Standard, Intermediate or Expand HDtv Settings?

  • Thread starter 1KNm)
As the question, what settings do you use playing Forza 4.

I've read a couple of articles about this, claiming for the Standard feature for HDtvs as the color range is best fitted.

Although, why does Microsoft want us to use expand for HDTVs " if we are experiencing better image quality" ?

sorry, in swe, but please search the eng site.

Im currently on expand, looks great at some tracks, like nurburgring, catalunya, tsukuba, but at some it kills the blacks. With the standard setting there is no depth in the picture imo.

Btw, the colors are fine, just questioning the black level?
It depends on the tv you are using. So, I cannot tell you what is best.

However, odds are if you have a hdtv manufactured within the past 1-2 years then expanded would be your best choice.

I have a 32" lg HDTV which I run in 720p (because 1080p on a screen smaller than 40" makes no sense and most/all current console games are rendered at 720p then "up-converted," if you even want to call it that, to 1080p). For XBOX display settings I use expanded reference levels, YCbCr709 color space, and I tinker with various settings in the TV menu such as noise reduction, black level, etc etc. So, the black level is something you can modify in your tv picture settings (contrast, brightness, black level, back light, etc)
That my friend I know.

Although, I've just read an article about this. The reason theres up to no dev at all telling us what settings is ftw, they usually have devd the games to PC- levels until recently.

Games that usually asks you to adjust the gamma settings in the beginning of a game, is the one usually set for video-levels (HD-tvs).

This is what I¨ve gone for, so Expand for Xbox, and super bright for PS3.

No my friend, the Y... setting is for HD movies usually, in games you can easily get blacks crushed, and your colors way to contrasty. If I were you Id go for source, or auto.

As for rgb for the PS3, its for pc-levels. This is what Ive been told.
