STAR WARS General Discussion | Warning: Possible SPOILERS!Movies 

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
  1. So Crosshair did come back, great! I was expecting things to go a bit differently even though he was shown in the trailer with his crew.
  2. How does Crosshair have his rifle back? I thought he lost it on Barton 4, but suddenly I wonder if the one he used under the Empire was different.
  3. I wonder what is wrong with Crosshair's arm. I can't remember if anything happened previously to cause it or not.
  4. Had to say Barton IV, look where they stopped!
  5. Nice to see Crosshair still has feelings for Mayday, and to think he used to have issues working with regs when he made his debut.
  6. Oh wow, a close-up of the ice vulture, now that is nice to see! Wish we could have seen more of them, however.
  7. Geez, I’ve never seen Hunter so agitated before, he really wasn't happy with Crosshair.
  8. Got to admit, I thought Hunter was going to die out there.
  9. Surprised the Empire didn’t show up.
  10. While Tech is mentioned, I am a little disappointed we didn't get to see one of them tell Crosshair about it personally. (unless that was it right there)
Been meaning to post my thoughts on the last 2 episodes of The Bad Batch lately and I keep forgetting.
  1. Nice to see former Separatist and Republic leaders come together.
  2. Glad we didn’t have to wait long to see who the mysterious clone was.
  3. Oh wow, it’s Teth! I think that's the same Temple we saw in the TCW movie!
  4. I do admire Rex’s compassion for the clone and the fact he’s not outright aggressive towards interrogating him.
  5. Really glad they took out that clones shock capsule so he couldn’t kill himself. It still bugs me we never found out who Clone X was from the last season because of this. (Though I have a strong theory about this)
  6. Oh wow, another mysterious clone. How many are there?!
  7. Hold the phone, where’s The Marauder?!
  8. Wow, Howser isn’t happy at all to see Crosshair.
  9. Okay, since when is Rex secretive?! This was unexpected.
  10. Commander Wolfe! Finally!
  1. Wolfe seems to be oblivious to what the Empire is up to.
  2. I do hope we get to see that clone without his helmet eventually.
  3. I just love how Crosshair attacks the drop ship above him.
  4. Gosh, I thought Crosshair was dead when he was held underwater.
  5. I wonder what Wolfe is going to tell the Empire since he let them escape. Yea, I heard his remark he made near the end, but I have a feeling the Empire will be onto him.
  6. Okay, they keep putting a lot of emphasis on the operative, I really want to know who it is.
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Oh wow! 😲

Normally this is where I would put my thoughts here, but theirs so many things I am excited about that I don't even have the patience to type it all out. I am very hyped for this!
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I'll be honest, I didn't jot down my thoughts as I watched like I usually do because I just wanted to sit back and watch it. While the last season finale REALLY disappointed me, this one however did not and I think it rounded things off quite nicely. For starters, I like how not only did The Bad Batch have their own plan to get in, but Omega had her own plan for getting herself and all the children out as well, this certainly made it more interesting to watch. It was also nice to see the spotlight being put on Echo because I felt he didn't really have enough screen time in the past and Emerie joining him in an attempt to redeem himself was something I am glad they finally did. I didn't expect Omega to involve the Zillo Beast in all this, but man was I thrilled she did because seeing anything at all on the Zillo Beast again is a great thing and it did not disappoint either!

The small subplot between Rampart and Nala Se was kind of unexpected, but not unwelcome. I just knew Rampart could not be trusted and he would do something eventually, and I also had a strong feeling Nala Se would not survive this, but I didn't expect it to play out like this. It was a good scene though. Really glad they finally killed off Hemlock, I never cared too much for him from the start and I was ready for him to die back in the last season. So it was high time he finally went and his death was satisfying to see. I really thought The Bad Batch would lose a member or two by the time it was all over and I was surprised they didn't, but I guess the writers still have plans for them. That ending caught me by surprise because I did not expect a time jump into the future, but it was a nice surprise for sure and I can't wait to see what they'll do these characters later on.

While I have no shortage of things I liked about this finale, some things I didn't like was:
  1. Although we got a mention of Tech in the episode, I was really hoping we would find out more about what happened to him, but we didn't.
  2. They never revealed who that operative was that had been following them around across several episodes. The way Hunter was looking at him after he was killed, I really thought they were going to, but they didn't.
  3. While I haven't played through the game Republic Commando before and I have no huge attachment to Scorch like other people do, I do hate how they just killed him off like he was just another clone. I really do think he deserved better than this.
  4. What happened the Zillo Beast after it fled the mountain? Apart from maybe one mention after it escaped, we don't know what happened to it after.
  5. Maybe I need to watch it again, but how did they even get Wrecker on that ship in the end?
Overall though, I thought this was a solid ending to the series and while I hate it's over, I do look forward to seeing what they plan to do with the characters later on.
The Acolyte drops tomorrow. Not been so unenthusiastic about any live action SW before. Hoping to be pleasantly surprised though.
Honestly gave up following Star Wars when their TV Series tried to make a mini multiverse out of it making it feel like you need homework to enjoy the recent stuff.

Sure Ahsoka maybe good or bad but requiring to watch Rebels, Mandalorian (and by association Boba Fett) to fully understand whats going on made me not want to try it. Only have Rebels under my belt.

I much prefer the Series being their own standalone stories that just take place in the time frame over pieces in a grand adventure.

I know Star Wars is owned by Disney now but that doesnt mean we need to Kingdom-Hearts-it and make it convoluted.
Honestly gave up following Star Wars when their TV Series tried to make a mini multiverse out of it making it feel like you need homework to enjoy the recent stuff.

Sure Ahsoka maybe good or bad but requiring to watch Rebels, Mandalorian (and by association Boba Fett) to fully understand whats going on made me not want to try it. Only have Rebels under my belt.

I much prefer the Series being their own standalone stories that just take place in the time frame over pieces in a grand adventure.

I think this is a perception more than it is a reality. The problem is people that know enough to know that stuff links together, but don't know enough to know how... they tend to focus on that gap in their knowledge rather than simply focusing on the story that is being told. I think this is true of most things that have a large canonical body, but Star Wars itself started off with a great example of why we shouldn't let it matter - look at what we knew - and what we didn't know - about the saga at the point we were thrown into A New Hope!
That’s the view I have. Haven’t read all the books. Haven’t played all the games. Haven’t watched every series. I just watch the ones I watch if it interests me and take it as the story it is. Whether certain stories connect to all things Star Wars, as a 4/5/6 fan, isn’t my focus.
I think this is a perception more than it is a reality. The problem is people that know enough to know that stuff links together, but don't know enough to know how... they tend to focus on that gap in their knowledge rather than simply focusing on the story that is being told. I think this is true of most things that have a large canonical body, but Star Wars itself started off with a great example of why we shouldn't let it matter - look at what we knew - and what we didn't know - about the saga at the point we were thrown into A New Hope!
It's much different to A New Hope name dropping random world building quips like "Clone Wars" and "The Senate" because like most world building quips, they really didnt mean anything to the story. Whats the Clone Wars? Who cares at that point. The lore of that is only relevant when its delved into the Prequel trilogy and even then the detail of the Clone Wars in those movies was only the necessary ones since you only see the start and end.

With the TV Series mini multiverse direction now entire character details are left out for you to homework on another series. Book of Boba Fett is still the worse at this turning into a Mandalorian Season 2.5 which you need for Season 3 and even Ahsoka which also needed Mandalorian Season 2 for to know what she is gunning for in her own show and even then Rebels is also thing. Characters are cruical for story telling and leaving it out for a different series to fill the gaps retroactively is just exhausting to follow and takes away from the story in general. Its not even like Ahsoka return in Rebels where they at least put in the necessary context of why shes there and what her deal is for the show so you didnt have to watch The Clone Wars and is completed at the end of it. If Rebels was made today, the exposition of Ahsoka being Anakins apprentice would be left out and the conclusion to her story here would be in another series all together that doesnt retroactively catch you up on what she was doing in Rebels.

Something that felt so optional is now feeling mandatory since it actually impacts characters and the series overall pacing
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Even as a long time SW fan, i watch all the various live action and animated series but still get confused at where in the timeline i am at that particular point. I don't especially mind that all the more recent 'Dave Filoni' era stuff is interwoven as i'll watch it all anyway and have enjoyed it.

The Acolyte is set hundreds of years before anything (non-game or book) that we've seen before, so it shouldn't be burdened with the bagage of having links to other shows.
Enjoying it too so far.

Being in a different, earlier period of time i worried it might of felt a bit 'off' a bit like one of those well made fan fic pieces you see on youtube. Without any familiar faces (so far) or any Imperial stuff and mostly older tech, it could've felt like any random scifi show. But there's just enough to feel 'Star Wars' yet it's also quite fresh too. As much as i've enjoyed the Filoni era material its nice to break away from it.
So The Acolyte went from being dull with mundane writing to actually being really interesting.

I'm almost positive that Occupational Safety and Health Administration and Smilo Ren are on Bal'demnic too since it fits with Darth Tenebrous and has cortosis deposits. Also, I'm still not convinced that Smiley is Sith either, especially since they keep playing the Kylo Ren theme. If anything, I'm guessing this is sort of the start to the emergence of the Knights of Ren, plus it would fit with the Disney-verse and work to expand it.

And Vernestra was totally Qimir master as well, especially with those whip scars which fits the light whip.
Speculation: Speaking of light whips..Will this series show how corrupted the Jedi was? I wonder if they will make Kotor references.
Have you heard the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise? It's not a story a Jedi would tell you.

Certainly a pretty significant moment. I missed it the first time. That and the closing seconds set up quite the second season. Hopefully Disney ignore a lot of the push back against the series and we get a second season.
Enjoying it too so far.

Being in a different, earlier period of time i worried it might of felt a bit 'off' a bit like one of those well made fan fic pieces you see on youtube. Without any familiar faces (so far) or any Imperial stuff and mostly older tech, it could've felt like any random scifi show. But there's just enough to feel 'Star Wars' yet it's also quite fresh too. As much as i've enjoyed the Filoni era material its nice to break away from it.
Not sure what i thought of The Acolyte after finally getting round to watching the last episode.

At first i enjoyed it for its different setting and time, but then i grew a bit indifferent to it towards the middle. The last episode was very good though. The Sol and Jecki characters were solid, as was The Stranger, but Osha and Mae i thought were dull.

As much as i relish any new SW material, i might be a bit jaded by it all now. After waiting 15 years between EpVI and EpI, then 10 years between EpIII and EpVII, especially with the creation of Disney+ i now experience wall to wall SW and anything new doesn't supply that same build up of excitement and anticipation.
Haven's watched it yet and that would be unthinkable a couple of years ago, so I'm a bit further down the road you're walking now.

It's har to pin down what exactly made me desinterested. But I guess there's a lack of quality in the latest live action productions, this from a purely story-telling perspective. The latest shows, or latest seasons within shows (talking Mandalorian here) all felt lacking to me. Andor being the exception. Last aired SW I really enjoyed was the final season of Bad Batch, but that's not live action. So I gave this one a miss and will probably do the same with Skeleton Crew. We'll see
So I gave this one a miss and will probably do the same with Skeleton Crew. We'll see
From the trailer i've seen of Skeleton Crew, it certainly looks like it's aimed at a young audience, so whilst i'll no doubt still eventually watch it, i won't be counting down the days until it airs.

It also looks quite suburban - like future earth suburban, like The Jetsons, not 'a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away'. Whether that makes it seem fresh, like it's a new yet unseen part of the galaxy and not just another sand or jungle enviroment, or whether it still seems to fit with the Star Wars world we are familiar with. From the trailer it certainly came across as Speilberg with Jedi. The Goonies with lightsabers. I guess we'll see.
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Hopefully they gonna make the right conclusions from this. But I wouldn't be surprised if they are thinking "okay, so Star Wars fans hate cool villains, epic lightsaber fights and any timeline outside of main movies". Or maybe gonna bring back the classic one from sequels "fans bad".
A shame they just cancelled it, surely some good writers could pick up the plot points and create an interesting season. Even the first one, after having an incredibly weak start, suddenly peaked at that jedi massacre episode and then had a bunch of decent stuff in the next episodes until the final.
I hope they at least keep some of the characters. I mean you can't tease Plagueis and then not include him somewhere in the timeline.