just for those whom might not belive me heres jim halls "sucker" car The last U.S. road racing Chaparral was the 2J, a boxy design that hid an innovation so potentially successful that it resulted in the car being banned. The Chaparral 2J, affectionately known as the "Sucker Car," sported a snowmobile engine attached to two fans that sucked air from the bottom of the car and pushed it out the back. This created a vacuum that held the Chaparral 2J to the track like it was on rails. Although it raced only four times, not long enough to work out some of its "bugs," the 2J gave warning to competitors that it would be unbeatable when its reliability problems were solved. Unfortunately for Jim Hall, however, the FIA, the international race sanctioning body, banned the 2J because it used "illegal moving aerodynamic devices."