Stupid Things you believed as a kid...

  • Thread starter Brend
Yep, I always liked putting socks on because I found to have a much better success rate of getting them on the right foot at about 90% v 40% for shoes. I now worry how I got my socks on the wrong foot 10% of the time :lol:.

So you wear left and right socks or do you have a compulsive habit that involves wearing mis-matched ones?
F1 fan
So you wear left and right socks or do you have a compulsive habit that involves wearing mis-matched ones?

Thats the point... All socks are the same, but he didn't know that and even when he put them on randomly, he felt like he got it right most of the time, even though it didn't matter.
Thats the point... All socks are the same, but he didn't know that and even when he put them on randomly, he felt like he got it right most of the time, even though it didn't matter.

Ahh. Word 4 of his post. "liked". For some reason, I read that as "like".
That trolls live under bridges.

Really? I always thought that they lived in the internet, hunt through the forums, and feed off other peoples rage.
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They've seen better days. :sly:

I think the camera lens was smudged and the lighting was off, they aren't nearly as faded as they appear. The socks are in good condition, no holes or anything, honest :sly: (Apart from the ones you put your feet in).
I always thought that TV shows were all live and wondered how they did reruns.

Me too, I used to think that all the actors in one TV show were actually performing while I was watching it at the same timezone... :guilty:
I think the camera lens was smudged and the lighting was off, they aren't nearly as faded as they appear. The socks are in good condition, no holes or anything, honest :sly: (Apart from the ones you put your feet in).

Talking about socks? This thread has reached a new low. :lol:
I used to think that moving house involved putting the house on the back of a lorry and then driving somewhere else. Give me a break I was only 3/4! ;)
I was only 3/4! ;)

I read that and literally my first thought was "gimme a break, I was only pie???"
Now give ME a break! I guess iv been studying for finals a bit too.... hmmmm rigorously 👎
I read that and literally my first thought was "gimme a break, I was only pie???"
Now give ME a break! I guess iv been studying for finals a bit too.... hmmmm rigorously 👎

Incorrect. Its really pi. The pi symbol + mp = pimp. Anyhow i used to think at the Mcdonalds drive thru, someone was in the speaker.
I used to think that moving house involved putting the house on the back of a lorry and then driving somewhere else. Give me a break I was only 3/4! ;)

Do you mean 9 months or 3-4 years?
Easter Bunny.
Tooth Fairy.
That the Moon was made of cheese.
That Crocodiles were endemic to the UK.
That planes with vapour trails were 'cloud makers'.
That when you eat the food fills your body up. Guess I never noticed the connection between ingestion and defecation!
That the stuff under the screen in a photocopier were model trains.

LOL, that I believed, didn't know where I got the idea from.
Yeah, but very unlikely...

It happens in this very rural part of Chile. They put the whole house on logs and wheel the house somewhere else.


All money was the same throughout the world.

There were different compartments in the stomach for crisps, biscuits, pasta, meat and so on. This was how I justified the notion of being full, but still being able to eat. "My pasta bit is full, but I can still eat ice cream. Woo!"
There were these alarms in Tesco attached to Digital devices that had a little Spider symbol on them, I was convinced that if you tried to break the alarm off and steal the item hundreds of little spiders would come out of the little black container and eat you alive.

I'm still afraid of shop-lifting.
Yeah, but very unlikely...

My girlfriend's parent's are doing something similar in Japan. They aren't really "moving" house, but due to her mother recently developing allergies, they're having the house dismantled, and re-built. Apparently, this kind of thing is fairly common in Japan as they use wood for houses.

It wouldn't really work in the UK.
I also used to think that different years we're still going on in parallel in with our year in both past and future terms... Confusing... Yes.
But I did believe in time travel and thought that's how it worked!
