Well, I finally did it and run the 1/8 mile.
I went to
Mobile dragway to do the 1/8 and they just became certified by the NHRA as a nationally sanctioned track.

Chevy2000 and some others went, including a car club out of Mobile. They were the ChapterXIII car club and have some nice cars there.
Anyway, my very first pass was a 9.55 and I was immediately stoked about it.
From what Ive read on the web, 10.00 or so is what I should be running with the 15.6 1/4 times.
My r/t's were pretty consistent with some .55 and .52's with an occasional .42 and .47 along with the rest.
60 foot times were pretty consistent with most in the 2.240 times and 2.23 being my best. I was surprised at the slow 60 fioot times as I can usually run 2.19 to 2.20 times for most 60 foots.
Didnt matter though as I pulled off a best of 9.451 in the 1/8 and was really happy with my times. I never would have believed I would get that kind of time for sure.
I also ran a 9.49 and most were in the 9.5 or higher range.
Btw, I was the fastest sport compact at the track and not even a Probe GTS could keep up with me. We did go head to head once and stomped him.

I now see that I have to improve my top end on the car. Most have said that with the 9.45 times, I should be in the 14's or low 15's.

Im not.

I know what I need to do now to get that little better pull from the motor and will proceed to improve there. My launch is the best it will be for now as well as the 60 foot times.
Thought Id share my joy and joy it is. Ill be on cloud 9 for awhile with this one.
Oh, Ill have my timeslips posted soon.