deciding which day fits best with the most people.


lbpomg95 (Owner)
LiamandConnie/Liam green

How to Join

If you're interested, simply reply to this thread, or send me a message or friend request, either via PSN or GTPlanet.

Make sure that if you send me a friend request on PSN, tell me why you're adding. I often receive (and decline) blank requests.

Lastly, here's some photos of what a photo-shoot may look like.

Matterhorn Dristelen _16.jpg

From Left: FergusMik, lbpomg95, lynchmob1, SirDerp175.

Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps_6.jpg

Matterhorn Dristelen _4.jpg

Left: lbpomg95 . Right: hary-loo
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From our first photoshoot - 25th November.
Matterhorn Dristelen _21.jpg

Taken by me (Murcielago LP 640)


Taken lynchmob1/lynch98 (MP4-12C)


Taken by SirDerp175/WhiterunGuard (CTR2)


Taken by FergusMik (Cooper S 1.3i)

More to come from future shoots.
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I would be interested. I prefer running, usually bone stock, street cars on sports tires. The RS tires seem to take away any character or feel of the car. I am by no means a really fast driver, but I enjoy cruising and driving with others. It seems like there is never a room where the tire limit is set to sports tires.
They are pretty rare. Most of the ones you do find are race lobbies, so there's not much chance to kick back. I like running stock cars, though some I like to buy suspension and LSD for and do some minor tweaks to make them a little more accessible.
I like this idea, me and my friends like racing and driving at 400pp on SH mainly. would anybody be interested in a 400pp racing/driving club where we race and hot lap in cars tuned to "not detuned" to 400pp.

I have also produced a program which can randomise a Car up to 400pp and a Track to race on, as well as a weather at the start of the race. This would be fun to do, we could use this to produce the car and the track, then race or hot lap for the best times. It does need so work as new tracks need to be added and cart space needs to be removed.

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Any tires are good tires for me! I have really awful lag problems and I can't really do any sort of race (which kills me, I know I'd be good at it!) but this is exactly the kind of thing I've been looking for. Count me in if this is still going?
Any tires are good tires for me! I have really awful lag problems and I can't really do any sort of race (which kills me, I know I'd be good at it!) but this is exactly the kind of thing I've been looking for. Count me in if this is still going?
Yep, if enough people are interested.
UPDATE: Since this idea has received a good amount of attention, I shall be converting this thread into a full club-page with members list, rules, etc.
With the latest community update, this club will now be running most evenings in public lobbies. I'll post the room code when it's opened tonight.
Hey man, I would like to join. I just have one question which is: Am I allowed to drift occasionally if there are no members within a moderate distance of me? if not then I won't, if so then I might sometimes.
Hey man, I would like to join. I just have one question which is: Am I allowed to drift occasionally if there are no members within a moderate distance of me? if not then I won't, if so then I might sometimes.
You can do more or less what you want as long as you don't get in the way of others. This club's about enjoying the game your own way, without the boredom of playing offline.
Suppose I'll join. Need a place to work out tunes for a little side project I'm working on without getting a shunt for driving an Alpine or Honda 1300 S.
I'll shoot you a friend request tonight and look up the club in the community feature. I've been looking a long time for a decent free-run club 👍