Standing at Work

  • Thread starter Danoff


United States
Mile High City

It was announced at my work today that "sitting is as bad for you as smoking", according to a new study. So we should all try to stand at our desks while we work.

I don't really know much about this except to know that it's an overblown fad that will eventually go away. So, do we have any true believers in the standing at work craze? I'd love to hear someone confidently extol the virtues.
If I wanted to avoid sitting for some reason (thus far, I for sure have seen no health problems from extended sitting), I'd walk. Standing is a needless strain.
...This is a fad. It will die a (hopefully) a quick death.

Anyone who worked in a service industry, where you end up standing around serving customers for hours on end will testify this is no dang picnic. I know I can.

...I mean, who did such "study"? I tell ya, it's yer bosses tryin' to save on buying 'em new chairs - you just wait and see; your managers and directors will still get themselves a plush sofa or something.
I have lower back problems so I have to get up and walk around sometimes. At one point my back was so bad that I literally could not sit at my desk, I had to kneel all day. Even now after seeing a chiropractor for over a year, I still have issues sitting at my desk or driving cars that have bad seats. (pretty much all of them) Standing for me would be welcomed.

But obviously not everyone has back issues.

I tell ya, it's yer bosses tryin' to save on buying 'em new chairs.
My boss at my last job refused to buy us new chairs, and this was a multi-million dollar company. Guy was a tight wad, and after my last raise refusal I left. He recently bought a McLaren MP4-12C. :rolleyes:
...This is a fad. It will die a (hopefully) a quick death.

Anyone who worked in a service industry, where you end up standing around serving customers for hours on end will testify this is no dang picnic. I know I can.

...I mean, who did such "study"? I tell ya, it's yer bosses tryin' to save on buying 'em new chairs - you just wait and see; your managers and directors will still get themselves a plush sofa or something.

Worse than smoking and HIV
I think it's just to promote alertness and prevent tiredness from exacerbating mistakes. I would think that the impetus for someone to stand at their workstation because of fear of dying from sitting can only result in wanting to do the job better and with greater concentration. If I was the boss, I would only use it as a temporary means of putting someone in line who is getting too comfortable and slacking off, thereby making careless mistakes.
Standing is bad for you? Until I see undeniable proof that standing, and standing alone, harms any persons well-being, I will not give up chairs...
Thanks to evolution the human spine is poorly suited to standing or sitting. It used to be arched and has been gradually collapsed into a wobbly S with no structural integrity, leaving us with nightmarish back problems and discomfort when remaining in any position for an extended period.

The obvious solution is for all of us to live in vats of water with only our heads and arms sticking out. Productivity would skyrocket.
I am not for or against this. At all the times I am at work I am on my feet for a solid 8 hours at minimum. I can tell over the years though a solid set of shoes is the most important thing in order to remain on your feet is the most imperative thing needed.

At my job the guidelines are to have a set of slip free shoes on in order to prevent slip and fall incidents. While this is a good concept, it does not work for me. In order for me to get these "so called slip resistance" shoes they do not manufacture them to my individual feet. It is a constant struggle for me with the business over wearing these shoes versus specific shoes I buy that suit my feet in business approved shoes.

The battle goes something like this - boss "your not wearing company approved shoes". Me - "No problem I'll fix the issue but I do not believe the business wants to pay for my knee surgery over a slip and fall incident". Boss - "well there will be no paying for a slip and fall incident". Me - "that is fine, I have talked with my doctor and already have a quote on the knee surgery I would need in the future" Boss - "well just get those company slip resistant shoes..." next day not a word and I continue with my set of shoes I pay way too much so I'm not worried about knee or other injuries that standing 8 to 15 hour during work produce...
As a musician, I've been told not to spend too much time sitting down (which is difficult when you play the cello), our Alexander Technique tutors have said that if you're sitting down for extended periods of time you should get up every 20 minutes or so and have a quick stretch.
Standing up rigid all the time at work is absolutely horrible.

Walking around all the time at work is not ideal, but much more tolerable.

I find sitting all the time at work to also be quite discomforting over a period of a few weeks. The balance is some walking and some sitting; definitely not standing up stiff.

/Personal Experiences
I'd alternate standing and sitting if I had a desk job. Perhaps something like 2 hours sitting, 30 minutes standing 2 hours sitting, 30 minutes standing and two hours sitting again.

If you're a bit on the heavy side, the constant weight on your feet is definitely not very comfortable after several hours.
We do have one person who prefers to stand, at least some of the time. I usually sit unless I'm over by someone else's desk. Though if I'm at my desk, every so often I will get up and walk. I've been on jobs where I would stand for hours and while I could do it, I don't remember benefiting from it in anyway.
I have a desk with a crank that easily raises/lowers my desk, so it's really easy to alternate between sitting and standing throughout the day. I'd say that I typically stand for 2-3 hours, and sit for an hour or so in between. I find it to be an ideal way to go, but I also think the whole thing comes down to personal preference.

I'd say that employers have to provide workers with a desk and a chair anyways, why not give them a setup where it's easy to go with either option?
I feel like with any of this stuff it's bad to go fully to one extreme or the other. I worked in an office last summer and I found that if I had to do mostly desk work for a week or so it started to get really uncomfortable sitting that many days in a row. But of course the other side is that when I worked in a kitchen it sucked to stand for a 10 hour shift.

I do think there's something to be said for it though. I don't think I could go to a solely standing desk but I'd like to try it for a bit.
Some of us don't sit at a desk for work nor want to for that matter.
But standing at a desk for the majority of the day sounds worse than sitting to me.
Just get up and move around a bit every now and then.

I much prefer the the ability to move around in my work than being tethered to a desk.
Standing for hours on end is just as bad as sitting for hours on end.

What is actually required is a wire-trapeze system as used by Tom Cruise in the first Mission:Impossible movie.
I stopped sitting, in the traditional sense, at work a few years back. I was getting awful lower back pain and although that wasn't the root cause of the issue, it was crippling after just a couple of hours sat down. Getting up and walking around would ease it, but it would soon come back. It became unbearable. Several MRI's and a run of physiotherapy later, i now utilise one of those sitting/kneeling chairs/stools where more of your weight is supported through your knees. I've not had it since to the same extent, but any prolonged time spent sitting, ie long car journeys, been sat on a dining chair, or even sat in front of the TV and i can feel initial twinges coming on.

But i can't see that been stood up for similar prolonged periods would be any better for you. As with most things in life, doing them in moderation is generally best.
We've setup workstations in some of our offices with "trek desks"...

bg_machine.png well as some simple standing workstations. However, all of those stations have dual monitors and keyboards at desks so the relevant staff can sit or stand.

For me, the Pros and Cons:

I struggle to find time to exercise in my own time, walking over 10 miles whilst getting paid to work = profit!
Even standing burns more calories and uses core muscles.
My posture when sat is very poor, so even just standing is better for my back I'm sure.
Stops afternoon lethargy creeping in, I certainly feel more focused when stood or walking.
When I'm sat, I drink lots of tea with milk and sugar... when I'm stood, or walking, it puts me in the right frame of mind to drink nice clean healthy water instead!

It's okay if your working on a document, like a Word, Excel or Powerpoint file. But I do quite a few drawings and that kind of thing, I find coordinating mouse work and keyboard shortcuts easier to do sat down.
I prefer not to use it if I'm speaking to customers on the phone, so it can be a bit distracting in that sense.

Overall I think it can be beneficial, I know for me, the difference between sitting all day and standing/walking is as much a 1 stone in weight over a few weeks, and I think it has productivity benefits. It's not suited to all jobs or all people though, so I think it works well where people have the option to do it, or not do it.
They are talking about removing the nurses station from our ward so patient's relatives "see we are always with our patients and never sitting" so please don't show them this report.

I'd say regular exercise breaks would probably be best in a office type job. Surely you're allowed a 5 minute stretch every hour or something to just stand/reposition (I've never worked in an office)?
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My parents both worked in an office where they sat 8 hours per day.
Now sitting is bad for you because your legs (knees mostly) don't move much.
And all the weight is stressed to your spine.
That's way is a good thing to stretch from time to time.

Now standing at work is more difficult.You get tired more quickly and you need
some quality footwear to stand so long.So sitting is better than standing.
It's the companies that would like not to spend money on decent chairs.
In a working life of almost 40 years, I have never had a sit down job. I have always had jobs where I need to move around, and it would be interesting to know just how many miles I have walked in that time.

My current job involes shipping for a large technology company, so packing items, stacking and moving pallets, and using a pump truck. Yesterday I shipped so much I totally filled a TNT trailer. I'm sure that having had a physical job for so many years is why I am still relatively fit for my age and still at my fighting weigth of 48 kg :)
Banishing chairs would not be at all popular where I am... people simply wouldn't stand for it.

I like the idea of the adjustable workstation though, which would give people the option of standing for a while if their jobs were mainly deskbound. I must admit that all this talk of sitting being bad for one's health does make me a tad nervous, since sitting on my arse is one of my favourite pastimes.
Out of curiosity, I started taking a pedometer to work. I was surprised to find that, in a six-hour day, I regularly walk between eight and ten kilometres.
At the local imaging center they have a small chime that sounds every 10 minutes to prompt the radiologists to get up or change position so they don't sit in their diagnostic dungeons all day.

Also, notice how in the OP they put a beautiful woman with perfect posture and figure standing there at the desk.

This guy wouldn't sell desks.

At the local imaging center they have a small chime that sounds every 10 minutes to prompt the radiologists to get up or change position so they don't sit in their diagnostic dungeons all day.

That sound awful.