And that interview is exactly why I dislike JJ. If he wants to make a film, he can shove off and make his own franchise, and not ruin it for those of us who dare I say it actually care about Star Trek. Star Trek dealt with real problems, real issues and showed people a future that was better in so many ways. It was that Trek that inspired scientists, engineers, astronauts etc. JJTrek does nothing of the sort. It is just an action film that stamps all over Star Trek with its money filled muddy boots. Yes, it is Sci Fi. But anyone can write SciFi. He needed a name to make his film stand out, that is what it boils down to.
And it may seem stupid, but in the Sci Fi world, there are very few if any names that surpass Star Trek, Star Wars and Stargate. So you'll have to excuse those of us who grew up with these names for being stubborn gits.
I watched a comicon or something once, and a soldier came up from the crowd talking about how Star Trek had helped him recover after his experience because of the way it was written and the issues it covered. It was totally believable. I don't see JJTrek doing anything of the sort. I actually wish Star Trek was still given the banner of being a "nerd show" or whatever, just to keep JJ away from it.