Street Racing Season 2

  • Thread starter Joey D

Joey D

United States
Lakes of the North, MI
GTP Joey
Ok this season will be a little different. There will be more money to start with, 60,000 credits. You must pick Japanese or American no European. Points and Money will be awarded still.

There will also be teams of people between 3 and 5. This is only if I get enough people.

Teams will challenge each other for money. There will be one race every week for points as well. The teams get the points but each person gets there own money.

This will be starting around the middle of August so let me if your intersted. You can compete solo if you can't get a team together.
Either PM me or just reply to this thred.

I'll be busy the first Two weeks in Aug so thats whay I starting it towards the end.
Saleen will kick me to the curb... but I'm in.
Or to avoid being kicked to the curb Saleen, you and me could team up. If enuff folks are interested in this. I'll PM Misnblu and see if he's up for it.
What about you Gil, SaleenAsl, me and one other person.

We could be team. Uh I dunno Team Slow (I know its already a team) or how bout Team Go?

Lemme know and ask all your friends!!!
Originally posted by streetracer780
What about you Gil, SaleenAsl, me and one other person.

We could be team. Uh I dunno Team Slow (I know its already a team) or how bout Team Go?

Lemme know and ask all your friends!!!
I told Misnblu about the comp via PM. He could be our last driver if he's in.
Question; Street tires on this one too?
I'm looking at an RX-7 for this one.
I'm going for the Mustang SVT Cobra R, I tuned it up and I still had money left not enough to buy new things but I had money left....
all i need is 70,000.....i used up 59 but i need a tranny....if i had that then you guy would all lose
I'm keeping it at 60k for starters. If enough people say they want more the I'll make it more.

Glad to see yor and your team are in whitez.

Ok how bout this I'll compromise your offer. 70000 credits to start.

So it looks like 3 teams so far Yeah!!!

And a note to my team. What will we be called?