This topic has been covered twice already, once inthe 'skills' guys thread and again in Stotty's thread - we don't need another.
For all those people getting on their high horses about 'cheating' by using 'glitch' setups - I find it highly amusing you're not also referring to things like the power limiter or the ballast issues too.
If you're going to start pointing that 'cheating' accusation at people regarding setups, why are you only seeing 1/3rd of the picture, from your point of view.
This game is totally flawed in terms of setups - power limited cars are so much faster, they even have more power per PP than cars with 100% power limiter, that's how crazy that is, but how many people still use the limiter??
What about changing the balance of a car by adjusting the ballast bar, but with the weight at 0.0kgs?? You telling me that doesn't have an affect - rubbish. How can 0.0kgs ballast at -50 or +50 change the way a car feels, as well as tyre wear, as much as what it does in GT5 - yet people are only talking about this ride height issue as a 'cheat'. What's 0.5-1.5 seconds per lap when other 'cheats' you're not mentioning would give far greater gains than that?
If you've got a poor or bad LSD setting you'll be loosing more time than that per lap anyway, does that mean others are cheating because they know how to maximise a LSD to their driving style, or know how to make their tyres more durable??
You want to be Peter Perfect, fine so be it, you do that, but you'll be racing in a fairly empty lobby.
I run 2 race series, both the power limiter and ballast are banned in both, that's hard enough to regulate and prove if someone is cheating. Trying to police suspension settings aswell - you're living in a dreamworld.
I always keep my power limiter at 100% and still beat alot guys in random lobbies with their power limited cars, I don't start throwing my toys out of the pram or getting on my high horse because others are 'cheating'. The ride height issue, NONE of my cars have a raked stance, the biggest difference in any of my 1400 cars is probably 9mm and that's with the rear higher to stabilise the car. A few of my 4WD cars are 3-6mm lower at the rear to help, but nothing like what's being touted around on the other threads where there's maybe 30-40+mm difference.
If you know how to tune your suspension and LSD then this 'glitch' is practically irrelevant - if it was so major, who do so many of the recognised tuners in this section NOT use it then?? A good suspension and LSD setup will be faster than a poor setup with 'glitched' ride height for every car on every track.
I just get on with it, test my cars, setup them up how I want them to feel and drive, then go racing (cleanly) with my mates and their friends in our race series. If I win, I win, if I loose I loose, if I come last, so be it - but at least we're racing clean, driving clean, our cars are equally matched and we're having serious fun in proper organised series and races. If that's not enough from a £40 / $60 video game, then you need to wake up and start living in the real world.
How many people have enough 'real world' experience of suspension setups anyway?? What's the % of people who play GT5 who could actually tune a real life racecar, or a track day / road car with adjustable suspension and diff????
It's bad enough we had months or non stop arguements with the dupers Vs those who don't, now we got to go through it all again with setups too?? Ridiculous - just play the GAME, that's all it is, a GAME, not a multi thousand pound simulator as used by F1 teams.
How many of those who say this is cheating have never cut a corner or taken someone out in a race, ever?? Isn't ramming and corner cutting cheating too - just how many people in random online lobbies do that?? What cheating is is a never ending arguement, it's subjective, it's all about personal opinion, experience and choice.
It's just a video game - get over it and stop making something out of nothing.