Street Racing Season 2

  • Thread starter Joey D
I thought I PMed? I have alot on my mind right now so I probalay forgot. Sorry.
I will give ypu back your 200 credits cause I forgot on my part. oh well 800 is fine for me.
Originally posted by kesen

we are running a race series, where u get 60k credits. you use that money to purchase a car and mods. we are betting our remaining credits, during the preseason.

on our last pre-season race, we all bet 200 credits. StreetRacer780 won 800 credits. the losers subtract the 200 credits that they lost.

were all those question marks really necessary?
Reminder SS Route 11 times are due tonite at midnight EST. This is an offical comp so don't forget.
Perhaps since it is an official comp you should move this thread to either the short term or long term race forums.
I can't move it. I'll start posting the results once they are in, in the long comp thread.
I dunno I didnt find out about it til a few months ago when talentless told me, usually only mods can move threads but now the thread starter can move his thread
So, how about some times for the fans out there?

How did everybody do??

I was late putting in my time as I was out of town for the weekend.
Street, your audience is waiting for those times. ;)

I'll post them in a minute I was waiting for the rest of you stragglers!
this is all done on paper. when u first start off, you write down 60,000 on a piece of paper. then as you purchase a car, and mods, you subtract the credits from your initial 60k.

when you win a race, SR posts how many credits u win. u then add that number to your balance (60k-car-price of mods+ prize credits).

when we did the preseason worked like this. 5 of us bet 200 credits each. the winner added 1000 credits (200 x 5) to their balance. each loser subtraced the 200 that they lost.

understand now?