"Standards" the good, the bad and the ugly

  • Thread starter bodger
I give up on this battle that can't be won.

You standard-haters have no business driving the cars you don't even want in the game. Stop using them.

I'm off to enjoy my Nissan Stagea. Sure don't want to see it gone.

How does me or anyone else not liking the current state of the MKIV Supra have to do with what game we should be playing, and two are liking or disliking of the car in general. It's a novel concept really to want consistency, and I'd hope someone of the supposed 30 and over crowd would exude a bit more wisdom than 'standard-haters'.

I'm quite the Supra fan, but I hate the current state of the Supra MKIV especially compared to the lesser notable MKIII which doesn't have as big of a cult following in Japanese car culture and international car culture compared to the former. Does it mean that I want to see it gone? No, not really. Does it mean I can live without it as they make a better version, then sure. And even if they didn't I'd still be fine and others too.

It's almost silly how some people are up in arms about people wanting standards taken out to be updated, not gone forever but improved (something you leave out), as if it will happen. I'm trying to understand the affinity for certain standards and the stigma toward those who would be fine without.
Do you want GT to become a Forza clone? Or do you want Forza to become a GT clone?

Why can't we enjoy both games as they are and stop trying to change them?

Kaz has a dream, and we're not in it. Let him do his thing.

Not sure how that is the only option on the table, or how you can even extrapolate that one or the other conclusion.

Also why do you seem to keep bringing up FM when no one else is in their posts. This isn't an FM vs GT thread we have threads already for that, this is talking about the standard cars and showing images of what they look like and hoping they become better semi-premium or premiums in the future.

Also this whole "dream" speech is a bit silly and whimsical.
I can't really disagree with those who say that the standard cars look quite bad - they really do. The problem is that by removing standard cars, many, many iconic cars will disappear... Cars like the Zonda C12, C1 Corvette, 22B Impreza, Mk IV Supra, LMP cars like the Audi R8 and Toyota GT-One, the FGT will disappear too... Not counting all the Group B and Group A rally cars. We wouldn't have RUF cars either...

You get my point: the solution is not to remove all standard cars. What PD really should do is simply upgrade more and more of them to premium and semi-premium, like they did for GT6, while leaving the bad looking ones still in the game.

Gran Turismo is about the car culture and history. I don't want GT7 not to have something as important as an Audi R8 or Lancia Delta S4. Even if the Delta S4 doesn't get premium or semi-premium treatment for GT7, I still want it in the game. Same with all the other iconic cars. ;)
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More likely than not they would just upgrade standards like the RUFs, XJ220, and the Supra to premium like they did with the Veyron and the Countaches.
It's not the cars themselves that people dislike, it's the quality (or lack of) of their in-game representations. I personally dislike the standards, not because I dislike the '97 Supra, '37 Auto Union, '99 myriad of Skylines etc, but because they look shoddy. Admittedly, the situation's better than it was in GT5, but we still have car models that resemble Minecraft assets, which for a 2014 release in a franchise that used to pride itself on it's dedication to capturing everything as realistically as possible, is absolutely laughable. I want the standards to go. I want the cars to stay, but to come back in semi-premium/premium form. Of course, for PD this is logistically impossible but when we say we want standards gone, that is what we mean. Not, as others here have insinuated, that we hate the cars themselves and don't want them on a driving game.
I can't really disagree with those who say that the standard cars look quite bad - they really do. The problem is that by removing standard cars, many, many iconic cars will disappear... Cars like the Zonda C12, C1 Corvette, 22B Impreza, Mk IV Supra, LMP cars like the Audi R8 and Toyota GT-One, the FGT will disappear too... Not counting all the Group B and Group A rally cars. We wouldn't have RUF cars either...

You get my point: the solution is not to remove all standard cars. What PD really should do is simply upgrade more and more of them to premium and semi-premium, like they did for GT6, while leaving the bad looking ones still in the game.

GT6 is about the car culture and history. I don't want GT7 not to have something as important as an Audi R8 or Lancia Delta S4. Even if the Delta S4 doesn't get premium or semi-premium treatment for GT7, I still want it in the game. Same with all the other iconic cars. ;)
^ +1000 ;)
I can't really disagree with those who say that the standard cars look quite bad - they really do. The problem is that by removing standard cars, many, many iconic cars will disappear... Cars like the Zonda C12, C1 Corvette, 22B Impreza, Mk IV Supra, LMP cars like the Audi R8 and Toyota GT-One, the FGT will disappear too... Not counting all the Group B and Group A rally cars. We wouldn't have RUF cars either...

You get my point: the solution is not to remove all standard cars. What PD really should do is simply upgrade more and more of them to premium and semi-premium, like they did for GT6, while leaving the bad looking ones still in the game.

Gran Turismo is about the car culture and history. I don't want GT7 not to have something as important as an Audi R8 or Lancia Delta S4. Even if the Delta S4 doesn't get premium or semi-premium treatment for GT7, I still want it in the game. Same with all the other iconic cars. ;)
You're equating removing the standard cars as removing the cars from GT permanently.
Do you want GT to become a Forza clone? Or do you want Forza to become a GT clone?

Why can't we enjoy both games as they are and stop trying to change them?

Kaz has a dream, and we're not in it. Let him do his thing.
I'm at a complete loss what any of this has to do with Standard cars. Why would removing or upgrading dead weight make the game a Forza clone? Was GT3 a Forza clone too? GT5: P?

And, ironically, with all of the times he apologized about them and said he wished he had more time to fix all of them, and all of the times he basically gasms in interviews about how pretty they are making the next game or how much effort they put into making the greatest visual experience or what new thing the next GT game is finally showing off; Kaz certainly doesn't seem include "horribly outdated art assets" as part of his "dream", whatever that is; though you (as do many of the people who use the "it's his dream" argument as a stick to hit people with) seem to have the paper copy of it so perhaps you can correct me on this.
Even if they come back someday as premium, that'll be Gran Turismo 20 or something.
Going by your GT20 theory, we should keep the standards until then?

Do you realize how terrible they'll look beyond the PS4? They already look like a joke now.
Going by your GT20 theory, we should keep the standard until then?

Do you realize how much more of a joke they'll look beyond the PS4? They already look like a joke now.

Some of them do look like a joke, I agree. But I don't think gaming graphics will improve that quickly anymore in the future - we have reached nearly photo-realism. The graphics difference between PS1 and PS4 is probably much bigger than the difference between PS4 and PS7 will be.

I already explained the problems with removing all the standard cars: we will lose many iconic vehicles. So what is your suggestion?
Some of them do look like a joke, I agree. But I don't think gaming graphics will improve that quickly anymore in the future - we have reached nearly photo-realism. The graphics difference between PS1 and PS4 is probably much bigger than the difference between PS4 and PS7 will be.

I already explained the problems with removing all the standard cars: we will lose many iconic vehicles. So what is your suggestion?
You're going to have more problems keeping the standards than removing them. So what if we lose many iconic vehicles? It's not like they're any good in their current form anyway.
You're going to have more problems keeping the standards than removing them. So what if we lose many iconic vehicles? It's not like they're any good in their current form anyway.

Some of them are pretty good, I don't mind the Delta S4's or the R390's looks for example. I drive them anyways and I wouldn't be very happy if they cut them out from GT7.

That said, there are some cars which could get removed, like the many standard Skylines, Miatas and, of course, the Minecraft Daihatsu.
That awkward moment when you paint some of your standard cars in darker colours to hide at least some of the jagged lines...

Anyways great thread, always a joy (depending though, haha) to read the posts here! :)
This looks pretty good for a standard car.


I was expecting you to show a picture of some horrible standard car, i know i have to show mine pretty soon.
Which is right about now!
Look at the Glorious R92CP which i use to grind money!



Well... it prefers performance over looks!
And if there was Nissan bias, they would have atleast made 1 car in the Nismo dealership premium, let alone semi-premium.
By the way, i heard that the Escudo is semi-premium.

Most of the livery looks to be improved --Nissan logos and whatnot. The model looks horrid though. :rolleyes:
You get my point: the solution is not to remove all standard cars. What PD really should do is simply upgrade more and more of them to premium and semi-premium, like they did for GT6, while leaving the bad looking ones still in the game.

I do agree with this, but the one thing we have to consider is that the more time they spend merely converting standards to premium, the less time they have to bring in entirely new cars to the game. And I assume this is why they appear to be reluctant to try and get the whole batch converted, because they are worried about the complaints if they released a game which had no new cars at all.