steering setup

im very curious to know exactlly how many people around the world are using wheel setups? myself iam a joystick junkie.i ve been using joystick since dualshock 1 and gt 1 so im very used to stick.i try the wheel at friends places and i do like it but needs getting a feel for it. im usually second or two slower depending on track,but i can fix that. im also in awe with all your setups on this site. nice work !
ROFL at your Avatar, I'm old enough to remember what that is. Even though I race with a DF-GT wheel, G25 pedals and a Sparco Cockpit GT setup I still think my original Sidewinder II Joystick driving Sierra Viper Racing was the closest thing I've felt to reality.

The thing that the joystick did in that game was model braking and acceleration forces correctly. The harder you accelerated the more the stick pushed back on you and would start to slip forward if you broke traction, and if you braked too hard you could feel the stick starting to slip backwards.

It was brilliant and it's a tragedy that technology died with the game. The current setup offers no physical feedback whatsoever for acceleration/braking. I personally would take that over any improvements in graphics/sound/physics modelling at this point.
There is the novint Falcon which modelles that. The steering grip hasn´t come yet though. So you get a steering wheel that can move in the horisontal axes up/down/left/right/in/out and around lol

I have done some xpand rally with it quite cool really

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