i have a beast of a supra rz, i didnt even touch the weight distribution at all. but if u want i can give u my settings if u wanna try it out
Zed, I can do backward entries in my RZ. I just did a full weight reduction and left the distribution alone. I think my spring rates are something like;
Front - 14. (something)
Rear - 12.3
I can't remember... was ages since I last had it out.
Lazy LiquidAll i know is that any car with more than 1400kg is potentialy a bad choice for tandeming, unless if your partner also have a metalworking block with 4 wheels. After a certain point, if you can´t balance the car distribuition by the ballast, its better work your springs and dampers.
The heavier the car is the stiffer the suspension is. Don't let the weight be thrown around that's all