Suicide: What's your opinion of it?

  • Thread starter Max Powers
Well, IMO. You're multi-posting to boost your count, but that's ok, a lot of people have done it. Just don't do it often.

I personally have attempted 16 times to kill myself, with either one of three results:
1. Failure (ie. Fan fell from my ceiling onto me, instead of holding me.)
2. Withdrawal (ie. I didn't have the guts to finish the job)
3. Walk-ins (ie. I didn't get to finish because someone stepped in)

It was during the toughest time of my life. I spent 5 years with NO friends, just enemies. Everything I did and said was wrong and not accepted. I tried everything I could to fit in, but nothing worked. Many of days I would spend sitting in the corner staring at nothing. I could do my homework easily, because nothing was hard to do in that department.

After about 3 months into Junior year of Highschool, I gained some popularity for my snowboarding ability. I had been teaching for a few years at the time. That bought me some friends, then all the stuff I had brought in more. But, I never got invited to parties.

Now, I'm not doing so hot in the grades, due to the overwhelming amount of friends I have. I belong to a fraternity, where I sit as the Technology Chair. I also coordinate many gaming and Anime activities for the University. Now who's the popular one? Screw Highschool! :D
I don't agree with suicide for almost any reason, but I also don't think anybody has the right to judge another person for doing it. There's absolutely no way to understand what another person is going through in their own life and in their head.

Example: A person has an uncurable (sp?) disease that is causing them mass amounts of physical pain with no hope for relief of that pain. Who am I to tell that person that it would be wrong for them to end their suffering?

If you really thought about it long and hard and still feel that there's no way for you to go what you have to. However, every day is another day to turn your life around.

I have never felt the desire to kill myself...the only reason i can perhaps forsee which may make me consider suicide is if a doctor diagnosed a fatal disease or illness in which i had weeks to live...advanced cancer or something similar.

then i would find somewhere very quiet with nobody for miles...a remote beach on one of the Hebridean Isles....bottle of whisky for courage and jump off the cliffs....if the attempt goes wrong it will still be days before my body was found...drowned or broken on the rocks or hypothermia.
Originally posted by gtavcfan
In my own opinion:

Good: Satanic Ritual

Bad: anything else

Let me make a little quote here as well, from the Acceptable Use Policy:
* You will not post messages that are clearly outside of the stated topic of any Forums nor disrupt a forum by deliberately posting repeated irrelevant messages or copies of identical messages (also known as "flooding"). Downright stupid and blatantly wasteful comments and posts, as judged by our moderators, will be removed.

* You will, if asked by a representative of the Forums, cease posting any content, and/or links to content, deemed offensive, objectionable, or in poor taste by the staff of the Forums.
Understood? Consider this an official warning.
Following on from ultrabeat's post, and from personal experience, I think there is a genetic predisposition to suicide. There is a history of depression and self-destructive behaviour on my father's side of the family (we suspect my paternal grandmother was an undiagnosed schizophrenic) which has presented itself as suicide in an aunty I was particularly close to - which is why I was generally pretty quiet with rumple's crisis last year, as it cut pretty close to the bone - these are demons that I have been visited by in the past as well.

With regard to the posts at the top, it's all very well and good to pretend to be strong, hard and unsympathetic (the battle of "who could care less") - but these are people who are desperately in need of help. I totally disagree with DGB's 'coward' comment - it is certainly a narcissistic action, no question - but cowardly, no.

In my aunt's case, her family gave all the outward signs of success. Lovely home in a nice area, materially well-off, great children, and she herself was a bright, attractive, outgoing woman. That said, I lived there for a year or so, and there was something missing in that house - an emotional connection, something that it seemed a lack of stable emotional base in my aunt's upbringing had caused. The family went pretty well to pieces after she died - the son went off the rails for a few years, and my uncle has pretty well never recovered. The only one who managed was the daughter - she was married and had had a child.

So, to say - coward's way, boo hoo - crap. Utter crap. Every loss of life is one to be mourned.

That said - the post that started this thread, Sublimedood10 - your reaction is pretty normal. Once we'd gone through the funeral and the usual facade that my late father's side of the family goes through at these occasions, I was very angry with my aunt, and for some time. It was more than 2 years before I could bring myself to visit her grave, and when I did, I basically collapsed into tears, shaking with a combination of grief, anger, loss and frustration that I could never know definitively why.

People just dismiss suicide as just another person who couldn't cope - but the loss is no less tragic than someone who died young of cancer, or as an innocent party in a car accident.
Originally posted by gtavcfan
In my own opinion:

Good: Satanic Ritual

Bad: anything else
You do realize that there is absolutely nothing unique or creative about merely reversing the status quo, right?


Ooooohhh... I'm so cool.

How about this...

everything else=yucky

Originally posted by neon_duke


Originally posted by gtavcfan
In my own opinion:

Good: Satanic Ritual

Bad: anything else

Let me make a little quote here as well, from the Acceptable Use Policy:

* You will not post messages that are clearly outside of the stated topic of any Forums nor disrupt a forum by deliberately posting repeated irrelevant messages or copies of identical messages (also known as "flooding"). Downright stupid and blatantly wasteful comments and posts, as judged by our moderators, will be removed.

* You will, if asked by a representative of the Forums, cease posting any content, and/or links to content, deemed offensive, objectionable, or in poor taste by the staff of the Forums.

Understood? Consider this an official warning.

I'm Sorry, Dude! I didn't know, I was violating GTP rules, I will try not to post any "satanist" posts anymore. Thats why I said my negative comment But why is there a thread about suicide anyways?
Originally posted by gtavcfan
I'm Sorry, Dude! I didn't know, I was violating GTP rules, I will try not to post any "satanist" posts anymore. Thats why I said my negative comment But why is there a thread about suicide anyways?
You've misunderstood. It's not the Satanic part of the message that was unacceptable. At the time I made that post, you were on a spree of trying to shock everybody with it, and you were posting about it in threads where it was totally irrelevant, like this one. It was the spamming you were being warned for, not the content of the message.
To see how depression and suicide affects people I'd suggest going out and renting Ordinary People. I'm neither condemning suicide, nor condoning it, but this movie really "opened up my eyes" as to how close to home it can hit.

Also, I know it's been said, but I want to emphasize taking the good in your life and cherishing it. Think about the povershed people in Africa who, everyday, see their family and friends die because of AIDS. Instead of thinking about yourself 24/7, take some time to look at what you take for granted.

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