Steering Lag - What the Hell?

  • Thread starter hiiambang
I have not noticed any steering lag. At first i thought there was heaps, and an inconsistant amount. Then i remembered my tv was not set to GAME mode....try setting your tv to game mode and see how you go.
I think the OP is referring to steering rate. It is not linear as the amount of lock changes with the speed of the car and it affects the DS3 as well as the wheel I use, the DFP.

For the DS3, it can be improved by changing the controller sensitivity to 7, but it the amount of lock available is still an exponential curve based on the speed the car is travelling at.

There really needs to be an option to turn off this aid for those that want to, so a 20 deg movement in the controller results in a (for example) 20 deg movement in the wheels, regardless of the speed you are travelling at.
I joined this forum just to share my recent experience and to make sure I wasn't crazy. I totally understand not having max travel of the analog stick being full lock in either direction... That would make twitch thumbs cause some insane consequences.
My issue came when trying to run the AWD challenge at Mount Panorama Circuit in Australia. Some of the corners are INSANELY tight and the track is SUPER narrow. So going into a corner at low speed the driver REFUSED to turn the wheel past 11 or 2 o'clock! I NEEDED practically full lock to get around the corner. This caused me to drive right off the track into the wall!
It's as if I had some "auto steer" function turned on BUT I race with auto steer, auto braking, and stability control turned OFF!
THE only way I could even finish the track was to buy the center diff controller and set it all the way to rear bias so I could use throttle to make it through the corners. Still I could only best a 2nd place because I kept getting driven off the track by the "steering angle cap" that seemed to be applied. I KNOW it's not a suspension height settings or wide tires causing interference with the steering (which would be a cool addition to tuning) because if I spin out the driver WILL sheet all the way to lock to let me drive back on the track.
I also maxed out my controller steer sensitivity thinking that may be the issue but it still had the same issues!
Anyone have similar issues? Is this similar to what some of you all are going through?