Suspension Adjustments that are wrong...

People seem not to understand the deeper problem in this :) Using whatever you can in a game, is usually fine. But in theese modern days, where doing whatever to the opponent is "no problem", as long as the ref dont see it ? Where did honour & selfrespect go ?

Anyway. The main problem with using "very unrealistic tuning settings that makes no sense compared to RL physics" or whatever you wanna call it. Is, not so much that "newbs get faster".. The problem is, GT5 is not another arcade "pleassure your self in 5 min. "-game.. It's surposed to be a challenging driving simulator, which has always been mainly for gamers who take pride in "true driving". And now, as in alot of other cases, people start to feel that what they achieve, is "cool". And therefor they want to do they same, except they dont want to do the work it requires, so they use a random cheat, exploit a glitch, or go in the complete opposite way of how the game is suporsed ot work, "just because you can".

Im all in for the "people should be able to do as they see fit, as long as it doesnt hurt anybody else". But we really cant build a world, on kids who think they will get anywhere, by only having fake achievements. In Call of Duty there is people using grenade launcher to get easy no-skilled kills, to feel they are good because they are gettin alot of kills, and in GT5 people are using unrealistic tunes, picked up on the internert, so they can feel they are awesome. When they drive faster than somebody who can actually think.

So to summon up.. Gt5 is not the right game for easy/fake achievements.

And thinking "Do as little as possible, and nothing is wrong as long as you dont end up gettin locked up for it." Is just such an asocial & in the end, destructive mentality.

It still amazes me how people havent seen to understand, that the character Homer Simpson was made to be a bad example. Not your idol..
"If you have a difficult task at hand, ask a lazy man, for he'll find an easier way to accomplish the feat."

It doesn't really matter what people do to their cars.
The better driver will still prevail 9 times out of 10.
That's what matters most, in my opinion.
I have also tested. It does change the balance of the car. And, I do not see this as glitch tuning. In my real race car, we can move weight to different locations that change the balance of the car, without putting ourselves further over the minimum weight limit. How is this a glitch? Seems pretty real worldy to me.

Also, I don't use balast in GT5 unless it is a really difficult car to tame, like MR cars. I haven't seen a performance gain in moving balast on a car that already handles well with the tune.

This seems to make sense to me. If I take your word for it and if this is, in fact, a commonly-done practice in real-world racing, then I have no problem with it.

The only complaint being that the in-game description could be more comprehensive. So not even a big complaint a that.
People seem not to understand the deeper problem in this :) Using whatever you can in a game, is usually fine. But in theese modern days, where doing whatever to the opponent is "no problem", as long as the ref dont see it ? Where did honour & selfrespect go ?

I don't see your comparison here whatsoever. It's not "cheating" if suspension tuning is "backwards". Sure, the max/min ride height thing is supposedly the fastest way around track but I never saw it do anything but cause a very difficult to drive car.

Anyway. The main problem with using "very unrealistic tuning settings that makes no sense compared to RL physics" or whatever you wanna call it. Is, not so much that "newbs get faster".. The problem is, GT5 is not another arcade "pleassure your self in 5 min. "-game.. It's surposed to be a challenging driving simulator, which has always been mainly for gamers who take pride in "true driving". And now, as in alot of other cases, people start to feel that what they achieve, is "cool". And therefor they want to do they same, except they dont want to do the work it requires, so they use a random cheat, exploit a glitch, or go in the complete opposite way of how the game is suporsed ot work, "just because you can".

Thing is, the entire argument is that the game doesn't do what it's supposed to when you put the "right" settings in.

Again, it's not "cheating", it's "we have to change settings x way to get y result". Kinda like whichever one of the NFS titles it was that the under/oversteer slider was backwards; setting it to "understeer" gave you oversteer and vice versa. Or I suppose you'll call that cheating too?

Im all in for the "people should be able to do as they see fit, as long as it doesnt hurt anybody else". But we really cant build a world, on kids who think they will get anywhere, by only having fake achievements. In Call of Duty there is people using grenade launcher to get easy no-skilled kills, to feel they are good because they are gettin alot of kills, and in GT5 people are using unrealistic tunes, picked up on the internert, so they can feel they are awesome. When they drive faster than somebody who can actually think.

Sorry bud, another terrible comparison. It's very rare when I beat someone on tune alone and there are people who will absolutely destroy me in a race around here.

And really, it's the people who figure out that these things are implemented wrong who "actually think".

So to summon up.. Gt5 is not the right game for easy/fake achievements.

And thinking "Do as little as possible, and nothing is wrong as long as you dont end up gettin locked up for it." Is just such an asocial & in the end, destructive mentality.

Wat. Easy/fake achievements in GT5 are the rubberband Indy grind to buy whatever car you want, bringing a Veyron to the French races, etc etc. Not tuning a car to do what you want regardless of the settings needed to do so.

It still amazes me how people havent seen to understand, that the character Homer Simpson was made to be a bad example. Not your idol..

Again... Wat? Whhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaat?
You know.. in hindsight, I'd say with all things considered Homer Simpson is far more successful in his life than the average person today. Think about it...