Suspension settings backwards or not --- Common test

  • Thread starter Sail IC
Sail, I love what you have got going here. I myself have a test thread open right now that seems a little more organized. ;) I am currently testing right now, but if you wanna check it out and do a little testing for the community that would be great. Here is the link:

Then I will browse through people's results and feedback, and methodically improve our testing from there. Then we will have a conclusion if we get enough testers.
I think the JGTC gtr is a great choice, they handle very well right out of the box. Very stable and very predictable witch is a good thing for a test like this if you ask me. Im not sure why some people are saying there to powerful with hard racing tires they drive very well and with softs there about impossible to spin out.
let's se if we can make it completely neutral through the corner as a first step.
Cool, once you've posted your changed setting to reduce understeer (a single change eg stiffer front or rear anti-roll would be the best example IMHO), I'll try the same thing then we can compare notes.
Lets see if we can moce forward with this test.

First we need to decide on a car. I tested a few cars suggested earlier and some other that I had. No surprised, most cars have strong understeer offline which I think is not suitable for this test. There are only two cars that I tested that display a reasonable neutral handling, the GT500 GT-R and the Honda S2000. It has been voiced that the GT-R is too high power for such a test. I personally think that the S2000 is too sluggish with stock power. I'm not used to drive such slow cars.

Let me make following proposal. We use the Honda S2000 and use the high RPM turbo. Given the higher power, I think we should upgrade the tires to Sports Hard (comfort soft standard). It still handles fairly neutral, and maintain its 50/50 weight distribution

If we can agree on this car, the next step would be to finetune the stock set-up and make it as neutral as possible. All the suspension settings should be as close to the middle setting as possible so there is good room to modify it and create set-up that should over- or under-steer.

The neutral set-up should be the "reference set-up". Then I suggest we should develop two tunes that we by the book tuning should oversteer, and two that should understeer.

We publish the reference tune and the four other tunes, encurrage people to test them and report their findings.

I think we should make the test as simple as possible. That's why I recommend we should only use one car and only five tunes to test.

Make sense ?

I will get going on a neutral reference tune. It would be great if others could have a stab at it too.

Actually that was pretty much my proposition, Highlandor's maniacal, nonsensical ravings aside. We start with a tune that's balanced, make the adjustments that you want to test, and compare lap times along with our subjective assessments of how the car feels and how it drives. Lap times should be tested for consistency as well as all out speed.

I could be wrong but I believe the tune to start with is not neutral in settings, but neutral in handling. Set the car up so it doesn't over or understeer too much and then make your adjustments. If neutral suspension settings accomplish this then that's great. If not, you could tweak it so the car feels neutral and then make the test adjustments from there.