Stage 4 & 5 Engine Upgrades

  • Thread starter razorjesse


Hello, is anyone willing to trade Engine upgrades 4 & 5? I can trade Weight Reduction 4 & 5, Turbo Kit 4 & 5, Racing Catalytic Converter, Thanks! FR: razorcrazor Or reddeadjesse
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I can just give you some, though I hear they work on a couple Hondas, but I dont tune Hondas so I dont know.. I know they do not work on any high performance car such as Nissan GTR's, Zonda's, Ferrari's, etc. If you still want them just shoot a friend request to: jgancherjr
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I can just give you some, though I hear they work on a couple Hondas, but I dont tune Hondas so I dont know.. I know they do not work on any high performance car such as Nissan GTR's, Zonda's, Ferrari's, etc. If you still want them just shoot a friend request to: jgancherjr

Ill take them thanks! I sent you an FR, Do you need anything? When will you be online?
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Ill take them thanks! I sent you an FR, Do you need anything? When will you be online?

Hey, in case you didn't get my message on PSN, I had to leave for work right before reset, I will send them as soon as I get home, nothing is needed in return unless you happen to have a certain paint.. If you sort paint by make it will be under Lancia, and the color is Blu.. Thanks!
Update: went ahead and just sent 5 of the stage 4.. After reset I will send 5 of the stage 5! Hope that works for ya, enjoy!