Cubstmkg 23 New york Cub4nKG1Xx Feb 21, 2012 #1 K guys i have a question i buy supra sz-r from used cars but when i going tune max hp i get is 381hp and i cant install turbo why in new in this game
K guys i have a question i buy supra sz-r from used cars but when i going tune max hp i get is 381hp and i cant install turbo why in new in this game
viperbeatsvette (Banned) 2,179 Gold Coast/QLD viperbeatsvette im not a fanboy Feb 21, 2012 #2 The S-ZR is the natural aspirated version, if you want a faster supra look out for the RZ. this will hit 725 ponies
The S-ZR is the natural aspirated version, if you want a faster supra look out for the RZ. this will hit 725 ponies