Your reply came a few minutes too lateStudentdriverUse the Mercedes CLK Touring Car from the legends of the Silver Arrow. It wins stock no problem.
go to arcade and practise your ass off then its piss easy. I got gold first try by about 12secondsgavriloHOW DO I COMPLETE THE NURBURGRING LAPGUIDE IN THE I-A LISCENCE?
I'm stuffed. Please give any tips and help would be appreciated.
By the way, how easy is it to win the farout, Cien?
It's cool. And should I keep the Cien and what car should I aim to get at the end?
Drift260Zwoah, all that time on the IA-16 test? I got done with it in like 3-5 tries.
Can you please type like a normal person?MoZqUiToCien iz pretty g00d, cept ur gonna hit a point where ya can't use it in some races (i think tha American championship) cause itz not a production car (and yet sometimes it appearz n ya g2 race against it (???)