still watching the Simpsons...

  • Thread starter AznAbyss86
hehe, yeah I watch pretty much every night...

Ralph: "It tastes like burning!" - eating some tropical plant when the school kids were stranded on a desert isle after Otto drives the bus over a... cliff? or something...

Homer IS the funniest and this comes to mind about if angry fist:
"How much sex is gonna be involved... CAUSE IF IT'S SOME!! (waving fist in face)
That had me rolling for some time!! :lol:

Just the greatest show I'd say!
I loved the one where Homer went to college...

"Woohoo, I'm a college man now! I don't need my high school diploma any more!"

*sets his diploma on fire while it's still hanging on the wall, and the whole wall bursts into flames behind him as he dances around*

"I am so smart! I am so smart! I am so smart! I am so smart! S-M-R-T! I mean, S-M-AR-T!"

i know... when they're in football jail and the doctor says " as a doctor i'd say he's had enough, but as a football fan" and he kicks homer.:lol:
Whacking Day is my favourite - so many golden moments...

- Ninja Homer
- (Homer in devil suit with canastas dances on Good Homer's grave - 'I am evil Homer, I am evil Homer....)
- Granda in a dress dancing in front of Hitler during WW2
- 'avert your eyes, children, he may take on other forms!'
- the dangerous food additive testing scene - 'pleasing taste, some monsterism'
- Quimby had so many great lines in this episode 'you're nothing but a pack of fickle mush-heads!'
- the Richard Nixon sequence (to booing) 'thank you - thanks for coming out...'
- the whole sequence with Willy's tractor and Superintendent Chalmers