Suicide Squad:Bad guys Bad reviewsMovies 

I feel they have a standard, and much of said standard comes from Marvel at this time,
Weird. I remember when Marvel movies were held up to Nolan Batman standards and I was the odd man out for preferring Marvel's films.

The issue isn't a Marvel standard. These films apparently don't stand up to Nolan standards. DC set a bar for themselves and have failed to live up to it. Jared Leto was bound to be compared to Heath Ledger. A month ago I saw an animated thing online (I think it was screen rant) where all the TV and film versions of Joker argued about who was the best. It devolved into everyone mocking Jared Leto.

Sure, it'll get some GotG comparisons, but that's understandable when there aren't any other real anti-hero team films. I don't think it's a good comparison, but it's the best we have on screen. Marvel can't do their closest version on film because Fox has the rights to X-Force, so you'll never get a best comparison.

I usually stick to what other critics for established papers says, and I guess sometimes those critics reviews end up there.
They're listed as Top Critics and you can view just their score, which is even lower (20% - 4.7/10). Rotten Tomatoes doesn't just bring in whatever blog reviews and ignore the more professional ones.
Weird. I remember when Marvel movies were held up to Nolan Batman standards and I was the odd man out for preferring Marvel's films.

I like both, because unlike what I typically see from critics and the academy and those stating what is good or isn't, their is a certain cut that is expected. This example here is a good one, and why I respected Marvel for what they did that was far different from Nolan serious batman (which is great) but they're good for different reasons.

The issue isn't a Marvel standard. These films apparently don't stand up to Nolan standards. DC set a bar for themselves and have failed to live up to it. Jared Leto was bound to be compared to Heath Ledger. A month ago I saw an animated thing online (I think it was screen rant) where all the TV and film versions of Joker argued about who was the best. It devolved into everyone mocking Jared Leto.

Why should they though, why would anyone want to go out and watch a super serious set of super hero movies, like their is more dynamics to it than that. I mean it's like watching Flash in Nolan terms and never getting a Barry Allen joke during the whole film cause it's got to have some neo noir. I mean I agree the comparisons will happen, I just think they're silly to start with. Also people still have the standard as Mark Hamill at top for Joker.

Sure, it'll get some GotG comparisons, but that's understandable when there aren't any other real anti-hero team films. I don't think it's a good comparison, but it's the best we have on screen. Marvel can't do their closest version on film because Fox has the rights to X-Force, so you'll never get a best comparison.

I understand that, but also agree it's not a good one at all. And even X-Force isn't really anti-hero team of nuts, it's a group of covert mutants with a few anti-heroes here and there. So I feel even that comparison would be bad.

They're listed as Top Critics and you can view just their score, which is even lower (20% - 4.7/10). Rotten Tomatoes doesn't just bring in whatever blog reviews and ignore the more professional ones.

Okay I figured that a bit, I just usually go to journals and papers that I've read reviews from in passing over the years. Like NYT for example.
Why should they though, why would anyone want to go out and watch a super serious set of super hero movies,
If these reviews are anything to go buy it has nothing to do with the tone and everything to do with filmmaking. But the same characters will be compared across films, especially this close together. To be honest, you could make Ledger's Joker more fun crazy without making him look like a Hot Topic nightmare.

I mean it's like watching Flash in Nolan terms and never getting a Barry Allen joke during the whole film cause it's got to have some neo noir.
The serious tone was part of DC's problem with the Snyder films. I still don't see how Barry Allen can fit into that world. The fact that Suicide Squad had sudden reshoot a that were rumored to be to add more fun says that DC might know that too.

Also people still have the standard as Mark Hamill at top for Joker.
Take actual comic book fans out of the theaters. Very few people left even know Hamill voiced Joker.

I understand that, but also agree it's not a good one at all. And even X-Force isn't really anti-hero team of nuts, it's a group of covert mutants with a few anti-heroes here and there. So I feel even that comparison would be bad.
Maybe Thunderbolts, but that definitely crosses into Sony and Fox territory, and would need almost its own phase to setup.

Okay I figured that a bit, I just usually go to journals and papers that I've read reviews from in passing over the years. Like NYT for example.
"Trips over its own feet."
If these reviews are anything to go buy it has nothing to do with the tone and everything to do with filmmaking. But the same characters will be compared across films, especially this close together. To be honest, you could make Ledger's Joker more fun crazy without making him look like a Hot Topic nightmare.

Bring back Jack?

The serious tone was part of DC's problem with the Snyder films. I still don't see how Barry Allen can fit into that world. The fact that Suicide Squad had sudden reshoot a that were rumored to be to add more fun says that DC might know that too.

Yeah which is a problem I worried about a couple years back when people were still ego stroking Nolan over said Batman trilogy. I figured DC would have a problem and the reshoots didn't at first make me see it that way, but you raise a good point.

Take actual comic book fans out of the theaters. Very few people left even know Hamill voiced Joker.

That will never happen, what would be more ideal is just to have an open mind. You can be a comic book fan and a comic movie fan, the two are not as synonymous as some think they should be.

Maybe Thunderbolts, but that definitely crosses into Sony and Fox territory, and would need almost its own phase to setup.

Yeah it wont happen. Maybe in 20 years when comic book movies have died and then get a rebirth we'll bring it up again.

"Trips over its own feet."

To be fair I just always liked reading from time to time how pretentious they were about movies, and never gave them any real mind. I watch and like what I'm going to either way, never really understood the need for critics in every aspect of life especially one regarding arts.
Reviews mean something to me if I am on the fence or don't have tons of free time. I'm busy right now and was going to have to work to find some time to see it. With these reviews having a late work night just doesn't sound worth it.

If DC is to right the ship it will be on a film that wasn't very far into production by the time BvS came out. I don't think they can add some reshoots to fix major problems in their story and I don't know if they can afford to shift direction mid-production.

Hopefully, Affleck can get things on track.
I'm seeing the movie tonight, so I would have a much better understanding of it.

That said, DC never had any one filmmaker that understood the comics formula. Christopher Nolan, for all the fantastic work that he did on Batman, Zach Snyder, nor did David Ayers has never written a successful comic book franchise unlike Joss Whedon did with Firefly and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Geoff Johns, for all of his fantastic work with DC, has never sat in the director's chair for a feature film.

There is problems with all three directors that I cited. Nolan, for all of his work, is a realistic filmmaker, meaning that, Inception aside, if the comic book isn't grounded in reality, then he won't do it. That is half the reason why he passed on the Man of Steel film back in 2013. Snyder can go fantasy, but he isn't grounded enough in realism to tell a story effectively. That is why I think that Man of Steel is one of the best Superman films in the last 25 years, but went down the crapper when Snyder was left to his own devices with the property. Finally, as I said, I will be seeing Suicide Squad tonight, so I have a firm grasp as to what David Ayers brings to the table.
Some good news!

The IMDB rating of Suicide Squad is 7.8!

The bad news?

That's patently BS.

42% 10/10. Like wow. How obvious can you get?

Ignoring the crazy scores, seems like it averages around 6/10... still a bit better than the critic aggregate of 5, but not "gotta watch it" good.
User reviews are prone to trolls. Just see if it has an "extreme" reviews, either 10 or 0, by larger numbers than any other scores.
That said, DC never had any one filmmaker that understood the comics formula. Christopher Nolan, for all the fantastic work that he did on Batman, Zach Snyder, nor did David Ayers has never written a successful comic book franchise unlike Joss Whedon did with Firefly and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
I'm pretty sure that Whedon got his start as a comic writer for Marvel before he moved into television.
I'm pretty sure that Whedon got his start as a comic writer for Marvel before he moved into television.
Nope. He wrote Buffy the Vampire Slayer in the early 90's, well before his time in Marvel Comics. In fact, the TV show of the film premiered in 1997. His first foray into comics was Fray, a pseudo-sequel to Buffy, for Dark Horse Comics. He has also written Angel: After the Fall for IDW, and Serenity: Leaves on the Wind for Dark Horse.
Huh, I was sure that he did some work on one of their peripheral titles between the 1992 Buffy film and the 1997 series, around the time he was working on Toy Story.
I'm pretty sure that Whedon got his start as a comic writer for Marvel before he moved into television.
While this is incorrect (he started as a staff writer on Roseanne) he did have plenty of actual comic book experience before being brought on to Avengers and his work on Buffy and Firefly showed that he could create likable heroes with a comic feel on screen.

Whedon had the resume to show that he understood comic books and how to tell their story.

The same cannot be said for DC's director lineups. Snyder is the closest, but his comic book adaptations did not leave me feeling like he was a fit for Superman. Even Alan Moore didn't take Superman down that dark of a path. He knew that wasn't the character. If you contrast his writing for Batman and Superman you can see that he understood the characters, even though he felt The Killing Joke wasn't written as well as it could be.

Snyder, best known for faithfully (too faithfully) adapting Frank Miller and Alan Moore original and dark concepts, took on Superman and the Justice League with the approach of making them like Watchmen. It doesn't work. The fact that he basically crammed The Dark Knight Returns into Batman vs Superman makes me wonder if he just couldn't stop himself from giving Frank Miller more love.

As for David Ayer, I thought he could be a good fit for Suicide Squad. He doesn't have comic book background, but he does have a good antihero background. The reviews seem to complain more about jumbled storytelling and choppy editing. I wonder how much this has to do with studio interference after seeing audience reactions to Deadpool and BvS. I'd be interesting in comparing the original cut to the theatrical release.
While this is incorrect (he started as a staff writer on Roseanne)

Just watched it. I like it a lot more than BvS but i don't know, something felt quite odd. It does still have some problems that are also in BvS but it's more entertaining imo.

7.5/10 from me.
I can't really describe him much for sure. He's so underutilized just like what @Sanji Himura said. I need to see him more for sure. His Joker Laugh is a bit meh for me, but if i have to judge it from this movie ? It was fine i guess.
I guess another way of putting it is it would have been better off for the film if Joker was the big bad in it.
For childish reasons I like having puns at the thread title, everyone welcome to share.

Thought about Ayeerr Lmao but that was too below the belt.

#SuicideSquad grossed huge $20.5M from THU pre-show debut. +83% vs Guardians, +61% vs #Deadpool, only 18% below #CaptainAmericaCivilWar.
I dont get the critics, honestly. My friends who already watches it said its on par with the "lower end" Marvel movies. Not the best superhero movies, but definitely not the worst either.

I agreed with them. I dont think some of Marvel movies are groundbreaking on originality (as Critics like talking Suicide Squad as cliched). But could've been better.

I probably give the movie 7.0. Definitely better than BvS 6.0. Ill get better judgement once I see it for my own.
BvS raked in cash on opening weekend and it was terrible. Same with the Transformers flicks.

Just came back from it. It wasn't too bad — more enjoyable than BvS — but it very much felt like a one-hour movie stretched into two. It's so weighed down with introducing the characters, and trying its best to get the audience to like them, that it doesn't leave much room for actual storytelling.

I'm unsure if it's the second-worst comic book movie I've seen this year: it's neck-and-neck with X-Men.
BvS raked in cash on opening weekend and it was terrible. Same with the Transformers flicks.

Just came back from it. It wasn't too bad — more enjoyable than BvS — but it very much felt like a one-hour movie stretched into two. It's so weighed down with introducing the characters, and trying its best to get the audience to like them, that it doesn't leave much room for actual storytelling.

I'm unsure if it's the second-worst comic book movie I've seen this year: it's neck-and-neck with X-Men.
There was an X-Men movie this year? All I seen was 'Jennifer-Lawrence-clearly-not-wanting-to-be-here-but-she's-the-focus-because-Hunger-Games-dolla'
There was an X-Men movie this year? All I seen was 'Jennifer-Lawrence-clearly-not-wanting-to-be-here-but-she's-the-focus-because-Hunger-Games-dolla'

Are you sure about that title? I could've swore it was "Hey-guys-we-hear-you-like-Game-of-Thrones-and-hated-how-we-ruined-Phoenix-so-let's-two-birds-one-stone-this-okay-great!".
Are you sure about that title? I could've swore it was "Hey-guys-we-hear-you-like-Game-of-Thrones-and-hated-how-we-ruined-Phoenix-so-let's-two-birds-one-stone-this-okay-great!".
I was I'm hysterics when they did the Phoenix thing. I mean, really?
BvS raked in cash on opening weekend and it was terrible. Same with the Transformers flicks.

Just came back from it. It wasn't too bad — more enjoyable than BvS — but it very much felt like a one-hour movie stretched into two. It's so weighed down with introducing the characters, and trying its best to get the audience to like them, that it doesn't leave much room for actual storytelling.

I'm unsure if it's the second-worst comic book movie I've seen this year: it's neck-and-neck with X-Men.
You have to learn to not compare DC movies to Marvel's, which I think that is the mistake that every critic is doing. The Marvel bias is always there, and while critics have always denied that, it is the perception that because Marvel did it first, that is the standard that all other comic book movies have to go by in order to get a good rating. What Suicide Squad had going against it was Guardians of the Galaxy, and while, admittedly, Guardians had a better method in getting all of the heroes into one team within one film, it didn't really take the time to explain WHY they had to be together in the first place (and then there is the whole Power gem thing). Suicide Squad, to me had a lot better execution in how they got the villains together, and a better reason as to WHY they should stay together. That is why the movie got the score that it did out of me.

There was an X-Men movie this year? All I seen was 'Jennifer-Lawrence-clearly-not-wanting-to-be-here-but-she's-the-focus-because-Hunger-Games-dolla'
There was Deadpool. It has to count for something.
I dont get the critics, honestly. My friends who already watches it said its on par with the "lower end" Marvel movies. Not the best superhero movies, but definitely not the worst either.

I agreed with them. I dont think some of Marvel movies are groundbreaking on originality (as Critics like talking Suicide Squad as cliched). But could've been better.

I probably give the movie 7.0. Definitely better than BvS 6.0. Ill get better judgement once I see it for my own.
I just don't get the critics who criticize the plot of superhero movies as cliche. Dude, it's from comic book movie, what else do you expect ?

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