Street Racing Season 2

  • Thread starter Joey D
sorry dog but I don't think Team Type R is playing this roud One of them is on vacations and another hasn't droped by gtp in a while
errrrrr......i think this may not work the way i want it to
Originally posted by cheeks52
sorry dog but I don't think Team Type R is playing this roud One of them is on vacations and another hasn't droped by gtp in a while
Will he still be gone in august?
We don't start till then.
Well I'm gunna be gone the forst week of August. Plus I need a break from the last season. Or we can get it going and just do team battles til the actual thing starts.

As for the web site Anglefire was the only free web hoster I know of. I know its not great but I've no freakin idea on what to do. If someone could help I'd apperciate it.
Well, Im not very good at racing but love to have some fun. ;)
This sounds like fun and if its not too late, Im in.
Just got the Ps2 back and am ready to get some practice.
Gil, thanks, Ive been busy and couldnt reply to this post immediately. :( ;)
Lets rock and roll baby.
[marquee] :D :D [/marquee]
Here are the updated rules:

1.Spend 60,000 on a car and mods
2.Street tires only
3.Can't get Race car. Like you could afford one.
4.Team battles can be held when ever
5.Events held every week
6.Teams receive the points
7.Each person keeps there winnings
That seems like it.

And welcome misnblu. What team are you on?

and whitez match this.

*Walks over to his 99 GT-R and sits in it....REVS THE ENGINE LOUDER THAN THE S4*
*street is unimpressed at that whitez can do that*
*Street does a 4 wheel burn out then drives around whitez doing dounts*
*street rolls down window and says "Nice kraut car you got there but my rice rocket can kill you every time"*
*street burns out again and floors it down the street then slides it around the coner and speed off*
*whitez starts chasing street and catching up to that hunk of junk, he levels with him flicks him off and speeds off*
Ok, not sure what the teams are and read they were being made as we type.
Maybe if someone wants me on their team???
Whats the list for teams for now and who is on them?
Let me know.

*street chases after whitez*
*gets up to him*

Misnblu well you can be on our team. Gil, SaleenAsL, me. You can be the last one on our team. But we still need a name.

The other team is BAR and maybe Type R if they can get back together.I'm still recruting though.

If you have a suggestion on a team name PM me.

Here is are suggestions from me
If we all get 80's or early 90's carswe could be
" The Old School Team"

"GT Conceptz"

Lemme know misnblu
Consider it done and am humbled to be on your team. ;)
Ill send you a pm on a name suggestion.

Awesome. :thumbsup:
Ill have my car by Friday evening.

Originally posted by misnblu
Consider it done and am humbled to be on your team. ;)
Ill send you a pm on a name suggestion.

I, for one am glad to have you.
Originally posted by Gil

I told Misnblu about the comp via PM. He could be our last driver if he's in.
Question; Street tires on this one too?
I'm looking at an RX-7 for this one.
I may save 13,000 and go with the EVO 6.
Yes, I love my Mitsu's I think the "6" may handle better than the "7" I used last season.
I'll build up both and see which one rocks.
To the other teams:
Be prepared to be tore up from the floor up :D
The GTGRANDMASTER will kill you all. Then run over your corpes in out slammin rides.

ok we won't really kill ya. Just beat ya on the track (street).