Stupid Things you believed as a kid...

  • Thread starter Brend


I'm sure we all have some funnies regarding this. :lol:

I believed that in Pokemon games (Red & Blue mostly) there were no boundaries, the game world was as big as earth and there were ways to get out and collect every gym badge in existence and see Pokemon you never even knew existed at the time, finding them would also let the company make more cartoons for you to watch. :lol:

Go Go Go!
That my dad used to fight octopuses in Japan.

I'll think of some more later.
In grades 3-6, my friends and I used to think that if you flipped up the tabs on juice boxes and they were the same colour then you could call the same coloured number at the top of the box and win a prize lol.
In grades 3-6, my friends and I used to think that if you flipped up the tabs on juice boxes and they were the same colour then you could call the same coloured number at the top of the box and win a prize lol.

:lol: 👍
Thought of another...

I used to think Jurassic Park was a Documentary.
Jurrasic Park is a documentary, and if you say Godzilla also isn't I know you just messing about.;)
A family friend of ours made up funny stuff like that, and I believed him on that particular occasion. I was 4 or 5 at the time so cut me some slack. :P

Fair enough. I was told that the emergancy hazard button on a car was a bomb that blew the car up if you touched it.

Ford was british.

I associate days of the week, numbers and letters with colours. I assumed everybody else did the same.

It was the law to clap when you saw a glider.

Pokemon was real.

Toy Story was real.

Dragonball Z was real.

The English Civil War and the American Revolution were the same thing.

Nothing happened prior to 1066.
The Y2K.... but I didn't really even know of it, I only heard things other kids said at school. Consequentially, I think it's also how I became more environmentally friendly.
I used to believe I had X-ray vision and I could see through people and my superb sight seeing skills could let me see all the way to China XD.
Toys talked after you went out of the room

Tying in with my Toy Story was real post, I thought the same thing.

I used to close the door to my room then open it again suddenly, hoping to catch them out. I put some in the fridge as punishment for not talking.

...wait, didn't we all?
Another thing that's very weird....
Phone messages used to scare the living crap out of me for some reason. I always thought they could jump out of the phone and chase me.

Don't ask.
In grades 3-6, my friends and I used to think that if you flipped up the tabs on juice boxes and they were the same colour then you could call the same coloured number at the top of the box and win a prize lol.

Oh man... I haven't heard that in AGES.... I had forgotten about that! But it was most definitely true in my case! Reading that was good for a nostalgic laugh! 👍
When I was really young, I believed what all my friends told me. And they got all their information from TV that we didn't understand.

The most memorable being that I believed sexual intercourse was a man choosing a woman, taking her back to his house and urinating in her mouth. Then a baby happens.
GM made good cars.

Past that the usual things kids believe, Santa, Easter Bunny and what not. My parents didn't keep me believing in it for too long though.