Suggestions about my new ride

  • Thread starter Joey D
I didn't blow my money. I got a deal. Even though the car has almost 80,000 miles on it. I didn't do any of the modding. Its a GST I belive. See there is no symbols on it so I'd have to ask my boss to be sure. I'll also get the list of upgrades.

BTW I don't care wether you hate my car. Its mine and mine alone. I want suggestion not flame. In fact I think this should be clicked. Its pointless now.
i didnt mean to be an ass, i was just saying that i cant really see the point of spending so much money on a car when you can by a stock car that can blow it out of the water for less money.
Originally posted by misnblu
Am I the only one that likes the car the way it is??
Wow, I cant believe the amount of hate for the kit or rims. :D ;)
Its all good though.

no kidding huh.
man, awesome looking car!
all I can suggest is, do what you think should be done!
Originally posted by misnblu
Am I the only one that likes the car the way it is??
Wow, I cant believe the amount of hate for the kit or rims. :D ;)
Its all good though.
I like the car the way it is, and I love the kit.;) The rims could be nicer, but the car is pretty badass.:D:burnout:
don't ask, i was just fiddling around with your car... and I destroyed it! that beautiful, BEAUTIFUL MACHINE!
PLEASE, keep the wing on!


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Yup i agree. The wing stays cause it look bad with out it.

I will be getting two wipers though
Well, if you really want to get rid of the lag in the turbo, get a turbo upgrade.
There are many aftermarked companies such as Garrett, Hks, Turbodynamics and Jackson racing that will get you a good ball bearing t3 or t4 turbo onto that thing.
Check out Superstreet for the latest in its turbo issue . You can also check out Turbo magazine for some nice goodies in making that turbo sing and have less turbo lag.
A small shot of nitrous is another way to eliminate that lag and alst get the boost up faster when at the track. You can see a .5 second drop in your time with a 50 shot to get things spooling. :D
Other accessories for the turbo can be a good blow off valve for that awesome psssfftt everytime you shift and really impress your friends or track side combatants and nothing like a turbo timer for after hauling as* at the track.
Streetracer780, there are so many things you can do to your ride the possibilities are endless.
Youve got a good start on a car and YOU and you alone can only make the decision.
Since your new to all this, Id suggest getting time to do some studying online, in the mags and asking local ppl about what to do and set up for your car.
Dont let the naysayer get you down because they dont understand or like your car. Heck, youve got a really good start and one heck of a nice cabriolet or spyder as Mitsu likes to call it.
Good luck man.
Hey thanks. I know a little about performance from work but I still have a lot to learn. I looked at turbo upgrades. I don't know. I think maybe a little lag is ok. I may be installing a Venom system in my car. I know its a little pricey.

I'm still working on researching stuff on the web. There is just way to much out there for me to descide on.

I wanna work on the inside. I don't really know about racin seats though. Also I'm thinking about different flooring and dash stuff but that cost money. Oh well its my project car and I guess if I wan it to be good it'll cost me.
As always, Misnblu is the man.
My only suggestion is drive it, enjoy it. The playa haters can do their own thing.
Remember the important things. Its yours, Its cool, and Its paid for.
Oh, I lied. You live in Michagan, so one other suggestion. "Winter Rat" so some old lady in a 5000 lb Plymouth Fury doesn't turn it into roadkill this winter.
I'm still pulling for the '64 Lincoln. :D
Great winter rat, and nearly indestructable.
Well if I could find one! Me and my dad are going to get an old car a restore it. Maybe I can get him to get a Lincoln.

I am worried that someone will hit me. But I started driving a lot more careful. I mean A LOT more. No more racing away from the light. Taking turns easier. Not speeding. So I've reduced my chances.
Originally posted by Gil
As always, Misnblu is the man.
My only suggestion is drive it, enjoy it. The playa haters can do their own thing.
Remember the important things. Its yours, Its cool, and Its paid for.
Oh, I lied. You live in Michagan, so one other suggestion. "Winter Rat" so some old lady in a 5000 lb Plymouth Fury doesn't turn it into roadkill this winter.
I'm still pulling for the '64 Lincoln. :D
Great winter rat, and nearly indestructable.
No, Im not the man, I just love punishment for learning things and thats what I do. Its brutal, I love it and wouldnt have it any other way. ;)
I only wish I had a turbo car to work with and with all that is out there, streetracer should have a good prospect for a really sharp car.
Streetracer, if you do decide on racing seats, spend on your seat and dont worry about the passenger seat just yet. :eek: :P :lol:
I plan on installing a good seat just for me when I get the money and not even worry about the passenger seat until I strike it rich.
Youll save money (initially) and have a great seat for YOU to sit in everytime you get in. Yeah, I know you will probably get ragged for doing so, but who cares, your driving. :lol:
Like Gil said, enjoy your car, keep it clean of ricey stuff and youll be well respected for what you drive.
Ok thanks for the advice. I want to try and find a heated seat. I like those cause durning the winter it cold. To bad they don't make heated racing seat :D. Oh well I'l probaly just get the one seat.

And yes Misnblu you are the man! Don't kid your self.
I'm just a little confused.

You said that a Rice Burner was a domestic car? that "burns" imports, right?

Well where I live, and what the definition of Rice Burner is here, is an import i.e. a civic for eclipse or popular small imports, that have been tagged with every little trendy import modification. And we say it burns rice, or a rice burner is because the car has pointless modifications, that are there for the soul reason of being trendy in the Japanese street racing scene, when in fact, they live in SLC Utah. So, have you ever heard the expression, "Eat sleep and drink ...... " Well those little imports are eating sleeping and drinking rice.

Oh, and the number 1 rice burning modification that is popular now, here, is the exhuast systems that sound like weed eaters. Or a really hallow high pitched tune, that makes the car sound like it has no balls and the person is just trying to make it sound cool.
Oh you mean the famous Bweeeeeeeeeennn.

Well around here we always call domestic cars that are modded up "Rice Buners" cause they burn (beat) Imports. Thats what we just say around here. It varies from place to place. So ya.

Also me exhaust system doesn't sound to bad. A little loud but not that bad. Can't really hear it with the top down.
I love domestics. I love rice. Im torn. Domestics are sexy and big and.....mmmmmm. But same with rice. Oh well. This time next year, I'll have the best of both worlds.
Originally posted by Dudebusta
but wouldnt you like a car that doesnt need a turbo to be fast? im NA all the way. you guys that have these Japanese cars with turbos and stuff i just dont understand. why dont you get a car that does a 14 and under 1/4 mile standard?

Got one. And it's a 'Japanese car with turbo and stuff'. :)