I came across the Doomsday Preppers episode slims was referring to. People in this episode are even goofier than usual.

I wonder if much of the preppers in this country are nuts, or the National Geographic is just trying to make good TV. Don't get me wrong. Some of the people looks normal, but like half of them seem little off......
Am I fit? -
Can I climb, run, jump, walk for long periods, fight if necessary. Check.
Being in good physical shape, how could anyone argue with that?
Recently, I started packing my own lunch, also walking about a mile before I eat that. This is because of a little film called "Zombieland"? In it, they stress the importance of "cardio"(it's actually rule #1). No, not at all because I'm starting to get a gut.
I'm thinking about starting running & basketball again. I see my older friends play basketball, never understood it, as they are just getting their 🤬 beat by guys in their 20's. I quit when this started happening to me. Now I think I understand.
Do I have the mentality? -
To deal with loss, to adapt, to use my smarts in a less than perfect situation, to maintain a level head, to keep up my moral. Not too sure.
I've heard before(maybe on Survivorman?) that the most important survival tool is your brain. So true. Mental toughness, while I believe I have a sound mind, who knows what state they might be in after extended exposure to severe stress with your very survival on the line? I think I can flip the switch, put my game face on. It remains to be seen!
Am I prepared? -
Are my thoughts collected about my survival plan, do I know what to do in the first instance, do I have a back up plan, will I remain composed and deal with the situation with a clear mind. I think so.
On the material side, I like to think that I am prepared. I've been stocking food, water, tools, not like these preppers on the show or the survivalists out there, but to a reasonable degree. However, when it comes to game plans, I can't say that I don't have anything solid. I know that there should be escape plan, communication plan, etc., etc., but I really don't. Good point you've brought up. đź‘Ť
There are probably some other things that I'm forgetting from these lists but these are my general considerations for the non-material side of survival.
Yeah, I think they could prove to be as critical as any food or equipment in a real life survival situation, like in case of a natural disaster. đź‘Ť