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  • Thread starter Solid Fro

Solid Fro

I told you so.
Anti-War Cowards Deface Medal of Honor Memorial

Indianapolis, March 30 - Wednesday seemed like a normal spring day at the Canal Walk. But for visitors to the Medal of Honor memorial, a dirty secret marred an otherwise beautiful place, where vandals did a lot of damage.
Glass panels on the monument were smashed early Tuesday morning. Obscene words about President Bush and Gov. Daniels, along with peace symbols were spray-painted on canal walls.

"I don't get it. I don't get it at all," said Tammy Hickman, a visitor.

"It's really an indication of how morally bankrupt people are who were involved in this," said State Police Officer Dave Bursten.

As early as 3.a.m. Wednesday, Indiana State Police patrolled the glass-walled memorial to war veterans, looking for signs of vandals other than the ones they so boldly left behind .

Investigators hope surveillance video taken from nearby buildings can provide some information.

"I would imagine it's kids playing around with nothing to do since it's spring break," said visitor Tim Gueisser.

For Navy veteran Neil Blackwell, this crime is personal.

"I respect the flag and the United States," said Blackwell. "It's heartbreaking to see somebody doing something like this. It really is."

"We spend a lot of time here in the summer. It's a beautiful area. To have it marred by something like that," said Hickman.

Whether it was a way to get attention or a motive more politically motivated, the marks will soon be scrubbed away. But for visitors and veterans, the damage here is done.

Clean up crews had to bring in a sand-blaster to clean up the graffiti. Some of it may still be visible.

State Police are checking to see who may have surveillance video and whether it is clear enough to help their investigation.

The vandals face charges of felony criminal mischief.

The IPALCO Foundation, which pays to maintain the memorial, has
offered a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of
those involved in the damage.


Peace, Love, and Anarchy. That so makes sense.


What makes people do this? What is their purpose, their goal? I hear their message loud and clear. A message of not being able to come up with anything better than "I hate Bush". If it wasn't for these men who are memorialized here, none of these Anti-War anarchists would be alive today.

It's really showing off these people's intelligence.

I doubt the people who really do oppose the war would denounce this and condemn it.
Terrible, it's a slap in the face of those who have been awarded the medal, and those who defend us. Even those who oppose war will condemn this vandalsim as it does nothing to further anyone's cause, and alienates those with legitimate complaints, by lumping them in with idiots such as these.

This reminds me of the environmental activists who burned a bunch of suv's to the ground. They later realized that the vehicles burning actually released more pollutants than they would in a few years of use on their own. People just don't know how to talk things out anymore.
Stuff like this just baffles me. You'd have to try very, very hard to go lower than dishonoring war heroes. I hope they capture the idiots who did this.

This reminds me of the environmental activists who burned a bunch of suv's to the ground. They later realized that the vehicles burning actually released more pollutants than they would in a few years of use on their own. People just don't know how to talk things out anymore.
:lol: Morons.
i hope they f'ing die, a slow, terrible and miserable death

they do not deserve their f'ing freedom! i hope it is stripped away, along with their dignity(not that they have any) as soon a possible.

and if i seem harsh, maybe it's because i proudly serve our nation, and defend the right for people to express themselve, but when someone takes advantage of my service to do something like that.........i hope the f'ing die
i hope they f'ing die, a slow, terrible and miserable death

they do not deserve their f'ing freedom! i hope it is stripped away, along with their dignity(not that they have any) as soon a possible.

and if i seem harsh, maybe it's because i proudly serve our nation, and defend the right for people to express themselve, but when someone takes advantage of my service to do something like that.........i hope the f'ing die

Well sure it's not nice, but also not that terrible... it's in a way a slap in the face for the military, yeah but ... it's no murder... it is a place with a lot of stones with names on it.... I can see the importance of that place, but it is only a symbol... the really important thing is in the head of most Americans and other people on this planet... the knowledge ... some kids or activists took some paint and made graffiti, that's it... and they got what they wanted : You pay them attention and get mad about it... you should all relax, if nobody cares probably nobody will do that again...
I love watching the right wingers go at it. It's funny. Put yourself in someone elses shoes for a moment; what if you were the one sent to war against your will and it was your family fighting for peace?
It doesn't take a "right-winger" to be angry at some jackasses defacing a national memorial. But anyway, what does your post have to do with anything? Explain what you mean.
I love watching the right wingers go at it. It's funny. Put yourself in someone elses shoes for a moment; what if you were the one sent to war against your will and it was your family fighting for peace?
By defacing a memorial ? The morons who did it are not worth the sweat on the balls of the people they dishonored.
I love watching the right wingers go at it. It's funny. Put yourself in someone elses shoes for a moment; what if you were the one sent to war against your will and it was your family fighting for peace?

If you don't agree with the war today that is fine but defacing a memorial for those who fought for their lives and our country in past wars is wrong. Many of those people never wanted to go to war in the first place but were drafted. Even if you don't agree with a war, it is wrong to do anything that harms our own troops, be they retired or in action.
I'm curious how defacing and vandalizing a national monument to honour America's fallen war heroes constitues "fighting for peace."

Also I'm unsure what you mean by being sent to "war against your will", unless you're aware of some secret conscription or kidnapping by the American government since the end of Vietnam everyone who currently serves has done so voluntarily, and, in a sense, is willing to die to protect the freedom that allows people to do things such as this.
I love watching the right wingers go at it. It's funny. Put yourself in someone elses shoes for a moment; what if you were the one sent to war against your will and it was your family fighting for peace?

hmmm, your an idiot. yes personal attacks, call the cops.

as has been posted, OUR ENTIRE MILITARY IS A VOLUNTEER FORCE!!!!!!!!

and if you've never been a Soldier, Marine, Airman, Seaman, then i suggest you STFU.

I fought in the Iraq war. Did i agree with the the motives of the Administration? no not really. But getting rid of Saddam was a good thing. I fought for the poor kids of Iraq, and to keep my Buddys alive.

ok, i'm not gonna repeat myself over and over everytime this comes up. just dont call me a rightwinger ever again (or even a stupid liberal for that matter) or spout ignorant drivvel again, and everything will be ok.
hmmm, your an idiot. yes personal attacks, call the cops.

as has been posted, OUR ENTIRE MILITARY IS A VOLUNTEER FORCE!!!!!!!!

and if you've never been a Soldier, Marine, Airman, Seaman, then i suggest you STFU.

I fought in the Iraq war. Did i agree with the the motives of the Administration? no not really. But getting rid of Saddam was a good thing. I fought for the poor kids of Iraq, and to keep my Buddys alive.

ok, i'm not gonna repeat myself over and over everytime this comes up. just dont call me a rightwinger ever again (or even a stupid liberal for that matter) or spout ignorant drivvel again, and everything will be ok.

It may be a volunteer force, but do they volunteer to serve 3 consecutive terms of service in an unfamiliar country, full of maiming, killing and surprise attacks? Not bloody well likely.

I said nothing of the sort to promote defacing national memorials or monuments, that's just heinous. What I was saying was that the people who did it may have had a reason, and have for the past 3 years, been trying to get some sort of compensation and that was their last resort.

You know, not everything revolves around serving your country, being Pro-USA, and automatically hating someone if they dissagree with the War.

And I never called you a right winger.
It may be a volunteer force, but do they volunteer to serve 3 consecutive terms of service in an unfamiliar country, full of maiming, killing and surprise attacks? Not bloody well likely.

As a matter of fact, they do. My cousin is in Iraq right now, serving his second tour of duty. He was supposed to come home in February originally, but volunteered to stay another 8 months.

On topic, that is just disgusting. Whoever did this should be tried for treason against the US.
Ghost C
As a matter of fact, they do. My cousin is in Iraq right now, serving his second tour of duty. He was supposed to come home in February originally, but volunteered to stay another 8 months.

On topic, that is just disgusting. Whoever did this should be tried for treason against the US.

Why so extreme? What if it was from a family who was against the war from the beginning, and who just lost like 4 kids in one month or something? You don't know the circumstances this happened under, so don't be so quick to judge.

However, with the anarchy sign there I am pretty sure it's just a bunch of punk ass hippies being a bunch of retards. But my point still stands, try and put youreself in other people's shoes for once.


Noone in the US army volunteers. They're all being paid. They have consented or offered to serve extra terms.
Noone in the US army volunteers. They're all being paid. They have consented or offered to serve extra terms.

While I can't speak for 87chevy, I think you're playing with semantics when you say they're not volunteers, they're being paid. That doesn't change the fact you said they were there against their will, to which we replied, it was their will to be there or they would not have joined. In the sense they chose to join they have volunteered for service as opposed to being forced to go - regardless if they are being paid or not.

Also, it's highly illogical that a family or person who has just lost loved ones in the service would deface a momument to honor the memory of fallen soldiers, such as their loved ones.:dunce:
wow, that is awful. i would not go so far to say they should be tried for treason against the U.S.A. but i am not saying they should get away with some little fine. that is just a attack by the foolish, soldiers do not decide what the plans are, they follow orders. always support the troops but you don't have to support the war. most of us have family members or friends in the war and we all want to see them come home.
a little spray paint and broken glass is not going to stop anything.
Wow that's terrriable, they are the same kind of people who jumped out in front of my Blazer on the way to the Bush rally because it was an SUV. They are extremist with nothing better to do the stir **** up because mommy and daddy didn't show them enough affection when they were younger.

Bush bashing is a fad, I would bet the hippies that did this don't even know why they dislike Bush in the first place. It's because MTV told them to. I really hate people like that. If you don't like the president, fine that is your right as an American citizen to dislike him (or her if that ever happens). I never liked Bill Clinton when he was in office, but did I go around causing a hoopla? No he still was the president of my country.

I hope they find the little punks that did this and make them pay, you don't defile a Medal of Honor memorial. Those brave men and women gave it there all so those little punks were free. This just sickens me to tell you the truth.

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