Suspension Adjustments that are wrong...

Seems to me that its agreed by quite a few tuners that the front & rear ride heights aren't accurately portrayed, if not are entirely backwards...

Previously (in GT3, GT4) I usually had a bit of rake with the rear a lil' 10mm-15mm higher than the front. That worked well for most cars though FF (very rarely use them) generally were little (5mm) or no rake... In my frustrations of tuning, anyone else run into any other tuning (suspension, limited slip, aero, etc.) adjustments that don't work as stated or as they do in real life?
i read that big thread and i still just dont belive it. i think its some sort of other problem in there suspension tunning thats being fixed but the higher front ride hight. Every car i have that has bottomed out if i raise the ride hight it fixes it. Also in the test they did the compared the effects of the different ride hights without changing the spring rates, and you just cant do that. if you go from all the way up to all the way down you have to increase the spring rates and with as big a change as it would take you should probably change the dampers as well, and thus the roll bar will probably need fiddeled with.
i read that big thread and i still just dont belive it. i think its some sort of other problem in there suspension tunning thats being fixed but the higher front ride hight. Every car i have that has bottomed out if i raise the ride hight it fixes it. Also in the test they did the compared the effects of the different ride hights without changing the spring rates, and you just cant do that. if you go from all the way up to all the way down you have to increase the spring rates and with as big a change as it would take you should probably change the dampers as well, and thus the roll bar will probably need fiddeled with.
Stotty is an excellent driver and experienced tuner. And he did change the spring rates, etc. He eventually had everything on the left side of the menu backwards, and he's probably right, I'll find out later.
There are just different means to attain the same thing, a car that goes fast and doesn't understeer. The ride height "cheat" or "glitch" or whatever you want to call it is just a short cut way to get a car to act more balanced.

There are definately other ways to tune out understeer, but they can be more work. Suspension settings, LSD settings and downforce all work together. Changing one thing can affect something else.

I believe that those who are willing to work at understanding tuning will be faster in the end and have better tire wear. And I don't for a minute believe that any of the settings are backwards. I only split the ride height as a fine tune, if I can't get other settings to make the car perfect. When I do adjust ride height, strangly enough, the in-game descriptions actually produce the results listed. Settings aren't backwards... something else is flawed in the tune.
There are just different means to attain the same thing, a car that goes fast and doesn't understeer. The ride height "cheat" or "glitch" or whatever you want to call it is just a short cut way to get a car to act more balanced.

I hate glitches and i hate cheats and now i have found this out i feel as though ive cheated even though i havent really, but it makes me not want to tune anymore knowing that if i want a faster time all i got to do is cheat/glitch. is it cheating? So you hit +5 front and 0 rear instead of 0 front and +5 rear, big deal. It's there for everyone to use, it's not hidden. I'd say it was cheating if it wasn't available to everyone but it is.
Cheats are available to everyone just to let you know, but i was tuning a car and thought i had it set up pretty well and was pretty happy with what i had. Then i read about the suspension settings being the wrong way around so i decided to test it for myself, and on the first lap my time improved by nearly a second (0.9) and all i did was change it from F-22 R-22 to F+25 R-25 that to me seems wrong and also cheating a bit. Its just a **** up, its like taking steroids. lol
Cheats are available to everyone just to let you know, but i was tuning a car and thought i had it set up pretty well and was pretty happy with what i had. Then i read about the suspension settings being the wrong way around so i decided to test it for myself, and on the first lap my time improved by nearly a second (0.9) and all i did was change it from F-22 R-22 to F+25 R-25 that to me seems wrong and also cheating a bit. Its just a **** up, its like taking steroids. lol

I see your point
Cheats are available to everyone just to let you know, but i was tuning a car and thought i had it set up pretty well and was pretty happy with what i had. Then i read about the suspension settings being the wrong way around so i decided to test it for myself, and on the first lap my time improved by nearly a second (0.9) and all i did was change it from F-22 R-22 to F+25 R-25 that to me seems wrong and also cheating a bit. Its just a **** up, its like taking steroids. lol

I don't see the point at all. It is what it is! The game gives us a range of settings for various components on the car. When you buy or receive a car, it has a default setting for everthing that is changeable. If I go into my garrage and begin tuning my car according to what it says it should make the car do, then I go onto the track to test it and the car behaves just the opposite from what the game says, I should just live with it? That's the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Of course I am not going to just accept that my car handles like crap because the game says it should handle like a dream according to the changes I made. I'll go in and chage the settings to get the car to handle the way I want it to. If making changes that are contrary to what some people believe they should do is cheating, then we are all guilty of it! Go to the tuners and look at the tunes. How many different tunes for the same car are all identical? To prevent cheating, should'nt they all be the same? Are the ones that I think should'nt work at all cheating?

Most tuners and the guides for tuning say to go run a few laps and if the car doesn't behave the way you want make a change and try it again. Repeat this process until the car behaves the way you want. If I have no clue how a car works in real life, and I am tuning my car in GT5, and find out that setting the front ride height well above the rear gives me the turn in feel I want, then I have cheated? Thats crazy talk man! All I have done is used the games parameters to make my car more drivable to me. Not cheating, not glitching, just tuning my car to make it faster using what's available in the game as it was produced.
Anybody test tire wear with these settings. a few fast laps are one thing but if it comes at the expense of tire wear, I question it. Take an auto cross car for instance. they have some very extreme alignment setting to cut those cones, and they would wear the thier tires pretty quick on street or track.
I don't see the point at all. It is what it is! The game gives us a range of settings for various components on the car. When you buy or receive a car, it has a default setting for everthing that is changeable. If I go into my garrage and begin tuning my car according to what it says it should make the car do, then I go onto the track to test it and the car behaves just the opposite from what the game says, I should just live with it? That's the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Of course I am not going to just accept that my car handles like crap because the game says it should handle like a dream according to the changes I made. I'll go in and chage the settings to get the car to handle the way I want it to. If making changes that are contrary to what some people believe they should do is cheating, then we are all guilty of it! Go to the tuners and look at the tunes. How many different tunes for the same car are all identical? To prevent cheating, should'nt they all be the same? Are the ones that I think should'nt work at all cheating?

Most tuners and the guides for tuning say to go run a few laps and if the car doesn't behave the way you want make a change and try it again. Repeat this process until the car behaves the way you want. If I have no clue how a car works in real life, and I am tuning my car in GT5, and find out that setting the front ride height well above the rear gives me the turn in feel I want, then I have cheated? Thats crazy talk man! All I have done is used the games parameters to make my car more drivable to me. Not cheating, not glitching, just tuning my car to make it faster using what's available in the game as it was produced.

I have to agree, to consider this cheating doesn't make any sense. Look at actual motorsports, even in spec series like Indycar or GP2, suspension settings are entirely a matter of driver preference and will vary up and down the pitlane. It doesn't matter if it's backwards or not, even if I hadn't heard this theory and I got frustrated and tried reverse settings just on a whim and I got great results the hooray for me. While in the meantime you might have reversed the settings from the start, but we would both have the same result.
It's a different opinion. Some think that the benefits are due to flaws in the physics. In striving for realism tuning to take advantage of those flaws is a short cut, or used as a failure to tune the car realistically. It's just an opinion, you don't have to understand, just as those who disagree with your opinion don't have to understand your reasons for having your opinion, yet still respect it.

Some tune to be the fastest in the world (at a video game, big deal) others play to have the realest experience possible, both are fine, neither better. Just different opinions.

I understand both sides, while I agree with only one ;) I respect both opinions.
It's a different opinion. Some think that the benefits are due to flaws in the physics. In striving for realism tuning to take advantage of those flaws is a short cut, or used as a failure to tune the car realistically. It's just an opinion, you don't have to understand, just as those who disagree with your opinion don't have to understand your reasons for having your opinion, yet still respect it.

Some tune to be the fastest in the world (at a video game, big deal) others play to have the realest experience possible, both are fine, neither better. Just different opinions.

I understand both sides, while I agree with only one ;) I respect both opinions.
That is rue my friend, we clearly have people that booth tune their cars good with "right" settings, and with reversed settings. Something is flawed, but the question is what? Still people can tune their cars to perform better than stock, which is good. But yes, to low car, and to high causes problems as stated.

This topic has been covered twice already, once inthe 'skills' guys thread and again in Stotty's thread - we don't need another.

For all those people getting on their high horses about 'cheating' by using 'glitch' setups - I find it highly amusing you're not also referring to things like the power limiter or the ballast issues too.

If you're going to start pointing that 'cheating' accusation at people regarding setups, why are you only seeing 1/3rd of the picture, from your point of view.

This game is totally flawed in terms of setups - power limited cars are so much faster, they even have more power per PP than cars with 100% power limiter, that's how crazy that is, but how many people still use the limiter??

What about changing the balance of a car by adjusting the ballast bar, but with the weight at 0.0kgs?? You telling me that doesn't have an affect - rubbish. How can 0.0kgs ballast at -50 or +50 change the way a car feels, as well as tyre wear, as much as what it does in GT5 - yet people are only talking about this ride height issue as a 'cheat'. What's 0.5-1.5 seconds per lap when other 'cheats' you're not mentioning would give far greater gains than that?

If you've got a poor or bad LSD setting you'll be loosing more time than that per lap anyway, does that mean others are cheating because they know how to maximise a LSD to their driving style, or know how to make their tyres more durable??

You want to be Peter Perfect, fine so be it, you do that, but you'll be racing in a fairly empty lobby.

I run 2 race series, both the power limiter and ballast are banned in both, that's hard enough to regulate and prove if someone is cheating. Trying to police suspension settings aswell - you're living in a dreamworld.

I always keep my power limiter at 100% and still beat alot guys in random lobbies with their power limited cars, I don't start throwing my toys out of the pram or getting on my high horse because others are 'cheating'. The ride height issue, NONE of my cars have a raked stance, the biggest difference in any of my 1400 cars is probably 9mm and that's with the rear higher to stabilise the car. A few of my 4WD cars are 3-6mm lower at the rear to help, but nothing like what's being touted around on the other threads where there's maybe 30-40+mm difference.

If you know how to tune your suspension and LSD then this 'glitch' is practically irrelevant - if it was so major, who do so many of the recognised tuners in this section NOT use it then?? A good suspension and LSD setup will be faster than a poor setup with 'glitched' ride height for every car on every track.

I just get on with it, test my cars, setup them up how I want them to feel and drive, then go racing (cleanly) with my mates and their friends in our race series. If I win, I win, if I loose I loose, if I come last, so be it - but at least we're racing clean, driving clean, our cars are equally matched and we're having serious fun in proper organised series and races. If that's not enough from a £40 / $60 video game, then you need to wake up and start living in the real world.

How many people have enough 'real world' experience of suspension setups anyway?? What's the % of people who play GT5 who could actually tune a real life racecar, or a track day / road car with adjustable suspension and diff????

It's bad enough we had months or non stop arguements with the dupers Vs those who don't, now we got to go through it all again with setups too?? Ridiculous - just play the GAME, that's all it is, a GAME, not a multi thousand pound simulator as used by F1 teams.

How many of those who say this is cheating have never cut a corner or taken someone out in a race, ever?? Isn't ramming and corner cutting cheating too - just how many people in random online lobbies do that?? What cheating is is a never ending arguement, it's subjective, it's all about personal opinion, experience and choice.

It's just a video game - get over it and stop making something out of nothing.
This topic has been covered twice already, once inthe 'skills' guys thread and again in Stotty's thread - we don't need another.

For all those people getting on their high horses about 'cheating' by using 'glitch' setups - I find it highly amusing you're not also referring to things like the power limiter or the ballast issues too.

If you're going to start pointing that 'cheating' accusation at people regarding setups, why are you only seeing 1/3rd of the picture, from your point of view.

This game is totally flawed in terms of setups - power limited cars are so much faster, they even have more power per PP than cars with 100% power limiter, that's how crazy that is, but how many people still use the limiter??

What about changing the balance of a car by adjusting the ballast bar, but with the weight at 0.0kgs?? You telling me that doesn't have an affect - rubbish. How can 0.0kgs ballast at -50 or +50 change the way a car feels, as well as tyre wear, as much as what it does in GT5 - yet people are only talking about this ride height issue as a 'cheat'. What's 0.5-1.5 seconds per lap when other 'cheats' you're not mentioning would give far greater gains than that?

If you've got a poor or bad LSD setting you'll be loosing more time than that per lap anyway, does that mean others are cheating because they know how to maximise a LSD to their driving style, or know how to make their tyres more durable??

You want to be Peter Perfect, fine so be it, you do that, but you'll be racing in a fairly empty lobby.

I run 2 race series, both the power limiter and ballast are banned in both, that's hard enough to regulate and prove if someone is cheating. Trying to police suspension settings aswell - you're living in a dreamworld.

I always keep my power limiter at 100% and still beat alot guys in random lobbies with their power limited cars, I don't start throwing my toys out of the pram or getting on my high horse because others are 'cheating'. The ride height issue, NONE of my cars have a raked stance, the biggest difference in any of my 1400 cars is probably 9mm and that's with the rear higher to stabilise the car. A few of my 4WD cars are 3-6mm lower at the rear to help, but nothing like what's being touted around on the other threads where there's maybe 30-40+mm difference.

If you know how to tune your suspension and LSD then this 'glitch' is practically irrelevant - if it was so major, who do so many of the recognised tuners in this section NOT use it then?? A good suspension and LSD setup will be faster than a poor setup with 'glitched' ride height for every car on every track.

I just get on with it, test my cars, setup them up how I want them to feel and drive, then go racing (cleanly) with my mates and their friends in our race series. If I win, I win, if I loose I loose, if I come last, so be it - but at least we're racing clean, driving clean, our cars are equally matched and we're having serious fun in proper organised series and races. If that's not enough from a £40 / $60 video game, then you need to wake up and start living in the real world.

How many people have enough 'real world' experience of suspension setups anyway?? What's the % of people who play GT5 who could actually tune a real life racecar, or a track day / road car with adjustable suspension and diff????

It's bad enough we had months or non stop arguements with the dupers Vs those who don't, now we got to go through it all again with setups too?? Ridiculous - just play the GAME, that's all it is, a GAME, not a multi thousand pound simulator as used by F1 teams.

How many of those who say this is cheating have never cut a corner or taken someone out in a race, ever?? Isn't ramming and corner cutting cheating too - just how many people in random online lobbies do that?? What cheating is is a never ending arguement, it's subjective, it's all about personal opinion, experience and choice.

It's just a video game - get over it and stop making something out of nothing.

I agree partially. I do consider the ballast, and Power limiter trick, in the same category as the ride height trick. We don't need mention the other 2 when discussing one, but your welcome to bring them up.

There isn't any "high horse" or "policing" though, we are just discussing opinions. Yours is welcome too, however all opinions are equal.
As much as the debate still rages over the reversal of some settings, I'm sick of people claiming that using reversed ride height is some how glitching or cheating. All people are doing is setting cars up to act in a particular way. If people wanted understeer for instance, they'd set the ride height so the arse was on the floor and the nose in the air. Just because the game doesn't seem to reflect this, and you actually have to do the reverse to get the same affect, doesn't mean it's cheating or glitching.

It's hardly our fault if the game is borked, if it is at all...

Well, the ballast isnt a glitch, is quite realistic when it comes to physics. As i wrote before, you dont add any additional weight, instead you move objects in your car to the back, for example putting your rear seat, battery etc. in the trunk.
.... snip

Hear, hear 👍

All I want is the car to feel right when I drive it (and have as little understeer as possible)... couldn't care less what settings I have to use to create that feeling... even if that means a +45 -45 ride and car that looks like a reverse dragster... I can't see what the car looks like when I'm driving it.
Well, the ballast isnt a glitch, is quite realistic when it comes to physics. As i wrote before, you dont add any additional weight, instead you move objects in your car to the back, for example putting your rear seat, battery etc. in the trunk.

lol is this serious?

thats an actual tuning option in gt5? move 0 ballast to the back and it moves factory "weight" to the trunk?
lol is this serious?

thats an actual tuning option in gt5? move 0 ballast to the back and it moves factory "weight" to the trunk?

It's moving weight to the back (as it may appear) what it's moving is unknown, could be a theoretical gas tank (but what about when you move it to the front) or the same with the back seats in the trunk theory, where do the back seats go when it's moved to the front? It could be an empty ballast tank but really nobody knows what it is, just that weight FEELs like it's being moved.
so there really is a difference in moving 0 ballast front and back, have you tested it?


I have also tested. It does change the balance of the car. And, I do not see this as glitch tuning. In my real race car, we can move weight to different locations that change the balance of the car, without putting ourselves further over the minimum weight limit. How is this a glitch? Seems pretty real worldy to me.

Also, I don't use balast in GT5 unless it is a really difficult car to tame, like MR cars. I haven't seen a performance gain in moving balast on a car that already handles well with the tune.
Motor City Hami
I have also tested. It does change the balance of the car. And, I do not see this as glitch tuning. In my real race car, we can move weight to different locations that change the balance of the car, without putting ourselves further over the minimum weight limit. How is this a glitch? Seems pretty real worldy to me.

Also, I don't use balast in GT5 unless it is a really difficult car to tame, like MR cars. I haven't seen a performance gain in moving balast on a car that already handles well with the tune.

I see it as a glitch because it's not explained and upfront. There is no reasoning despite what you can do with your Miata Cup car.

What exactly is being moved, how much does it weigh? It's ALL theoretical. The only way to confirm the realism is to compare it to EXACTLY what is being simulated. In this case it appears to be an error/glitch.
I see it as a glitch because it's not explained and upfront. There is no reasoning despite what you can do with your Miata Cup car.

What exactly is being moved, how much does it weigh? It's ALL theoretical. The only way to confirm the realism is to compare it to EXACTLY what is being simulated. In this case it appears to be an error/glitch.

An "error/glitch" that existed in GT4 as well.

If they wanted it gone it would be.
I see it as a glitch because it's not explained and upfront. There is no reasoning despite what you can do with your Miata Cup car.

What exactly is being moved, how much does it weigh? It's ALL theoretical. The only way to confirm the realism is to compare it to EXACTLY what is being simulated. In this case it appears to be an error/glitch.

If anything that isn't clearly explained or upfront is considered a glitch, then half of the tuning options in GT5 are glitches, lol.

As for what I think is realistically being moved, The battery.
Battery relocation is a rather common thing, even in street cars these days.
On average a 12V battery weighs roughly ~40lbs. That's an 80lb swing front to back. Any decent driver pushing their car, should notice that difference.
If anything that isn't clearly explained or upfront is considered a glitch, then half of the tuning options in GT5 are glitches, lol.

As for what I think is realistically being moved, The battery.
Battery relocation is a rather common thing, even in street cars these days.
On average a 12V battery weighs roughly ~40lbs. That's an 80lb swing front to back. Any decent driver pushing their car, should notice that difference.

Different motor mounts with shorter drive shafts... that's a ton of weight moving. Moving suspension mounts forward or back... another huge move. Fuel tanks relocated or swapped out for fuel cells.

Agree with you that the in-game descriptions are unclear on most things. Look at how much discussion happened around initial torque on the LSDs. Guess we have to call LSDs glitch tuning too?