Star Wars: Force Unleashed • The Official Thread

  • Thread starter DuckRacer
Now which version is better the XBox 360 or the Wii?

is Grafix > Wiggleness (i couldn't think of the verb for using the wii)

Edit: and it isn't Wiiing
How does it play? Is it comparable to KOTOR? I know there are RPG elements in it but are your allowed to make decisions that affect the way the game plays? I've been thinking about getting it but I don't know since I always have high expectations for Star Wars games after playing KOTOR for so long.
How does it play? Is it comparable to KOTOR? I know there are RPG elements in it but are your allowed to make decisions that affect the way the game plays?

yes you can do that

I've been thinking about getting it but I don't know since I always have high expectations for Star Wars games after playing KOTOR for so long.

if you read from everyone else's posts it's well worth the money to buy it.
My impression of it is an enhanced Star Wars version of God of War.
How does it play? Is it comparable to KOTOR?

I'd say its apples and oranges there. Like Omnis points out, its more like God of War, my first thoughts were of something similar to Ninja Gaiden. Its a great game, a lot of fun to play, and certainly an interesting piece of Star Wars Cannon. If you only rent it, thats fine, the story is absolutely brilliant.
I meant is the game play comparable to KOTOR? No Star Wars game will be that good until KOTOR 3 comes out. It looks like it should just be a rental though from what I've been reading.
Well, it isn't an RPG by any means, not anything close to KOTOR or Mass Effect. All of the dialogue pieces are cut scenes, nothing selectable, so you pretty much just play to be a bad-ass, and level up as you progress.
I tried the demo of this, didn't like it much at all really. Felt very generic, controls didn't feel great, graphics were solid but nothing exceptional.

I wouldn't say its a bad offering, but it's no special piece of kit either in my opinion.
To be honest, the demo on XBL maybe represented about 78% of what the game is actually like. The more you level up, the better it gets. The level you play is just a tantalizing teaser into how great it eventually becomes. The graphics are less-glitchy in the actual game, the audio is better as well. That being said, it isn't perfect, but I'll be damned if it isn't one of the most-fun games I've played in quite some time...
Well, I completed The Force Unleashed yesterday. I'll take a little bit of a break from it and go through it again and do the alternate ending.
I'm about halfway through my second play of the game, and I have to be honest when I say that it is much more satisfying when you've got (most) of the powers on the second time through. Force Lightning is invaluable, and is by-far my favorite way to get rid of enemies, but I'm starting to chuck the lightsaber around far more often, and just switch my moves up now and then to make it interesting.

I've also noticed that combos seem to be easier to do the further you get in the game. Perhaps its just having more of them to do all together, but I'm stringing them along nicely.

I did finish the game the first time through with the "Light Side" ending, and I have to say, it was pretty satisfying. You get a good sense of how the prequels are tied in with the origional films there, and truth be told, it makes me excited for what we could see in the live-action TV show that is in the works. I do hope the rumors are true that Starkiller could be a part of it, or the lead in a movie all his own. Nevertheless, the story is worth the price of admission, small issues with the game aside.
My brothers on his..erm..God knows how many times his played through it. He has completed it both ways "The Light Side" and the "Dark Side" way, I prefer the light side way as it seems to tie in with the movies more. However, there must be something bringing him back to keep playing I'm not quite sure what it is, maybe there is such thing as The Force...
YSSMAN inspired me to go through the game a second time. Even though it's way easier (so far), it's just so damn fun shocking people, throwing them, blowing them away with so much ease. Having saber throw and force lightning this early in the game is great too.
i loved this game. best star wars game imo. the only thing i would change is the controls seem a bit laggy (x360). run into a group of soldiers with maxed out lightning shield and they'd all just drop like fly's around you. throwing obi-wan into the millennium falcon engines and then twist luke to the dark side? very much a win though i wanted to kill luke because he'll probably end up killing the Apprentice much the way he killed vadar.

oh, yeah, vadar death qte was the best in the game, its a shame that once you figured him out, both him and the emperor were the easyst bosses. with the emperor just stand there and reflect his lightning back at him. with vadar you just had to use your counter attacks.

my laptop doesnt seem to like videos so ill have to watch the trailer later.

[edit - so, still streaming the trailer and two thoughts: he's dual weilding light sabers is awesome. not continuing from where the game and the expansion packs left off is fail imo. i was really looking forward to moving forward into episodes 4, 5 and 6.

and now theres apprentice clones? :confused: ]
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