Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the clones

  • Thread starter Tom M
first things first; lucas still hasn't got it quite right, but this is a hell of a lot better than PM, which frankly, was village.

this is much better - some top lightsabre battles and a good bit of space ship action too.

be warned though; the bits with anakin and padme are real sick-bag. I almost vommed on my shoes twice.

I thought Hayden was good though (when not gazing at Portman), Euwan has improved and Samuel Jackson is still the coolest Jedi yet. And Yoda is also very, very hardcore.

in short - well worth watching, I'll be going again in a week or so.
i saw it last night and i thought it was very good, well not very god as a movie but awesome as a story, if you are someone wjo hasn't seen the other movies you wouldn't get it, but if you've seen the others it should be a blast, i enjoyed myself watching it and thinking...i was thinking so much trying to put the puzzle together, b/c that is what the movies is... a piece of the puzzle.
This is my favourite movie now... i get pissed off reading the bad reviews people are giving it, the only reason they dont like it is because they dont know the prvious movies and dont know who the people are that they are talking about or past events. If you know the other starwars and have even a basic knowledge of what they are about then you will love this movie. There are some amazing scenes in it and it makesyou wanna get up and cheer when yoda is going his hardcore fight **** with his lightsaber... cool movie
Ehhhhh, well, NO. I was alive to see the first Star Wars (and all the subsequent ones) in the theatre, and I have to say, the second series (EP1-3) are not as good.

Lucas waited all these years for the special FX to catch up to his vision, but he apparently had his thumb up his butt the whole time. He certainly wasn't working on the plot and storyline at all. He was just dreaming up cool new visuals.
Teenybopper Anikin was OK, if a little predictable in his delivery. But let me say this:


She sucks. Words can't describe just how awful an actress she is. I tried to give her a second chance after the totally wooden performance she gave us in EP1. I suppose some people think she's cute, but I've seen highschoolers act with more convincing emotion (heck, ANY emotion)! At the risk of being a spoiler: in the scene right before the big arena battle, when she finally confesses - she might as well be telling him she has to go to the gynecologist for her yearly checkup. I mean, c'mon! Show a little life! Show a little fire! Show a little passion! Wups, sorry; she can't. Bring back Carrie Fisher. She could sell me the character better, even being more than twice the age she should be for the role.

I'll wait to see how EP3 wraps it up, but so far, I have to give these two a serious B minus.
Originally posted by neon_duke


She sucks. Words can't describe just how awful an actress she is. I tried to give her a second chance after the totally wooden performance she gave us in EP1. I suppose some people think she's cute, but I've seen highschoolers act with more convincing emotion (heck, ANY emotion)! At the risk of being a spoiler: in the scene right before the big arena battle, when she finally confesses - she might as well be telling him she has to go to the gynecologist for her yearly checkup. I mean, c'mon! Show a little life! Show a little fire! Show a little passion! Wups, sorry; she can't. Bring back Carrie Fisher. She could sell me the character better, even being more than twice the age she should be for the role.

I'll wait to see how EP3 wraps it up, but so far, I have to give these two a serious B minus. [/B]

Yeah man...I just saw the flick today. I liked it more on the whole than TPM, but the acting in general was poor. The action sequences were great, and there's more of 'em: maybe that's why I liked this one more. They got away from the artificial acting.

Anakin wasn't bad, tho.
i liked how she progressively lost her clothes, and that one seen right after she fell from the speeder during the last big fighting sequence, i want to slap gl for keeping that in there.

multi million dollar movie ruined by three seconds of one scene
Saw it last night.

The Jedi lightsaber against droid army battle was amazing. And yep Yoda kicks ass with the lightsaber.

yeah, Loved it, with the following caveats

We switched from character group to character group too frequently, upset the movie flow. The lovey dovey bit at the end made me want to throw up.

That's it, will definitly go again before it ends it cinema run.

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