Star Wars not all its hyped up to be.

  • Thread starter Joey D

Joey D

United States
Lakes of the North, MI
GTP Joey
I just saw Star Wars last night. I thought the movie was ok but not the best I have ever seen. The acting sucked and the love story was also terriable. The only things I like in the movie were:

1.The Battle Scene
2.Yoda Fighting (I LMAO :D )
3.Natile Portman

Other Than that the movie wasn't all that good. I thought there could have been a better plot and the love story could have been better. Also the battle could have been longer.

Anyway this is what i thought of the movie

I give it 3 out of 5 stars ***
I've seen the 3 originals. There were a million times better than the new ones.
Well - to me these films are all about shiny things flying about blowing each other up - there was very little of that in Phantom Menace, well, not to the extent of the others.

I think traditional criticism of this style of film is pretty meaningless - I certainly considered what you mentioned as a given, especially since George Lucas couldn't write his way out of a wet paper bag...

I'm more interested in what Palpatine's up to.

That said - I haven't seen the new one yet. I'll let you know what I think.
I think that the thrid one will be better because it will tie everything together.
I agree, the third one has so much that must be put into it. It will have to be 3+ hours, or it will just show everything it needs to. I thought Episode II was ok, but the love story definitely sucked. If the love story had been written better, the movie would have been very good.
Oh yeah, I cant wait to see Jar Jar Binks die. I hope he dies a horrible, horrible death. He is the most anoying character ever. I cant stand the voice.
Agreed Jar Jar should die a horrile death. He's is so annoying and he is just another thing that pulls the movie down.
I don't know how it was where you guys live but here in utah usa episode two was not hyped up at all.

In fact I've only seen the movie preview on t.v. ONCE. The news only said on one episode, about the movie. that's it.

It really wasn't built up where i live, so i can't understand your statement, "Star Wars, not all it's hyped up to be."
Here in Michigan it was hyped. Previews on TV alot, and the News kept updating it. Also the FOX station here play all the movies during a couple of weeks with a trailer of SWE2:AOTC.
Originally posted by vat_man
George Lucas couldn't write his way out of a wet paper bag...

How do you write yourself out of a bag ???? :confused:


And didn't he write the "Back to the Future" and "Indiana Jones" movies??

I actually liked Attack of the Clones, have seen it twice already.

I think that it is cool that anakin is really showing that he has trouble controlling his anger. And he is a pretty fu**ed up kid.

I have to see it again. :thumbsup:
Seriously, they showed all the good fighting scenes in the commercials i.e. The clone war, yoda fighting.
Wow, what a let down.

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