Spyware question...

  • Thread starter sUn


I've got a question, ever since I stopped using IE, I haven't been able to pick up spyware with my removal programs, I use Mozilla full time when using a browser, is the spyware inside my Mozilla Firefox or something? I'm kinda confused.

I've got 0 spyware files since I switched, when usually I averaged like 2 everytime I checked.

no, it's just that IE is the butt of all spyware attacks since almost all of them are through hidden active x components. Good choice in making a 100% switch dude 👍
Originally posted by milefile
Wow sUn, don't you love the approval you have for using that crappy browser? Now you are cool among geeks 👍
There is nothing wrong with using the horse's arse of browsers now is there? :lol:
He SHOULD be proud of being welcomed to the club. Everyone knows that any true geek uses Mozilla based browsers. Only an *idiot* would use IE. Now I just need to get him to switch from Photoshop to GIMP and from Windows to Linux :P
I just use Mozilla because IE just makes it too easy to get hit by something big. My sister got me 5 viruses over the past 2 days by doing stupid things and going to stupid sites using IE. If there's a better alternative to Mozilla/Firebird/Opera (Opera being my favourite of the Mozilla based browsers), I'd REALLY like to know about it.
Well, do we look like your sister? I don't know about Miata, but I don't visit "stupid" sites.
Originally posted by Slick6
Well, do we look like your sister? I don't know about Miata, but I don't visit "stupid" sites.
Damn, I am speechless. . . That was actually quite funny. . . I was going to insult you back, but I got an invalid page fault in my mind processing it. . . :lol:
Suckers...."I dont like how the text looks..." oh well, it'll come around...I have Linux/Mozilla (the real mozilla, not firebird) and I dont have to worry about viruses. I dont need virus scan software, nor do I have it. I dont have to defrag, my filesystem doesnt get fragmented. I dont have to run AdAware. I can open email attachments w/out worrying about stuff. My media player will not pop open a browser window when I open some file formats.

I like peace of mind, and I dont care what stigma comes with it.
I'm a Firefox fan, due to the better image support (PNG transparency is one), tabbed browsing, ironclad built-in firewall and popup blocker, and for looks it's stock skinnable. I say screw the alternative.

PS. If I'm not mistaken, Opera is extremely similar in some senses.
The problem is that because most people use IE, everyone designs for it. And since it has to cater for FrontPage's "eccentricities", it can take an interesting approach to rendering a page.

This means that people tweak their layouts so that they look right on IE, rather than designing for Mozilla, which is far more critical of coding standards.