SRM has moved over to the pcars2 section, see ya on the other side!PS4 

  • Thread starter mphile77
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The Radicals will be "fun" Leave your feelings behind ladies!
So true, and holy fook :eek: what aboot that rain dance we will have to do :scared:. I had a good time last night :bowdown:, we also had good amount of laughter throughout the night :lol: 👍. I would like to declare last place for the Radicals series, its all mine don't even think about taking it from me :mad: (drinking :cheers:)
#27 radical please

:gtpflag:Ok gang here is everything we have planned for the moment! This upcoming Tuesday we finish up the Ginetta Jr series (super tight in points battle) Then we have the one night classic endurance event at Spa in the Lotus the following Tuesday. Then following the endurance event we settle back in a fresh and new series with the Radical's and you will have a teammate for this series! Please read through everything(colts!!!!) so you know and understand whats going on and how it is happening. I would also like to remind everyone this info is always post on page one if ya need to find it again.


Driving Aids allowed
NO mandatory pit stop
Penalties ON
Mechanical Fails OFF
Visual Damage ONLY

:gtpflag:RACE DAY 1: 3/7/2017
Ruapuna Club
Weather: Medium Cloud
Current Date
Time Progression: Real Time
Tire Wear: Real
Laps: 22

Hockenheim Short
Weather : Clear
Current Date
Time: 18:00
Tire Wear: Real
Laps: 20

:gtpflag:Race Day 2: 3/14/2017
Oschershleben national
Weather: Light Cloud
Current Date
Time: 08:00
Tire Wear: Real
Laps 20

Nurburgring Sprint
Weather Fog
Current Date
Time 12:00 hrs
Time Progression Real
Tire Wear Real
Laps 14

:gtpflag:Race Day 3: 3/21/2017
Sakkito national
Weather Hazy
Current Date
Time 16:00
Time Progression Real
Tire Wear Real
Laps 19

Laguna Seca
Weather Clear
Current date
Time 17:00hrs
Time Progression Real
Tire Wear Real
Laps 15

Sign ups:
9)BR-sexual Tyrannosaurus #58

:gtpflag:March 28th


:gtpflag:The 12hrs of Spa (classic edition)

:gtpflag:The weapon of choice is the Lotus type40 Ford

5x tire wear
Fuel normal
Visual damage only
No mechanical failure
Force realistic driving aids is on :banghead:
Mandatory pit on

Weather-overcast/med clouds/light clouds/clear
Sync to race

Time- race starts at noon/10x time progression

Sign ups:
4)Mcinnis #6


Lots of Notes to read below, so please read and don't hesitate to ask questions.

Radical SR3 RS

Forced Default Setup
All Aids Allowed
Real Tire Wear | Real Fuel Usage
Visual Damage | Mechanical Failures Off

:gtpflag: 4/4 :gtpflag:

Round 1 - Willow Springs
24 Laps
Start Time: 6:00 | 5x
Light Cloud | Clear | 30x

Round 2 - Imola
19 Laps
Start Time: 15:00 | 5x
Light Cloud | Med Cloud | 30x

:gtpflag: 4/11 :gtpflag:

Round 3 - Mojave: Gila Crest (See Schedule Notes Below)
25 Laps | Rolling Manual Start
Start Time: 12:00 | Real
Overcast | Hazy | Clear | 30x

Round 4 - Watkins Glen Short
25 Laps | Mandatory Pit
Start Time: 6:00 | 5x
Thunderstorm | Heavy Fog with Rain | Light Rain | Overcast | 30x

:gtpflag: 4/18 :gtpflag:

Round 5 - Silverstone: Stowe Circuit (See Schedule Notes Below)
35 Laps | Rolling Manual Start
Start Time: 8:00 | Real
Fog | Heavy Cloud | 30x

Round 6 - Rouen Les Essarts Short
17 Laps
Start Time: 12:00 | Real

--- Teams / Liveries / Numbers ---
Teammates will be decided based off the results of the Ginetta Junior 2 Series. Upon completion of that series, drivers will be tagged to notify of their teammate, team and livery/number. Teams will be aligned as followed:

1st & 16th, 2nd & 15th, 3rd & 14th, 4th & 13th, 5th & 12th, 6th & 11th, 7th & 10th, 8th & 9th.

Please do not post livery selections. Teams and Liveries will be randomly assigned after teammates are decided. Reserves will auto join the first team to be missing a driver.

--- Team Points, Bonus Points & Scoring ---
The points system will award every driver points, 30-1. Driver points will be added up and averaged to total Team points. Teams with only 1 driver will have their imaginary teammates points based on the inverse of their finishing position. So a driver that finishes 1st without a teammate will add 16th place points to the team, 2nd will add 15th place points. ect.

2 Bonus points will be awarded to drivers on teams that finish in consecutive position. Example, teams that place 1st and 2nd, or 2nd and 3rd, but not 1st and third. Teams with only 1 driver will be ineligible for Bonus points

--- Schedule Notes ---
Two of the races in this series (Gila Crest & Stowe) do not allow for Practice or Qualifying Sessions. Since these two tracks will be the first races of their respective evenings, instead of the standard 1 hour Qualifying and 5 minute warmup before the first race, we will use the following schedule:

7:30 EST - Lobby Opens / Invites out
7:40 EST - Warmup Race 1 (10 Mins)
7:50 EST - Break / Invites
7:55 EST - Warmup Race 2 (10 Mins)
8:05 EST - Break / Invites
8:10 EST - Qualifying Race (15 Mins)
8:25 EST - Break / Grid Order Posted in Race Control Chat
8:35 EST - Race Start

Grid Position will be determined by fastest lap times of qualifying race, not finishing position of the Qualifying Race.

This is obviously something we have not tried before, and might be confusing, but it's all in the name of fun, so we will see how it goes!

Raced with an 8 year old last 2 days on AC. Yeah I said 8. Ask Mike Lobban 🤬 incredible.
I wish the kid had PCARS. He is amazing.
:gtpflag:Race Day Alert :gtpflag:

The Ginetta Jr finale is upon us, and i must say i will be sad to see these cars go, such a great time finding spots to push the limits 👍. We will start with Sakitto National, and then finish at Laguna. See everyone tonight :cheers:.
I plan on whoopin y'all tonight, haha but if I'm not there it's mother natures fault. The power goes out if someone farts around here.
Looks like hopefully I'll have a good buddy joining us tonight who has been wanting to race with us for a while. Hope it all works out. 👍
Great race all! Until I get the points up, enjoy my GT Sport Beta Stream.

Im watching this SRM rep Mr Mcinnis as he tools around with the GT Sport Beta! So cool that one of us have it to try!

Great series we just had, i was sweating bullets at the end of this one:scared:
Hey! Thanks for letting me mark the back tonight. I'll eventually string more than 5 laps together without spinning.

I'm gonna try to be a regular participant, starting with the endurance race if there is still room.
Hey! Thanks for letting me mark the back tonight. I'll eventually string more than 5 laps together without spinning.

I'm gonna try to be a regular participant, starting with the endurance race if there is still room.

Thanks for coming man! Always a good time here, and glad to finally have you on board. You'll fit in well here. Everyone takes some time to acclimate to new surroundings. Just ask questions if you have any, these guys may come off rough, but they are more than willing to help and make everyone better.

Check out the info on the endurance next Tuesday we are doing before the next series starts. Get us a # on that Lotus when you can. The next series is team based and all liveries will be designated once I can get enough data collected. ;)

Thanks for coming man! Always a good time here, and glad to finally have you on board. You'll fit in well here. Everyone takes some time to acclimate to new surroundings. Just ask questions if you have any, these guys may come off rough, but they are more than willing to help and make everyone better.

Check out the info on the endurance next Tuesday we are doing before the next series starts. Get us a # on that Lotus when you can. The next series is team based and all liveries will be designated once I can get enough data collected. ;)


I don't know man, are you sure we can trust those Canadians? :D

Sorry in advance who ever gets teamed up with me.
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