Sunday Night Blackout (S.N.B) Drift meets [31st Mar = ?]

  • Thread starter Adz1414
hmmm not to sure, around half 8/9 ish i think? but if you want to open it before that, you can open it 👍
***** my internet went down during the replay run at gvs:mad: :( im sorry,thats why i couldnt be there longer:ouch:
Heres a few quick pics i got from tonights JDM S.N.B 👍

Thanks to everyone who showed up, was a good meet
Hope to see you next week (classic JDM)​
cheers mani 👍

I think me, eddy and jaape are the only people that have posted pics from any of these S.N.B meets so far :grumpy: come on people get your fingers out :sly:
cheers mani 👍

I think me, eddy and jaape are the only people that have posted pics from any of these S.N.B meets so far :grumpy: come on people get your fingers out :sly:

Expect mine sometime today :sly:
cheers mani 👍

I think me, eddy and jaape are the only people that have posted pics from any of these S.N.B meets so far :grumpy: come on people get your fingers out :sly:

It sucks because im two hours ahead of you guys:/ so if you stay there lets say till midnight..its already 2am here:embarrassed: and have school starting at 8 :( im not telling you should change the time,only to explain my poor attendance...
Its fine seal mate dont worry about it 👍 its why i try and open around 8pm BST cuz it will be like 10pm where you and other guys are too
Sunday Night Blackout Coverage - John Dalton

Sunday Night Blackout by Johnn Dalton, on Flickr

Sunday Night Blackout by Johnn Dalton, on Flickr

Sunday Night Blackout by Johnn Dalton, on Flickr

Sunday Night Blackout by Johnn Dalton, on Flickr

Sunday Night Blackout by Johnn Dalton, on Flickr

Sunday Night Blackout by Johnn Dalton, on Flickr

My favourite! :drool:

Sunday Night Blackout by Johnn Dalton, on Flickr

Sunday Night Blackout by Johnn Dalton, on Flickr

Sunday Night Blackout by Johnn Dalton, on Flickr

Was a fun night, loved Adz's RX8, looked awesome duelling with Mani. Didn't get much tandeming as I was dopey from a 7 hour shift at Subway. Today was fun with Mani aswell!
Hey guys im planing on opening the S.N.B room at around 9pm but if anyone wants to open it before, please do so and post up the room no. ect.....