Superman: The Man of Steel (First Look)

  • Thread starter FoolKiller
That trailer is pretty reassuring. Shows that Zack Snyder knows what he's doing.

So... completely unnecessary reboot... but probably worth it. Seems like everyone wants to do a reboot nowadays simply to show they can do it better than the last one. :lol:
So... completely unnecessary reboot... but probably worth it. Seems like everyone wants to do a reboot nowadays simply to show they can do it better than the last one. :lol:
Superman Returns left continuing the 80's storyline seeming like a bad idea. It didn't get the response they were hoping for and feels old and simple compared to modern superhero films.
Yeah, it kinda felt like it could have been better if it didn't feel like you were picking up what was essentially an all-new story halfway through. But it was a decent sequel to the originals.
Superman Returns left continuing the 80's storyline seeming like a bad idea. It didn't get the response they were hoping for and feels old and simple compared to modern superhero films.

Agreed. That, and The Expendables 2 left a foul taste in my mouth for 80's films.
Sorry for the DP, but apparently JoBlo is calling Man of Steel the "Movie of the Year" in their words. So there isn't anything to worry about.

Check the spoiler for the review in a list.

- Imagine a Nolan story with Snyder effects/action.

- It's the best movie of the year.

- There's TONS of action with Superman kicking all kinds of ass in his suit.

- The cape is CG'd most of the time so it can look awesome.

- They have intentionally left out most of the the Super action in trailers to save it.

- It's not nearly as dour and serious as the trailers suggest.

- The movie is complete, minus the 3D post-conversion, which is currently taking place.
This is definitely on my list of must-see movies this year which consists of FF6, Star Trek, Iron Man 3, and some other one I can't remember. :P
The last Superman movies were terrible. This is looking promising. But, the one from 1978 was just epic and a HUGE hit back then. I still love watching today.
This was on my "Must watch" radar for quite a while. Seeing Nolan's fingerprint on the DC universe makes me more confident that either him or Johnathan can take on the Justice League.
This was on my "Must watch" radar for quite a while. Seeing Nolan's fingerprint on the DC universe makes me more confident that either him or Johnathan can take on the Justice League.

Last I read was that both Nolan and Bale were not too excited on a Justice league movie
Last I read was that both Nolan and Bale were not too excited on a Justice league movie

It wouldn't need Bale since Bale has as good as ended his role as Batman. It would make sense to use Joseph Gordon-Levitt but then probably a Batman movie with him as Batman before a Justice League film would help continuity for both franchises rather than have him as Batman in Justice League and then afterwards have him officially take the role of Batman off Bale which was set up to happen at the end of The Dark Knight.
Why maintain a Nolan-verse continuity for only one film when they are only going to reboot the stupid thing in 2016 anyways? It just doesn't make any sense. It would be a lot more practical to make the studio option Bale for JL(since he was contractually signed to three with a studio option for a fourth) then reboot with Gordon-Levitt.
It wouldn't need Bale since Bale has as good as ended his role as Batman. It would make sense to use Joseph Gordon-Levitt but then probably a Batman movie with him as Batman before a Justice League film would help continuity for both franchises rather than have him as Batman in Justice League and then afterwards have him officially take the role of Batman off Bale which was set up to happen at the end of The Dark Knight.

That is an interesting take,I thought Bale would resume his role along side JGL being Robin,but Yes this makes more sense considering the end of TDKR.
Why maintain a Nolan-verse continuity for only one film when they are only going to reboot the stupid thing in 2016 anyways? It just doesn't make any sense. It would be a lot more practical to make the studio option Bale for JL(since he was contractually signed to three with a studio option for a fourth) then reboot with Gordon-Levitt.

how involved is Nolan actually in the Man of steel.
He's producing. The studio is really selling his involvement in it, but all he's doing is putting up the money and organising the film crews.
If Nolan is doing no more than the money I'd be surprised, this movie is already pouring off more character development and story than many super hero movies achieve in the final cut (and this is only trailers).

Admittedly, trailers aren't a sure sign of what's to come but I have a feeling worth about 10 dollars and plan to gamble on this being a winner.

Sure, this isn't going to be a laser vision lobotomy followed by the most epic chest crushing elbow drop ever but I really do believe the Man of Steel is going to be the best Superman movie ever made. 👍

Btw, IMHO, the Justice League does not fit into the Nolan universe of superheros... Its too real and JL is too comic. Maybe if it was tim burton still doing batman but with Nolan it's a totally different situation.
Btw, IMHO, the Justice League does not fit into the Nolan universe of superheros... Its too real and JL is too comic. Maybe if it was tim burton still doing batman but with Nolan it's a totally different situation.
I'm actually torn on this. At first, I think the same thing, but then I think of the threats that the JL has faced in recent stories. There is nothing light-hearted and comic-like about some of these guys. From the Secret Society to Doomsday, Darkseid, and the Anti-Monitor these are all very dark and gritty characters that could fit within a universe where alien life is well established through two of our solo heroes. The simple fact that Superman and Green Lantern exist in this universe establishes all you need to open the door to a global threat.

To be honest, I felt the same about The Avengers when they were including Thor. But in the grand scheme of things, in a world with super soldiers, mutant beasts, and ultra-high tech suits of armor a trans-dimensional alien race didn't feel that odd.

I think if you take a step back and consider what we are a accepting in the real world realm with Batman (seriously look at what we accepted in those films as real) and now Superman, and I can see a Justice League concept working itself out. How easy they can make the rest fit in will be determined by how they show Krypton and how they go forward with Batman. The biggest issue Nolan's Batman films created was that they existed in a bubble. The idea of Bane holding Gotham under siege that long without any outside attempts to stop him makes any future superheroes in the same continuity They have to make Gotham part of a world, or use that situation to set boundary rules for the JL.


They should forget doing Superman's origins. I hate it when movies go through something so laboriously for no reason, because anyone going to see a Superman movie KNOWS about his origins already. So some portion of this film already will be extremely boring, hopefully his origins won't take forever to wrap up.

That was one thing I liked about Superman Returns, as crappy of a movie as it was, at least it didn't go through the whole backstory/origin. It essentially jumps right into the action and develops its characters as the story progresses - instead of staving off progression to introduce characters (IMO the easy way).

Its like how many times do we need to see Peter Parker get bitten by the radioactive spider? How many times do we need to see Bruce Banner shot by a gamma ray? How many times do we need to see Bruce Wayne's parents die? Just get to the action already!
Because, despite popular belief, nerds have wives and kids.


Plus, when your origin involves the best part of a disaster movie, why not tell that story with new special effects once every 30 years?
How can you play Superman without looking like a douche though?

They can't find a guy that looks like this?

I'm actually torn on this. At first, I think the same thing, but then I think of the threats that the JL has faced in recent stories. There is nothing light-hearted and comic-like about some of these guys. From the Secret Society to Doomsday, Darkseid, and the Anti-Monitor these are all very dark and gritty characters that could fit within a universe where alien life is well established through two of our solo heroes. The simple fact that Superman and Green Lantern exist in this universe establishes all you need to open the door to a global threat.

To be honest, I felt the same about The Avengers when they were including Thor. But in the grand scheme of things, in a world with super soldiers, mutant beasts, and ultra-high tech suits of armor a trans-dimensional alien race didn't feel that odd.

I think if you take a step back and consider what we are a accepting in the real world realm with Batman (seriously look at what we accepted in those films as real) and now Superman, and I can see a Justice League concept working itself out. How easy they can make the rest fit in will be determined by how they show Krypton and how they go forward with Batman. The biggest issue Nolan's Batman films created was that they existed in a bubble. The idea of Bane holding Gotham under siege that long without any outside attempts to stop him makes any future superheroes in the same continuity They have to make Gotham part of a world, or use that situation to set boundary rules for the JL.

First off, I haven't been following this thread like I should have. *subscribed*

Second is that there are quite a number of plausible explainations why Superman, or even Green Lantern for that matter, couldn't involve themselves in the events of The Dark Knight Rises[Speculation ahead].

- In the first Man of Steel trailer(the pair with Johnathan Kent and Jor-El speaking in the background), we are exposed to Clark to being a wonderer, someone with no purpose in life. He also worked as a crab fisherman, which, if you know your Discovery Channel, the roughest area to fish is off the northern coast of Alaska, WAY too far from what is commonly accepted as Metropolis(New York) and Gotham(Chicago). Sure, you can argue that with super speed, he can get there in a flash, but I speculate that Clark was trying to hide his powers under the advice of the elder Kent(a fact that comes out in later trailers), and making that run would blow his cover.

- Let's say that even if Clark gets to Gotham, he would have been no help to the police as a fundamental power that would have been useful in finding that bomb, x-ray vision, would have been rendered useless by the fact that all three of the trucks were lead lined. As you know by that broken arm that you may or may not have gotten in the third grade, x-ray radiation does not penetrate, you guessed it, lead.

- Hal was on Oa for a length of time for boot camp as a lantern.

That is just three examples.
The siege of Gotham lasted months. It lasted long enough for Bruce Wayne to heal a broken back and a permanently damaged knee. Before you say his knee didn't heal, you have a case because he didn't say it, but it worked pretty well in fights.

Anyway, whether they can conceive a story for why these six other heroes did nothing while millions of lives were at risk or not is irrelevant. Batman needs to look right at the virtually immortal Superman and others with metahuman abilities and say, "Where the hell were you? I'm fighting a war with gadgets and you could have just tossed Bane into orbit?"

A JL film needs to be at least five to ten years later. Of course, that could happen if WB/DC continue on as they are. So far they've only made a popularly successful film out of Batman. If they can't get Green Lantern or Superman right, then they are screwed.

I'm hopeful Superman will work, and Zack Snyder hasn't built it in a bubble that pretends nothing else exists. I've heard Wayne Enterprise logos are seen. We will ultimately find out how it might go if they pull a post-credit scene the way Iron Man did.

I plan to go see it and I expect we will get an indicator of what's to come.
I've been invited to the local premier of this on the 17th. It's a big red carpet event as Henry Cavill is a local boy and it's about the biggest thing to happen to anyone from this island since the war! In typical Jersey style I know his mum as she works for a local bank (one of my clients). He'll be turning up and giving a short introduction plus he'll have some of the other cast members with him. All sounds like a big PR stunt, but I'm not complaining. Should be interesting... well at least the food and booze are free! :D
You lucky boy.
You going to wear your cape?
No spoilers when you get back.
No monkey......
That's a baaaad monkey......

The siege of Gotham lasted months. It lasted long enough for Bruce Wayne to heal a broken back and a permanently damaged knee. Before you say his knee didn't heal, you have a case because he didn't say it, but it worked pretty well in fights.

Anyway, whether they can conceive a story for why these six other heroes did nothing while millions of lives were at risk or not is irrelevant. Batman needs to look right at the virtually immortal Superman and others with metahuman abilities and say, "Where the hell were you? I'm fighting a war with gadgets and you could have just tossed Bane into orbit?"

A JL film needs to be at least five to ten years later. Of course, that could happen if WB/DC continue on as they are. So far they've only made a popularly successful film out of Batman. If they can't get Green Lantern or Superman right, then they are screwed.

I'm hopeful Superman will work, and Zack Snyder hasn't built it in a bubble that pretends nothing else exists. I've heard Wayne Enterprise logos are seen. We will ultimately find out how it might go if they pull a post-credit scene the way Iron Man did.

I plan to go see it and I expect we will get an indicator of what's to come.

As far as the knee goes, we've seen plenty of times in the comics that batman can work with injuries that aren't fully healed. Or make modifications to his suit to aid said shortcomings, but I feel it was the prior. So I agree he seemed fine and I think the healing of the back injury was more of a priority the the superhuman will of Bruce Wayne, which made it a focal point.

Also the earth that Nolan's batman lives in is a different universe, and thus doesn't need a JL. Even if it did have a JL, maybe the issue wasn't a high enough priority for them like say a Despero or Darkseid or the Injustice League.
The siege of Gotham lasted months. It lasted long enough for Bruce Wayne to heal a broken back and a permanently damaged knee. Before you say his knee didn't heal, you have a case because he didn't say it, but it worked pretty well in fights.
Bruce Wayne didn't have a broken back. The film made it pretty clear that Bane simply pushed one of his vertebrae out of alignment with the others. That's what the back sling was supposed to fix - his vertebrae was pushed back in place, and he was suspended from the ceiling so that the weight of his lower body pulled everything back into line.

As for his leg, there is a scene showing Lucius Fox giving him a device to wrap around his leg and restore its functionality. Since Wayne is never shown taking it back off, we can assume he had it on the entire time.
Bruce Wayne didn't have a broken back. The film made it pretty clear that Bane simply pushed one of his vertebrae out of alignment with the others. That's what the back sling was supposed to fix - his vertebrae was pushed back in place, and he was suspended from the ceiling so that the weight of his lower body pulled everything back into line.
Because anyone with back problems can tell you that is exactly how chiropractic medicine works, and they are fully recovered in no time at all.

As for his leg, there is a scene showing Lucius Fox giving him a device to wrap around his leg and restore its functionality. Since Wayne is never shown taking it back off, we can assume he had it on the entire time.
That explains the mobility, but not the sudden lack of pain during movement or heavy impact.

Also the earth that Nolan's batman lives in is a different universe, and thus doesn't need a JL.
That was the original point I was making that lead to this conversation. The way Nolan's Batman was told doesn't leave a world for a JLA to exist. But everyone wants a Nolan/Bale Batman in it. I think Nolan started without Justice League in mind, so it won't work well.