Spring rate, 8 in PAL is stiffer than 20 in NTSC 1.2

  • Thread starter sucahyo
I just found out that tuning can be different between NTSC 1.2 and PAL version. When I copy my PAL MS Elise setting to my NTSC version I get shocked by the fact that my NTSC version behave much more stable than my PAL version. Increasing the spring rate to maximum make NTSC MS Elise behave the same way. Does anyone notice this too?

Anyone with NTSC 1.1 or 1.0 version, how is your MS elise behave with 20/20 spring rate?

My setting:
stock MS elise with FC suspension
Ride height : 115/115 (max)
damper : 10/10 10/10
camber : 0.0/0.0
toe : 0.00/0.00
stabilizer : 1/1

this image show how Motorsport elise with 20/20 spring rate behaves in PAL version:

Lotus Motorsport Elise video
NTSC, 20/20 Spring
PAL, 8/8 spring
PAL, 20/20 spring

this image show how BMW 740i with 20/20 spring rate behaves in PAL version:

DOdge Intrepid ES Video
NTSC, 20/20 spring
PAL, 6/6 spring
PAL, 20/20 spring

The tuning in PAL version is not transferable to NTSC 1.2 version.