Joey D
- 47,510
- Lakes of the North, MI
- GTP_Joey
- GTP Joey
Originally posted by Saleen Man
Imagine speeding down the highway, and all of a sudden, in your rear view mirror, a Demio.........
I'd be like WTF??? Am I driving to slow
Originally posted by Saleen Man
Imagine speeding down the highway, and all of a sudden, in your rear view mirror, a Demio.........
Originally posted by streetracer780
I'd be like WTF??? Am I driving to slow
I'd be scared if I saw one of those catching up to me!Originally posted by streetracer780
Better yet a Honda Beat or Logo
Originally posted by bwdemon
The problem arising from police-observed street racing is largely one of insurance for the city or whatever other group presides over it. Sponsoring or building a dragstrip is easier and more acceptable to many cities. Sounds like a good idea, and it'd work, but that's a lot of liability to accept on city streets.
Originally posted by streetracer780
...dumbass forgot that RWD plus rain= no traction...
Originally posted by streetracer780
Heres how it went via sound effects
Vrooom Vroom
Bweeeeeeen click Bweeeeeeeeeeenn Click BWEEEEEEEEN
"Whoa look at it go!"
Bweeeen! Pffffffffffffffft WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNN
"Holy S*** that crazy **** just blew the hood off"
"Whoa look at the flames"
"Is he trying to put that out?'
"Crazy B@st@rd"