Sunday night practice sessions, 9pm Eastern.

  • Thread starter FA_Hayes
United States
United States
Hello everyone.

After talking with some people in the daily race thread I thought it would be a good idea to start a weekly practice lobby on Sunday nights focusing on daily races while allowing room to work on FIA events in the future.

If your like me your somewhat new to racing against others or might be tired of running laps by yourself and looking to improve your skills. Well, this little get together is for you. Think of it like a constructive track day and working together to get better.

Below is a guideline of the initial structure and I am open for suggestions and discussion.

Official start time: Every Sunday 9pm Eastern time. (I'm in Michigan)
End time: Minimum 2 hours. Can go longer if needed.

Also. During the week with days to be determined I'll do a casual lobby based on an event. I'll post here or give a look in game and hop on if you like.

Practice will be setup with the same settings as whatever event is used.
Primary focus will be races B and C and geared more towards race cars.
Lobby will be free run. We can also do test races if decided on by the group.

Driver requirements:
ABS and TCS are allowed.
Clean racing is a must. If you are a slower driver treat it like a track day and respect the line if approached. Any dirty driving will result in being kicked. All spoken and unspoken rules of racing apply.

It is advised that you know the track enough to make clean laps. If I don't know the track when they are announced on Fridays I'll learn it before Sunday practice time.

As said before. I'm open for suggestions and discussion. Like all new things they always tend to evolve. I think this will be a great tool for us to improve our skills. Presently I am an A driver with good quali laps but need a lot of work in racing conditions. Navigating traffic isn't bad. For me it's more of the difference in track conditions coming from so much Arcade time trial.

If you would like to join post up your PSN name here. I'll review your profile and send you a friend request then your good to go.

Thanks for checking it out and I'm looking forward to sharing the track with others who want to learn.
Next Sunday I’ll be there, I’ll accept friend request prior
Good idea and thanks for organizing
I tend to gravitate toward race C, but sometimes B combos are interesting
Next Sunday I’ll be there, I’ll accept friend request prior
Good idea and thanks for organizing
I tend to gravitate toward race C, but sometimes B combos are interesting
Good stuff, man. Thanks for the interest.
C/S driver that started last month and feeling a bit lonely always running solo lol.

Have a mic and this timeslot works great for me, looking forward to it!
All friend requests sent with exception of two who need to send me one.

6 drivers including me so far is awesome.

Sunday's practice session will be Race C

Gr2 at Sardegna road track A II

I'll be learning the track over the weekend and ready to go. Probably one of the GTRs with a throwback livery to my days working with HKS.


I may do some race B during the week depending on how I'm doing. I have to learn that track too and I'm not the biggest fan of GR4. Otherwise it will all be race C.
Sweet I hadn't realized there was a way to see the upcoming races till now so that's cool.

Just ran my first practice session to learn the track and enjoyed it. Was my first time in a gr2 car outside of the driver school/circuit mastery stuff. Going to do 2-3 more 20 minute sessions over today and then look for some track guides to see where I can improve.

Is there a way for me to setup a practice session with tire wear etc? Do I need to create a lobby? Right now I'm running the motul gt-r in time trials with bop enabled for practice.

Only ran one C race so far and it was a total **** show on my part lol.
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Sweet I hadn't realized there was a way to see the upcoming races till now so that's cool.

Just ran my first practice session to learn the track and enjoyed it. Was my first time in a gr2 car outside of the driver school/circuit mastery stuff. Going to do 2-3 more 20 minute sessions over today and then look for some track guides to see where I can improve.

Is there a way for me to setup a practice session with tire wear etc? Do I need to create a lobby? Right now I'm running the motul gt-r in time trials with bop enabled for practice.

Only ran one C race so far and it was a total **** show on my part lol.

Yep. Next week dailies are posted on the Kudos prime site and also posted on the discussion thread here.
Just discovered you can do tire wear in a free run lobby.

I didn't do race C this week. Only B.
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Feel free to add me, PSN is the same as my username here. I won't make the main Sunday evening one, but I'll be available for anything after that.

The "meta" for the Gr.2 races is the Nissan MOTUL AUTECH GT-R '16 if you haven't raced in this group before. I've also raced in the Lexus au TOM'S RC F '16, and I don't remember there being a difference with the handling with either. I just prefer the Nissan as I have most time with it. I don't know everyone's experience with the Gr.2 cars, and this is what I have noticed since I started playing last year.
Sent ya a request yesterday.

Motul is my go to GTR. Just kind of clicks with me and I prefer something I can spin high.

I'll be on quite a bit today in Free run. Tire wear and fuel will be on. I'm so glad I discovered i can turn it on to study wear. It will help tremendously.

Got the track memorized just need to work on going quicker.
Ran C this morning before work in a 12 man race stating from 12th. Worked my way up to 6th by the 4th lap then went wide into the wall on that tricky right hander feeling the pressure from a faster driver closing in on me. Think I dropped back to 10th after that and finished 8th.

Next time we run some laps together I'd like to spend some time with you pressuring my bumper so I can hopefully get more comfortable with it. Figure it'll be fun way for you to practice passing slower traffic and me with keeping my head under pressure lol.

Good session last night.
Ran C this morning before work in a 12 man race stating from 12th. Worked my way up to 6th by the 4th lap then went wide into the wall on that tricky right hander feeling the pressure from a faster driver closing in on me. Think I dropped back to 10th after that and finished 8th.

Next time we run some laps together I'd like to spend some time with you pressuring my bumper so I can hopefully get more comfortable with it. Figure it'll be fun way for you to practice passing slower traffic and me with keeping my head under pressure lol.

Good session last night.
For sure, man. Training exercises are a good thing. Also glad we have mics. It should make for constructive sessions.
Went a little to hard last night. Didn’t really get on till midnight or so and then did straight quali/race/quali/race nonstop till 7am.

Feeling it today! Legs, shoulders, back.. all sore lol.

Almost made it into B dr but the last two races slapped me back down hard as the only C driver in an all A&B lobby.
Went a little to hard last night. Didn’t really get on till midnight or so and then did straight quali/race/quali/race nonstop till 7am.

Feeling it today! Legs, shoulders, back.. all sore lol.

Almost made it into B dr but the last two races slapped me back down hard as the only C driver in an all A&B lobby.
Damn, dude. I'd say that was pretty hard!
Haven't raced yet. I'm still working on stuff. At my DR I've been getting in with some fast guys so I need a quicker pace.
Hayes, ill send a friend request today around 18:00 PST, I want to practice race C, ill set up a lobby, jump in if you want, just check the friends only box in the lobby window, you will see it. Or, if you plan on practicing, ill join yours
Hayes, ill send a friend request today around 18:00 PST, I want to practice race C, ill set up a lobby, jump in if you want, just check the friends only box in the lobby window, you will see it. Or, if you plan on practicing, ill join yours.

Good session last night, man. Pacing you a bit helped me a bunch.
Good informative session for me tonight. Turns out I'm still pushing way to hard as we discussed. I know it's a problem of mine and that's hard to fix. But, I feel I need to push hard to prevent others from sticking their noses inside me and pushing me aside. It's served me well in the past and has burned me as well. I think I've gotten away with it due to the skill level I have been racing with has been slightly worse than me in the mid pack where I usually am. They make more small mistakes than me and I can get a comfortable gap. I'll figure it out eventually.
Good informative session for me tonight. Turns out I'm still pushing way to hard as we discussed. I know it's a problem of mine and that's hard to fix. But, I feel I need to push hard to prevent others from sticking their noses inside me and pushing me aside. It's served me well in the past and has burned me as well. I think I've gotten away with it due to the skill level I have been racing with has been slightly worse than me in the mid pack where I usually am. They make more small mistakes than me and I can get a comfortable gap. I'll figure it out eventually.
That's why I deemed get better together, man. Glad you're getting something out of it. As you get better you should see the difference.

There is a big difference between pushing hard and being defensive. Dive bomb tactics aside practice a defensive line and still maintain enough speed to hit the apex should net good results with clean drivers.

Such as T2 in this weeks C. I take the middle of the track in and brake on my mark when defending. As long as I rotate through the corner correctly I can still exit at a decent speed and pull away from my opponent.

Similar with the awkward right and the end of sector 2. Almost everyone goes wide there and many times I can see someone behind me looking at the inside. As soon as I start lifting the brake I turn in tight to eliminate the space, coast in and gain enough speed to avoid a I side move at the next turn if I do it right.

Throughout a lap with someone tailing you that isn't as fast or pushes too hard starts to add up and your gap will increase with each turn. Then switch to slow in fast out, focus on your line and put down good laps and you can watch the delta grow because your exit speed is greater than pushing too hard. Like I've said before. My fastest laps don't feel fast when I'm driving.
There is a big difference between pushing hard and being defensive. Dive bomb tactics aside practice a defensive line and still maintain enough speed to hit the apex should net good results with clean drivers.
I've only been defending lines recently. I think it was at Dragon Trail a few weeks ago I discovered I could do it successfully and still maintain speed. The Suzuka race two weeks ago really helped due to most of the drivers trying to nose their way through.
Throughout a lap with someone tailing you that isn't as fast or pushes too hard starts to add up and your gap will increase with each turn. Then switch to slow in fast out, focus on your line and put down good laps and you can watch the delta grow because your exit speed is greater than pushing too hard. Like I've said before. My fastest laps don't feel fast when I'm driving.
I've had success with this on tracks I really know well, like Dragon Trail and Red Bull Ring for example. I can adjust my lines to match the situation. Then watch the gaps start to grow and get a comfortable lead over the drivers behind me. But, I have run hundreds of laps against others online so I know what to expect and how to react.
@Stilva Adapting is a good thing. You have a ton more laps in traffic than I do.

Tomorrow's session is Race B.


Should make for a good combo. During the day the lobby will probably be open here and there while I memorize the track.
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Sunday's session as well as when I have a lobby up will be strongly Manufacturers series heavy since I signed up for it. I think it's far more productive and gives more time to get ready for race day.

It's proving a bit more fun and satisfying than the dailies and seems to be taken a bit more seriously which is a good thing.
Tonight's lobby will be the Manufacturers series race for Wednesday with race conditions on to run tire wear laps and work on stuff.

Been working on it a bit. So far I've had my strongest free practice to date putting me in the top 50.

If I can find another .3 I'd have my first top 10 time but I don't think I have it in me.